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Posts posted by LukeFRC

  1. it seems to me that some point back when the punk stuff (quite rightly) threw out all the crap of prog and older rock to simplify it down.
    Thats cool, cos if you know how to do something not doing it makes a point.
    But then the guys who learn off you never learn the things you're not doing.
    So popular music becomes slowly dumbed down.

    add to that the instant nature of our culture then sitting inside practicing scales and learning theory is a bit odd. why you can be a rock star now! so agian it gets a bit dumber.
    When i first started playing bass, I also worked at a lot of the big gigs in edinburgh for one of the big scottish promotions companies. Mostly indie bands, honestly I strugled to see most them doing stuff i couldnt do after only a year of teaching myself my first instrument.

    case in point is that the really really good musicians in the popular genres really really stand out. Go watch yeah yeah yeahs on later on the iplayer, whatever your opinion of the music I havnt seen a drummer that good in years.

  2. i also play quite hard with my right hand.
    Try heavier strings, they wont move as much. Raise the action and lower the pups.

    Turn the amp up a wee but and also listen to how varience of force and angle you dig in with can vary the 'feel' of the note, play around with stuff you can do more than with a pick.

  3. I have a 91 ss1, wasn't getting on with the sound of it.
    think it may be more my amp though (H&K quantum 600) todays finding was the mid boost button (for a classic soul sound) which boosts the low mids does nothing for my P bass BUT gives me the sound I was looking for on the warwick.


  4. dont think so russ, the headstock on the maison looks wider and the upper horn fatter.
    i think it looks a lot like this
    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44886&hl=bass+collection"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44886&hl=bass+collection ://http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?sho...ass+collection [/url]

  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='437109' date='Mar 17 2009, 12:21 PM']In the current music scene I can't see a lot of movement away from the vintage Fender market myself. I'm not aware of anything contemporary and distinctive which is drawing most teenage bass players away from that. Warwick was about as close as it got, in my view. But I'm sure there are some teen bassists on the forum who could describe what they think they'd like to own 20 years from now?[/quote]

    The style of music and the instruments used are linked, a hundred years ago it was all about the brass instuments in big bands and stuff, now its all about the guitar in rock.
    As music changes then so too will the instruments. So in 20 years time if you want to play late 20th century rock numbers like lots of you guys in cover bands 9 times out of ten a Fender bass or something will be best as it works the best for that.

    I wonder what will happen in 20 years.
    The opening of accessibility and instantness of life I think will work against the practice needed to learn an(y) instrument, i would expect to see bass guitars replaced with synths and keyboards.
    The backlash against this will be a return to skill of playing being valued. However will the electric bass by then not be seen as an antiquated part of the old style of 'rock'? Will folk play the violin instead? Who knows?

    Warwick Thumb
    and some status
    its just as hard to think of many iconic classics made in the last 20 years yet alone outside the US. I was expecting more from the far east, I suppose that generic Ibanez rock look they have is quite classic to me (and makes me reach for a P bass every time!)

  6. [quote name='Eight' post='399425' date='Feb 3 2009, 09:27 PM']Ah cool. You're going to tell me its not a very good bass? In fact, if you can tell me that it makes trumpet noises when plugged in then that will really help me out.

    You know, I'm not a superficial person; and I've been taking my time to find the right bass to upgrade to....

    ...but yeah, I am pretty f**king excited about those bats. :)[/quote]

    dont knock the trumpet noises, thats how flea started!

  7. see I was intreagued and went and had a look at your myspace.
    the music's nae bad.

    The wee profile pics down the side of your page are great.
    The ones youve stuck here I dont like as much.
    The wee ones show you in your gear playing live, it looks natural and fun.
    The big one manages to bleach out all the colour of your singer. Compare her in red on a dk background to white on white.
    Also where you have tried to get away from a live shot it just seems like a live shot on a white background. Whats the concept.
    The cards and jigsaw pieces look odd, my guess is that at least some of them are photoshoped in.

    Also were they 2 separate photos stitched together? My guess is if the singer is standing where shes supposed to be you are a floating giant with an amp levitating a foot off the floor.... I may be wrong here though

  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='430096' date='Mar 10 2009, 08:14 AM']It's a minor thing I suppose but really a big Co. like Line 6 should check their facts...

    I have a Variax 700 bass which has been sidelined for so long that I'd forgotten what all of the sounds are modelled on so I decided to check their on-line manual. As I browsed through I came to the 'Modern' setting, one of which is the Warwick Thumb; dear me... why then have a picture of a Warwick Corvette? As I say not the end of the world and I'm not losing sleep over it but someone, somewhere wants their backside kicking. :)

    Anybody else ever found a manufacturers c*ck up?[/quote]

    ah now i understand why you were selling your JD thumb a while back. you have one in the variax!

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