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Everything posted by NowVertical

  1. Hi All, The last in a run of monthly gigs at a venue that seems to have taken a shine to my originals band: GrooveSonic - A 6 peice playing an eclectic original mix of Indie, Funk, Breaks, Jazz and Latin. Venue - The Priory, Bell St, Reigate, RH2 7AN Date - Sunday 14th December Time - 20:30 - 22:30 Entry - Free [url="http://www.myspace.com/groovesonic"]GrooveSonic MySpace Site[/url] Be good to see you. Cheers Jem [url="http://www.myspace.com/jemclark"]NV's MySpace Site[/url]
  2. [quote name='Merton' post='315531' date='Oct 27 2008, 08:26 AM']Bugger, this time I really DO have a band practice, would love to be able to come and stay for the whole set [/quote] No worries. We played well (in fact at long last gotta couple of tracks for myspace that really capture us live, just need to edit them etc at the weekend) but not much of an audience turn out despite our best efforts...ah well can't have it all. Hope your rehearsal went well. NV
  3. RAE Date: Tuesday 4th November Venue: Ronnie's Bar (upstairs at Ronnies Scott's), 47 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 4HT Entrance: Free before 9.00pm (£5 after 9.00pm) Set: 22:15 - 23.00 Stripped down Blues/R&B with funky undertones. 3 angelic voices that have got to be heard to be believed backed by sensitively played bass (I hope), guitar and drums. Cheers NV
  4. Another gig at the Priory
  5. Really appreciated you both taking the time to see us and glad you enjoyed the first set. We were pretty chuffed with our second GrooveSonic gig and the feedback we received even after our second slightly more experimental set was great. Now we just need to put the time in writing new material to replace some off those early tracks (when we were finding our feet) that are still in the set and further polishing/tightening up of the rest. It is great band but most importantly from my perspective Wayne the drummer is not only a pleasure to work with musically (he actually listens and is always challenging by trying new little touches; but not at the expense of the track) but really easy to get along with...basically a perfect partner in crime. I recorded the gig using a pmz hanging from the ceiling into my little H4 recorder and even though the overall mix is overly compressed, my rig and Rumour combination is sounding sweet...in fact this bass just grows and grows on me. Glad you noticed the P fretless (although it has a J as well which to be honest is what I mainly use and play over)..it is such a mongrel (is it really from 62'?, then why is the body so small...who knows and who cares) but anyone even remotely capable of noticing bass tone usually comments. I am tempted to get it fretted cause I think it would make a perfect 60/70's sounding funk bass...thing is I risk ruining something that is already pretty special. Anyway enough rambling...cheers for coming and rest assured if your playing anywhere local I'll come and keep Neil company. Cheers NV
  6. Only managed to stay a couple of hours but enjoyed trying as many basses as I could. Luckily for me instead of more GAS it has made me feel even happier with my GB Rumour 5 (picked up two months ago). That is not to say there were not some fantastic basses there with some unique tones but I was content that the range of tones and playability from my rumour more than made made up for that occasional tone that it can not quite nail. However, I sort of feel that the rumour is capable of more it is just I have not quite worked out how to get the sound out with my fingers yet - 2 months is too short a period of time to really get to know a bass...for instance it took me about 9 months before I started to fully understand and love my old KSD 5 60's Jazz. Actually I lie...I did love trying Crazykiwi's Smith BSR5-GN fretless, incredibly playable and an incredible range of tones. It has made me reconsider defretting the KSD and instead selling it to put towards the cost of...well maybe a smith. Thanks to Nik & Martin (I'll see if I can spot your better half in the audience at my GrooveSonic gig tonight @ The Priory Bar and Cafe, Reigate) really appreciated the effort you went too. Oh yeah and thanks to anyone who let me try out there gear!! Cheers NV
  7. [quote name='Merton' post='289059' date='Sep 22 2008, 11:45 AM']Oooh - you got a guy called Neil on guitar? He's invited me down but have band practice [/quote] Shame...but it's good to know that it was the not the fact we got Neil in the band that put you off :-)
  8. Well this is a couple of me in slightly strange circumstances (1. a suit 2. on a stage big enough to move around on) a couple of weeks back. Whilst I do come from Surrey I would just like to point out I am not sticking my nose up at everybody in this shot, embarrassingly I was trying to keep my glasses on (I stepped on them the night before after a few drinks and they just would not get back into shape). [attachment=13774:Jem_Retr...30_08_08.jpg] [attachment=13775:Stage_Sh...30_08_08.jpg]
  9. GrooveSonic - A 6 peice playing an eclectic mix of Funk, Breaks, Jazz and Latin. Venue - The Priory, Bell St, Reigate, RH2 7AN Date - Sunday 2nd November Time - 20:30 - 22:30 Entry - Free Be great to see any basschatters on the night. Don't be shy to pop up and see me at half time (unless of course you have anything particularly harsh to say in which case save it until after the gig) if you are interested in my gear etc. Cheers
  10. Always wanted to go to a bass bash and now one appears pretty much on my doorstep! Excellent. 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, plus I'll be bringing my DBX MC 6 Compressor and probably a small rig including my SWR Triad 02. NowVertical: If anyone is interested I can bring my GB Rumour 5, KSD 60's Proto-J 5, Mongrel 62 Fender P (now fretless with a J added), Acoustic Image Contra II (great little amps). I could bring my EBS TD 650 with 4x10 and 1x15 but probably best not to for sensible volume purposes.
  11. Thanks for your comments so far...I intend to make the best of the one day off I have before the gig so I'll follow up on them.
  12. I have done a quick search of the forum to no avail. Got a last minute dep in Singapore (my first international dep) and wanted to know if anyone knew: 1. Where to shop in Singapore - Looking for cheap strings (DR Hi-Beams) and possibly a 4 string jazz. 2. Do you need MU membership to take a bass on as hand luggage on BA flights (I have heard conflicting stories) Would appreciate any guidance. Cheers Jem
  13. I handle four bands (a mixture of originals and cover bands) and the odd bit of depping (including a couple of gigs with Modern Romance, anyone remember them from the eighties?) and I still find myself being frustrated that I am not rehearsing enough or that all my musical interests are not being fully covered. However I have built these four up over a graduated period of 14 months: [b]Pros[/b] - My playing is improving by the month. - My network of contacts is increasing (I am now fortunate enough to know and be able to call on 5 excellent drummers - a bassists dream scenario). - I am happiest when I am playing (sorry for that comment to my long suffering partner) so I am happy more often. - Capable of turning my hand to a wider range of styles. - Wider range of influences - It gets easier to absorb/learn/develop new material - it seems my memory has just tuned into being able to store and recall at will. - Some great new friends [b]Cons[/b] - The busy weeks (especially if prolonged) can play hell with any other interests you may have and can be particularly unhealthy for relationships with non-musical partners/friends. - Tiredness, I like many of us have a day job and all those late night drives back from gigs/rehearsals can play havoc. The above are manageable to me but the biggest con in my mind is: If they all take off...Prioritising people! - I like all the people I play with (I would not do it otherwise) but some bands are just more musically where I want to concentrate on, so when conflicts occur it is all very well being objective (or is it just selfish?) about what is best for my bass playing, but hey these are people I know and respect and they should not belong on some pros and cons table. [b]Advice[/b] I think there is always room for more if: - You are playing with a range of bands with different levels of intentions (i.e. Fun through to “making it” - whatever that means). - You graduate the take on of longer term bands so that you have broken the back of the learning curve of one before picking up the next one. - You are upfront with them when you first discuss playing with them. ...With honesty and decent scheduling etc people might be inconvenienced occasionally but no one should get hurt. If on the other hand you play even just for two and both are putting their heart and soul solidly into that one project and you have not been upfront about where your priorities are...at some point you are going to have to make a decision that is gonna hurt/frustrate someone and that's just not cool...although some would say that's just business but I for one get enough of that mindset from my day job.
  14. Well a lot of my favourites have been covered so all I can do is +1 and then a few additions on the bottom. I have to say that a common thread amongst many of the players cited is that they were not traditional sounding players. The sound in some cases was as important as the note choices/technique, note choices changed (less melodic or more melodic as long as it was not the same old lines that we had all heard before) with less reliance on formal scales and perhaps regardless of the overall quality of the music from the eighties (don't flame me those were my formative years when almost every penny I spent was on vinyl so I do love the period) I think it generally blew the style of traditional bass playing apart. +1's [b]Paul Raven (Killing Joke)[/b] - What a contribution to one hell of an original sounding band, sometimes difficult for me to listen to them now but in weird sort of way I think the fact I got into funk music at a later stage in life was perhaps subliminally because of these guys. [b]Greg Norton (Husker Du) [/b]– Simple, melodic and solid, another solid contribution to an original sound from the eighties. [b]Bakithi Kumalo[/b] – Even though at the time post punk was my thing his sound was irresistible and Graceland ended up next to Plastic Surgery Disasters (Dead Kennnedys) in the record pile. [b]Derek Forbes[/b] – Genius from Real to Real Cacophony (aright 79 so I should not mention it) to Sparkle In the Rain [b]Andy Rourke[/b] – It really was not all about Morrisey and Marr, this guy pulled some lines! [b]JJ Burnell[/b] – Yep he was 70's origins (as surely were most of the players on the list whether they were famous or not at the time) as someone said earlier but his sound and note choices kept progressing so he is is just as valid in the eighties imho. [b]Paul Gray [/b]- “The Damned's Black Album from 1980 some outstanding bass riffs” yep + Billy Bad Breaks anyone? [b]Barry Adamson [/b]– Magazine - Superb player. Second Hand Daylight (and my favourite album) Play are 80's so perhaps he creeps in. [b]Tony Butler[/b] - Big Country what can I say, I did not really fully get into them but his playing was stand out to me so I ended up buying albums just to hear him. [b]Brian Ritchie [/b]– Violent Femmes – How many notes is acceptable on an acoustic bass within a bar? [b]Colin Moudling[/b] – XTC – Versatile player for a versatile (aright perhaps a bit quirky in places) band [b]Peter Hook[/b] - Joy Division/New Order – Great original style and sound. A few additions [b]Steve Hanley – The Fall[/b] - he had a groove all of his own. [b]Leslie Langston – Throwing Muses [/b](House Tornado) in particular. Loved her on Wolfgang Press's Queer album as well (mind that is 90's so I should not really mention it). [b]Kim Deal – Pixies[/b] – Awesome!! [b]Klaus Flouride – Dead Kennedy's[/b] - Great band with a grrreat bass player! Err...word of advice don't have to 2 pints of old thumper for lunch and then think, I know I'll go and add a short! note to that 80's bass player thread...it does not happen...apologies.
  15. [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='155015' date='Mar 11 2008, 12:07 AM']This still available?[/quote] Yep...been so busy lateley I have not really had the time to push it. PM replied
  16. Bump and a reminder that I am open to offers!
  17. [quote name='Welshbassist' post='133381' date='Feb 4 2008, 12:48 AM']I don't have the money right now, but I was wondering if you could use this to record, as in bass>pod>(audio interface?)>computer?[/quote] You certainly can, in fact if you use the usb connection and install the driver you could skip the (audio interface?) part of that chain.
  18. PM Replied
  19. Thanks for the comments...I know I could probably get more but I think the fretboard dink (whilst not impacting playability in the slightest) would cause a slow drawn out sale. Solid...yep sure is. Space 1999...ha....I almost laughed PM's replied to. Cheers
  20. PM replied
  21. Hi, I have not really posted since the changeover to Basschat until posting up some items for sale yesterday and feel I should contribute something rather than just trying to sell. So...there now follows some random bass related thoughts/opinions gathered from the last year or so. [b]Paraphrased pearls of wisdom[/b] (well they made me think differently about my playing): Kim Deal (The Pixies) - “Don’t get too involved” in reference to bassists covering Pixies songs and becoming to involved in the guitar lines rather than fulfilling the solid bass role that Ms Deal was famed for. Jaco Pastourius - “know what you are going to play before you put fingers to strings” in reference to not letting muscle memory and chance dictate your note choices/phrasing. Some bloke on bassworlds teacher - “when playing changes think about the notes in the line you are currently on in terms of leading to the next chord” Sounds simple and obvious but I really used to think about each bar in isolation and therefore on walking lines I always seemed to lurch through the changes, thinking this way has really smoothed over my walking lines. [b]6 String Basses[/b] Well it was fun owning one for noodling at home but I never really found a place in the mix for the high C. So after years of fatiguing my wrist on a wider neck, whilst playing most of my lines (drum & bass, dub and big bands) down the deep end, I realised that in my case six strings are not that practical as a one stop shop for regular gigging. The offending bass served me well but is currently in the process of being sold. I would buy another if a band I was regularly involved in left the space in a mix for me to utilise it, but until then it’s 5 strings or less. [b]5 String Basses[/b] The six string was my first departure from 4 stringers and completely sold me on the whole low b thing. The low B is no longer a novelty thumb rest it is fully integrated with my playing. It’s not just the ability to sink down into the lower registers to bring depth to a bands sound palette, it also opens more comfortable options higher up the neck. [b]34” or 35”[/b] They are just different animals. I definitely miss certain elements of the feel/sound of a 34” but am sold on the playability and sound of my 35” 5 stringer. If I had the money I would keep a 34” jazz in my arsenal, but I don’t so as I can only afford to keep one fretted it’s 35” all the way. I think the comments here [url="http://www.mpguitars.com/articles.html"]mpguitars[/url] (scroll down to the 34” 35” section) sum up the way I currently feel about the situation based on the few guitars of both types I have played. Whilst I am sure there are a few 35” players out there they insist there is no difference I.e. it is down to the quality of the build I really do advise anyone taking a scale length decision to do the research but more importantly play them back to back if possible to identify the difference for themselves. [b]Bands[/b] I used to only play in bands where the music was right up my street. As a result I did not to get to play alongside a band as often as I wanted. About two years ago I started to play with anyone who asked : Cons - Occasionally I want to tell the cool guy standing with his arms folded in dissent of having to put with yet another mainstream cover version that it is really not my thing either and that really I love jazz, funk, reggae etc etc. Pros More gigs, more rehearsals and more experience!!! Taking you out of your comfort zone and making you think about the role of the bass in a given context. More contacts - Not surprisingly there are drummers/guitarists/vocalists/brass sections doing exactly the same thing. Opening your mind to appreciate music that perhaps you had disregarded in haste. I think that’s long winded enough for now. Thanks to all the posters out there who have inspired and informed me over the last year or two. Cheers Jem
  22. My second ever bass has really just been gathering dust for the last 4 years and so it is time to offer it on as a starter or backup 4 stringer. [attachment=5398:Peavey_F...on_Front.jpg] [attachment=5399:Peavey_F...ion_Back.jpg] Passive with a strong output and pleasing tone. Pretty scratched up condition wise, two knobs missing (but easily replaced) and in need of a set up but still a solid bass with plenty of life in it. It will come stringed but I am just in the process of trying roundwounds on my primary fretless (I think I will be going back to flats quite soon) so it is temporarily unstringed. Price wise...well it would have to be more than just drinks money (otherwise I might end up keeping it for nostalgia) so offers in the region of £50.00. Cheers Jem PM me for contact details, quite happy to chat it through arrange a demo etc
  23. I have owned this bass for approx 13 years, but have not really played it for the last five except on the odd occasion. It has a few dings (one on the fretboard) but it really does not affect playability. It was an excellent bass to introduce me to fretless techniques and work out whether I could handle it. It was my only fretless up until five years ago when I acquired a fender P+J and then 3 years ago a double bass, so it really sold on the world of fretless playing. [attachment=5396:Westone_...1A_Front.jpg] [attachment=5397:Westone_..._1A_Back.jpg] I would rather a pick up (based near Dorking Surrey) so you get the opportunity to play it but will consider posting (approx +-£20). Price, well given the condition I would be looking for offers towards £90.00 and I believe this represents good value for someone wanting to try their hand with a fretless. I have put two live trio recordings from 1999 on [url="http://myspace.com/JemClark"]MySpace[/url]* where I used the bass. It was just done in a small rehearsal room straight to desk although someone obviously treated it with a little too much reverb and a touch of compression, but it should give an idea of the strong output and solid tone. The tracks are "Tom Time" and "Jazz". Please forgive the intonation and the pretentious of calling “Jazz” Jazz when it clearly is not. Cheers Jem Please PM for contact details if you to chat over the bass. *Yeah I know I need to tidy up my myspace page to make it a bit more professional and up to date...I'll get there one day.
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