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Everything posted by NowVertical

  1. So the panedemic took its toll on a originals band I joined. One of the most exciting lead guitarists I have played with in a long time, a rhytm guitarist that genuninely locked in, great percussionist and a drummer that was begiining to handle 5/4, 7/8, 9/8 but eventually was the one that I fell out with. In hindsight I could of handled it better. Anyway this track is not how the above actually sounded at all. This is just something I have put together myself over the last month to keep myself occupied. Only 2mins 47secs if you have the time to give it a whirl.
  2. OK disclaimer I am not a rock/metalhead and get tickets cheap through a festival trader friend of mine but got back yesterday from my third download that I go to in order to meet up with two very old school friends, one of which is a complete metalhead. [b]Weather -[/b] it was not glorious but compared to previous downloads I have attended it was like being in the tropics and as a result the 4 days of camping was actually fun rather than just a necessary evil. Actually the download fest goers are great fun (one of the reasons I am persuaded to go back) and so even in the mud there is still a party atmosphere. [b]Live mix -[/b] Never enjoyed the sound at download (I usually end up calling it the festival of the kick drum) but this may be a taste thing thing as it appears when I talk to others in attendance they do not seem to see the issue, so perhaps the genre expects/demands a heavy kick drum bias. I.e The mix for system of a down, which I though was reasonable, shows the rig is capable of more clarity. Even the smaller stages (large tents) had a heavy kick drum bias where the engineers are not fighting the elements (i.e. no wind issues etc) so again suggests that sound is desired. [b]The line up -[/b] [b]Biggest surprise[/b] for me were Mastadon who I did not expect to enjoy more than the standard fare. I had intended to see the beginning of their set and then head over to watch Suicidal Tendencies. Instead (despite of the sound) I watched the entire set and think the arrangement quirks would have held them in good stead at an All Tomorrows Parties festival, great stuff and I will try and catch these guys in their own right. [b]New Find - [/b]Idles - shame about the kick heavy mix but still enjoyed enough to be looking into their music. [b]Best of the rest -[/b] System of a down Suicidal Tendencies (only caught the later part but reliable as always) Slayer Tax The Heat Prophets of Rage [b]Worst Moment[/b] The mainstage line-up on sunday was always going to problematic for me but Steel Panther was painful. I have seen them before and I did laugh (as is the intention) but the show has not really not moved on, the humour seems even more out of date, bordering on distasteful. I put them in a place similar to how Benny Hill fell from glory. [b]Will I go again[/b] Probably a year off before I can be persuaded and it will be line up dependent but yes.
  3. Unless something else comes along before hand it will be The Bad Plus at Ronnie Scotts in July. My lovely partner took me to see them at Ronnie's a good few years back for a surprise birthday treat. They were fantastic but she had not factored in the rather spontaneous set times at the venue and we had to leave to catch the last train just as they were starting up the second set. Have factored in a taxi ride into the budget this time around!
  4. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1476023595' post='3150495'] In the first post you had it tracking with no perceived latency, then in the next you'd conceded that blending in your dry signal glossed over the latency, but you still found it to be very consistent, then finally you've said it misbehaves occasionally. Glad I didn't rush out and buy an RME interface... [/quote] Fair comment, albeit very un-friendly in tone. I was going to justify that my posts kept track of my findings over time and perhaps go on to update how I get on with the new tool. However, it is apparent that I am too sensitive for these forums, can't review for toffee and so will retreat back to making music rather than trying to discuss it. Cheers
  5. OK so exciting times. Picking up a Barefaced Big Twin II tomorrow and if the trial works well will be selling my lovely (but heavy) EBS Prolines 410 and 115 in November that I have been using for the last 7 years. The barefaced will have a lot to live up to, but I am hoping for my backs sake and for the full range synth/sample sounds that it works out well. I still love the Jam Origin Midi Bass software and still thoroughly recommend it as a cheap way of testing the midi bass world. However, the fact it is monophonic and does seem to misbehave occasionally is a bit of a barrier to more than just using sounds in the background blended with the natural bass. I have a learnt a lot in the process and will still use it at home. I have just purchased something from the basses for sale forum that I hope will open up a whole new world of midi. As a result I will need to sell some basses and probably arms and legs but I am sure it was the right decision. I have used a EBS TD650 (now getting repaired) for the last 7 years and have loved it, but some reoccurring faults and finally a dead DI output forced me to purchase a GK MB Fusion 800 to cover some gigs in the last few months. To start with I was not sure, there was something missing, the immediacy of the TD650 was not there. However, I realised the sound of the GK was not worse, just different, and now I am actually really enjoying the GK and band members/audiences have had good things to say. There may be something in the lack of heft for these small heads but once your ears adjust it is not all bad and given time I think the GK is looking like a keeper. OK so not really about effects but it seemed appropriate to follow on from previous post.
  6. Well I suppose it is horses for courses: "It's quite quick sometimes but 'sometimes' doesn't really do the job." I am quite surprised by your comments as I have found it to be very consistent and I suppose because I mainly use a blended signal when playing lower down the neck the attack of my dry signal glosses over any increased latency. Although having said that I am generally a finger funk sort of guy and I really do not find the latency impacts my feel at all. I have played bass for 30+ years and been a Cubase and Ableton user since the early days and find this rig brings together both interests in a live context. As stated in my opening post I have nothing to gain by bringing attention to this software, it is working for me and if you are interested in this sort of set up I think it is worth trying the demo to find out whether your hardware can provide the playability that I feel I am getting. I used the demo for several days and was so persuaded that I paid the money and have not had regrets since + you get access to the vst plugin (can be added as an insert in a audio channel) and if like me you dabble in those six string things the guitar version comes as part of the deal. I am persuaded. However, it might be helpful for others looking in to this subject if anyone else who actually trials this leave comments of their experience, perhaps giving an idea of the hardware they were using. My hardware: RME UCX Laptop Dell XPS 9550 i7
  7. Not been on Basschat for a very long time but recent research into a new amp and cab has led me this way again. The need for a new amp/cab combination has been driven by the following software [url="http://www.jamorigin.com/products/midi-bass/"]http://www.jamorigin...ucts/midi-bass/[/url] It is only in beta and is not polyphonic but has changed the musical landscape for me having been a very traditional no effects sort of guy. It converts your audio signal into midi in realtime. So my set up is as follows: Bass > RME UCX > Laptop > RME UCX > Amp Ableton Set up: 1 audio channel with the midi bass plugin inserted converting my live bass feed into midi As many midi channels as you want with inserted virtual instruments using the midi output from the midi bass plugin inserted o the audio channel.. Each of these channels can be pitch shifted i.e. one synth running at -12 one +12 etc Roland fc-300 midi foot controller: Expression pedal 1 assigned as cross fader between dry and synth outputs. Expression pedal 2 assigned to Filter cut off of all synths I use the other pedals to enable/disable the midi channels/vsti i.e can have one or multiple synths running at the same time. I have a pretty powerful laptop and decent audio interface so others may not be so lucky...but this thing tracks with no perceivable latency! Only been experimenting with this set up for a month at rehearsals for a new band but the potential is awesome. This set up also allows me to add effects to my dry signal. If you like your electronic music and have the kit then I thoroughly recommend giving the demo a try. It could save you a lot of money in hardware pedals if you are not a purist! Now I just need to find a full range, flat response cab for this new setup that can still suit my other bands that prefer my more no effects traditional fretless with flats approach. I have nothing to do with the company just trying to give something back the basschat community.
  8. Great stuff. Not suggesting you guys sound similar the same but have you come accross Men Imitating Machines:
  9. These bassplayers were a genuine influence to my early playing days: Tina Weymouth - Yeah I know already mentioned Kim Deal - Yeah I know already mentioned Leslie Langston - Still playing today but I was influenced by her work with The Throwing Muses (on the House Tornado album in particular) and The Wolfgang Press (the Queer album).
  10. I know the thread is about the service but I just gotta say that my contra II is probably my most useful bit of kit. Originally brought for my db I have now had it 6 years or so and it is great for small rehearsals/gigs on my electric basses as well. It is compact enough that I can walk to local rehearsals but still sounds absolutely fantastic once you get used to adjusting it for different rooms/basses. It has never let me down despite having been used at least 4 times a week and chucked about whilst walking/in the back of the car without a proper carry case. Amazing bit of kit the only down side being if your rehearsal space has non resonate floors (i.e.concrete) as the down firing woofer can then not do its stuff. If it were lost/stolen would I buy another...without hesitation as I would be lost without it. So it appears great service and great products!!
  11. First Bass Owned: Kay P Bass Copy 'Go To' Bass: KSD Proto J 70's 4 String Jazz 'Your' Bass: Fretless P Bass modified with jazz pick-up
  12. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1158980' date='Mar 12 2011, 08:48 AM']Loved the first clip - very satriani, beck, bruce sounding. What gear were you using for it. Nice sound. 2nd clip looks like a good night was had and the mistake wasn't that bad - honest !!!. On the night, after a few beers it was probably just the band that noticed. LOL !!! Cheers Dave [/quote] Thanks Dave...1st clip was my old ksd proto-J 5 string with the EBS circuit through a Warwick Profet head (provided by the main band so I do not know the model). To be honest what the camera mic is picking up is the foh sound so I would think the direct output from the head had very little colouration and what we are hearing is pretty much just the bass...Can't recommend KSD highly enough for a budget concious way of getting your hands on great playability and reasonable tone. As for the second clip...as you say it was pretty much just the band that would have noticed...apparently according to the audience we were really tight .
  13. Me from a few years back in a very rare rock excursion... And last year after far too many beers. The party was for a close friend who preferred the band to have a good time rather than being our usual professional selves. All it took was a couple of mistakes by me at 3.32 and the whole band is suddenly looking around at each other with those eyes saying "how we gonna get out of this one".
  14. [quote]I liked that vid[/quote] Cheers...always a bit concerned about my involuntary head movements. [quote]Out of interest, were you in the original M R line up?[/quote] Nope...I am getting on a bit...but not quite from that era. It was a fun year and a bit with them, got to do a bit of travel (Singapore) and played my largest gig to date (opening up at Retrofest...forget the thrill of playing to a big crowd, I was just so chuffed with the onstage monitoring...massive slabs, great engineer, Ampeg SVT with 8x10 behind me!!. Eventually though I handed my notice in becuase the music (don't get me wrong they are great happy pop tunes!!) was just not my bag, I have a slightly more miserable/cynical outlook:lol:
  15. KSD Proto J 605 5 String for trade Tobacco Sunburst Finish over Alder Body Maple Neck w/ Rosewood Fingerboard & Dot Markers EBS Active Circuit (fitted by Bernie Goodfellow) 35" Fretted Neck Pictures now attached. Basically I used this for two years and whilst I love the feel of it the EBS active never really worked to my ears through my EBS rig...just a bit too much EBS going on. I now have another 5 string fretted and I love my current fretless 4 so much that there is no point defretting the KSD and so it is just not going to get used. The bass sounded great through other rigs and presented a great foh sound (check it out [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSQlG27CtgY&feature=related"]here[/url] a very rare rock excursion for me). Trade wise I am reasonably open to any 4 string passive (or active with a passive switch) but ideally looking for something with a PJ configuration, precision(ish) neck profile and have a preference for natural in fact [url="http://www.music-trade.co.jp/Bass_80021059carte.html"]this[/url] with a J pickup would be the daddy. However, if you fancy this bass and have any four string to trade try me (cash my way or your way always an option). To be honest it would be great if any 4 string KSD (non-ebs circuit) owners, who obviously will not need to be persuaded of the quality of these basses, just want to do a straight swap. I am really into my finger funk at the mo and have been hankering after a traditional sounding 4 string for a while. Might also be open to cash if you are the market for a decent five stringer... Based in Dorking Surrey if you wanted to try it before committing. Cheers NV
  16. Fraid not, the mate who wanted it upped his offer quite quickly when he saw how much interest I was getting. Post selling...I stick by what I said...I found the pre amp to be a bit of a one trick pony...but it was a very impressive pony!! and the playability for a six string was superb...the neck profile was so up my street! I still get to play it on the odd occasion I go to my mates studio and sometimes wonder why I sold it. Well worth trying one if you are in the market for a 6 string...I think for this price range you can't go wrong. [quote name='isbass' post='500431' date='May 28 2009, 11:41 PM']Hi is this baby still for sale? Cheers, Mike[/quote]
  17. Just got to big this venue up. For musicians - Superb place grand piano/nice size stage/great monitoring/great engineer and he was just standing in...2 sets containing 5 bands doing two songs in each...recipe for disaster we thought...nope seemless!!!Lovely people. For Audience - Great decor/lovely vibe/spacious/great music This place deserves to be packed. Don't think this is one for you rockers (hey I'm one too everyother band) out there...smooth but not cheesy. Just think a venue should get praise when due!! [url="http://www.myspace.com/thehalobar"]The Halo Bar[/url]
  18. One of my originals bands [url="http://www.myspace.com/groovesonic"]GrooveSonic[/url] has a support slot at The Halo. Here is what the venue has to say about the evening...looks to be an interesting night: The HALO, PRS Best live Music Bar of the year 2008 presents JAZZ IN SPIRIT in Battersea Hosted by the sublime vocalist Tracey Campbell and featuring Paolo Bottomley (Yamaha outstanding Jazz musician of the year 2007+ Rodrigo Lampreia (Brazilian singer/songwriter)+Sirena Riley w. Tom Donald(piano)+ Wesley Joseph Trio w Emmanuel Ephram(bass) + Simon Taylor(sax)+ Groovsonic Wednesday May 6th free B4 7.30pm + Musician’s Union cardholders! Adm. £8.00 (Concession: £5.00 txt name(s) to 07943347886. Cheers Jem [url="http://www.myspace.com/jemclark"]Jem Clark[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/groovesonic"]GrooveSonic[/url]
  19. PM'd just in case still available.
  20. Hi Guys, Recently replaced the two volume pots on my battered old fretless P + J (it is now apparent that the P output was previously extremely weak) and was having a blast until...the tone pot seemed to seize. So any recoomendations on a tone pot replacement, do I just go for a standard: Fender 250k Solid Shaft Potentiometer Genuine CTS Potentiometer Fender 500kSolid Shaft Potentiometer Genuine CTS Potentiometer or the DiMarzio equivalents or any other recomendations for configurations i.e Tone Vol per pick up set. I was very happy with the sound already but if she has any more variations to give I'll accept them! Thanks NV Pic attached to give some context
  21. After sorting out my amplification and fretted 5 string needs over the last 2 years (now VERY happy in that department) this year is going to be sorting out my 5 string fretless needs and a few effects so: 5 String fretless - get a defret of my mainly redundant KSD 5 or sell and put what little cash I get back towards a fretless 5 more in keeping with the feel of my main 5 string. SYB-5 and expression pedal - having spent at least three hours playing with this pedal (thanks to Andertons in Guildford) I love it. Not very practical in a live situation to change sounds as small tweaks of the knobs can make significant differences in sounds and tracking (bare with me for a few minutes audience, I just have to check my settings diagrams for this track and tweak it a bit) but in the price range I am concentrating on it really will suit my needs. EBS Chorus pedal - I have a/b'd this with several other makes (boss/electro harmonix/various multi effects etc) and it wins hands down and as this will probably get used more than any other effect I am willing to pay the extra bucks and will hopefully pick one up secondhand to go gentle on the bank account. I am sure there are other pedals out there that can compete but I could not a/b them or get hold of them easily to try. Envelope Follower - still researching options. Korg DTR 1000 - About time considering how often I am gigging these days. Line 6 M13 - OK this is not needed so this is severe gas rather than practical but I tried one on Saturday and despite previously not liking line 6 gear (I have tried and then sold on several pods in the past) I was seriously impressed with the quality of the effects and how user intuitive the unit was...and the looper is pretty damn good. Seriously give one a go if your in the looper marker and want to be able to mix in effects (the looper works pre or post effects) easily.
  22. Cancelled due to illness.
  23. [quote name='Merton' post='350429' date='Dec 10 2008, 09:54 AM']We'll be there again! Hooray! May only manage first set depending on how Nic's feeling tho (5 months in and all)...[/quote] Excellent, one set or not your attendance is much appreciated. We have 4 new tracks since the last time you came and have swapped the sets (to keep it a bit fresh for us) so you will see the 2nd set you did not catch last time. Err...5 months, I have very limited experience in these matters but 5 months sounds pretty scary and therefore I think 1 set is almost above the call of duty, hats off to you both, me and Neil really appreciate your support. It should be a good night, audience numbers should be high enough to give a good vibe and we have been working hard in rehearsals. Your build diary seems to have gone a bit quiet...what's the story? See ya Sunday
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