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Posts posted by LukeFRC

  1. On the flip side, I've played the bass fingerstyle for 5 years, for some reason the right hand and its rhythm came naturally to me.
    Trying to learn the acoustic guitar and this strumming thing is hard! Sometimes you have to move your hand even though you arn't going to play anything then play a upstroke.... silly strumming patterns!

    Bass makes much more sense, if you want a sound, move a finger, you want lots of sounds and a rhythm make your 3 fingers do a wee dance.

  2. [quote name='Shockwave' post='360370' date='Dec 21 2008, 06:03 PM']I would really like some tutoring in bassing in Bristol please! Need help on my three finger technique, And Slapping. Its hard to find someone to teach me Technical bass!

    Let me know if anyone here can do that!

    Cheers. -Rob.[/quote]

    if you mean 3 finger technique on the right hand you could try it the way I did it.
    Do something else with something sharp, cooking, woodwork, metal work whatever.
    slip and stick sharp thing hard into end of your first finger.
    big plaster to stop blood.
    go home forget the wound and pick up bass, i found my self naturally using my 2nd and 3rd fingers!

  3. [quote name='AM1' post='361498' date='Dec 22 2008, 10:25 PM']When everyone complained about the Bass Merchant, they did not make ambiguous complaints with no basis. They made categorical statements with substantive issues detailed, i.e. lazy shop staff, not being allowed to try basses, etc etc.[/quote]

    I think it was "the bass cellar" in London folk were making coments about, "the bass merchant" is in colchester essex. It used to be run by a man called Mike and now a freindly guy called darren. and Ive not hear anything bad about them.

    Mike sold me a amp he had way below the trade price, so kudos to them.

  4. Today i went looking at acoustic guitars. I don't play but want to learn, i know a wee bit about them and playing bass and doing PA stuff for years im not an idiot when it comes to music or indeed a knowledge of guitars. (just not playing them yet) In reality I will probably buy secondhand but want to see what else is out there. i.e. if they stick something good in my hands and want to they are haghly likely to sell me a guitar.

    So im in a small market town in the south east of england. There are 2 music shops, i .
    Enter shop one. Explain what i want, older woman starts to help me then realises I possibly know more than her, sends for the specialist. He comes over talk to him, tell him what im looking for, he asks lots of questions, he sugests i try a few. He graps a couple in a slightly higher price range saying "we will probably be able to make this fit into your price range". Taken through to the back of the shop so there is somewhere quiet to play. And he stands there and sdoesnt pressure me. Excelent. Tell them i want to see what the other (bigger) shop has.

    Enter shop 2. Wander around, eventually go up the counter and tell them what i want. He asks me if i play. I say no but play bass (ie have some knowledge of stringed instruments. He is bored. Shows me round the shops picking up guitars in the pricerange, picks them up tells me something jargonlike and plays a bit for me to watch (?) we go around the whole shop him picking up stuff and playing it. (actually only Godin and cort's various brands, not the yamahas wierd) at the end he looks at me, i ask "can i play the XXXX he looks at me strange and goes away comes back with it and one i had already said i wasnt interested in. Leaves with them and dissapears. I play as much as i can. look around. no sign of him. put them down and wander out.

    One would get my money no problem, the other no chance!

    (the second shop is the same one who asked me and a friend to leave years ago as we were wondering out loud in front of them why the "Fender custom shop" had got the body shape slightly out of proportion on such an expansive guitar. and why they had forgotten to put the fender logo on untill after the laquer....)

  5. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='360625' date='Dec 21 2008, 11:58 PM']Sorry to be pedantic, but wasn't it Lionel Richie who told that story on Top Gear?

    I know it doesn't make much difference to the story, but..

    EDIT: Beat me to it ARGH! Aaarggh![/quote]

    Wycliff has 50 bentlys (in the west indies)

    but it doesnt matter

  6. the strings did sound different. I think that the fender P's just edged out the Squiers. I wonder what model Jap ones they were though as this would affect what pups they had in them. The fender just seemed to have more in the low end, which is what i would want on a P bass.
    In a straight fight i thought the squire Jazz sounded better than the USA CS one! I think once the strings wore in a bit it would be even better!

  7. My old band were booked once at somewhat late notice (like a month in advance) to headline King Tuts in glasgow.
    Turned up and were told that apparently whoever had sold the most tickets headlined. She asked us how many we had sold and we just looked at her funny with a "umm we are from edinburgh, we played inverness last night and are tired, what are you talking about, you never gave us tickets to sell" I think as we had played inverness the night before she beleived us and we looked 'for real' so we got to play last.
    It was the 2nd or 3rd best gig ive ever played. If i never find another band that does so well ill be happy. :)
    promoters can be idiots though.
    We tended to get good deals mind. "we will pay you £x if you will play, yes or no?"
    The worst two were where the promoter had found us to support another similar (but way better) style band, we turn up to find we are first followed by two of glasgows dullist wesoundlikeourherosandhavenoimagination bands. Not great. Or the under18s night with glasvegas where they stick some school band who's original songs all tended to be exactly the same as other famous songs with different words. We were not happy.

  8. this made me smile.
    when i saw them for sale my thought was:
    "i know someone who is looking for one of them, Ill tell him, he wont be interested as I can not for the life of me imagine why/how that would be so much better than the Streamer he sold me 6 months ago."

    :) at least this one isn't blue so folk will buy it!

  9. [quote name='guzzibass' post='356363' date='Dec 16 2008, 08:45 PM']I may have to sell my 1987 Takamine EN10 if anyone is interested. Solid cedar top, Mahogany back and sides. Sounds great, some play-wear around the sound hole and the dual pickguards added some time ago prior to my owning it. Original hardshell case included.

    Looking for around £325


    hey. may be interested.... going to be down in essex from the 20th so will know after then.

  10. see if you had bought that blue one that seans hopefully getting instead you could have posted this 6 months ago driven up to edinburgh to collect it and then added it to a large collection of spectors.... it would have been like my warwick... but backwards!!!! argh parallel dimension bass chat. Good to see your add though spectorhunt

  11. heads up that RDM also have a USA spector 5 string in natural. i think it was about £1000 or just over.

    sean i wouldnt worry too much. Everything will sort itself out, they are a good company in an established base, not some scamming student from brighton/birmingham.

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