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Everything posted by leroybasslines

  1. BTW, I'd [i]seriously[/i] consider a swap with this bass for a Phil Jones 4B or 6 or 8 or lots of Bs cab to run off my Suitcase. Spread the word...
  2. Hmmmm...I'm trying to tone down the collection, but I'm always interested in potential GAS medicinal swaps. What do you have in mind?
  3. [quote name='Stuee' post='1100157' date='Jan 23 2011, 09:32 PM']Oops, you're quite right Liam. My netbook has a hair trigger touchpad and I must've clicked on a 'related' video as I scrolled the page. Sorry. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa9RgzpEtMg"]This[/url] is the video I saw... quite different!! Your bass and your playing are much nicer than Random Dude's (sorry Random Dude) hehe Cheers, Stuee.[/quote] Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Thanks: I'm glad to be compared favourably to Random Dude. Although I spend more time doing a sales blah than actually playing! Random dude has the look of a guitar player about him if you ask me. You can tell: it's all a bit loose and wooly...he needs to start obsessing about being in the pocket and becoming one with a drummer's right foot and listening to nothing other than rhythm sections for a couple of decades! It's the only way. No offence Adam Ef! I seem to remember you declaring your six string tendencies early on. It's not to late to turn from your sin...we can make a man of you!
  4. [quote name='Adam Ef' post='1100112' date='Jan 23 2011, 09:01 PM']and now it's showing up on my recently viewed items every time I got to ebay to check the things I'm selling to raise money... tempting me to spend more than my sales are raising! Must resist.[/quote] Dude, I'm sorry! Didn't mean to put you in the path of temptation. It's rubbish. Terrible. An unplayable heap of junk. Like all the other beautiful Stingrays. Honest... Seriously though, a chap has kind of made a tentative offer and is sleeping on it before deciding for definite. So your ordeal may soon be over I'm afraid...unless you sell a lot of stuff tonight! Good luck sleeping...
  5. [quote name='Stuee' post='1099762' date='Jan 23 2011, 04:05 PM']But Liam, what's up with the YouTube clip on your listing? It's a totally different instrument ??[/quote] Blimey! You scared me then, but I checked and the video clip linked from there is the very same black, black rosewood MM in the auction. Which is handy. I'm selling a couple of me basses at the mo and I thought I'd linked to the wrong ones...that would be very bad! What instrument did you see? Or was it a mirage... I'm liking the west country nature of this little discussion. Liam
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1099926' date='Jan 23 2011, 06:30 PM']They don't come any cooler looking than this "Flea" black,black and rosewood! Love it.[/quote] Oh yes! It's a beaut alright! Here he is: [url="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtty_CysoMGQfj38QoDaTLt6MxBogBc8cAhCTSNkHdx_FlQiNd&t=1"]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ..._FlQiNd&t=1[/url] Obviously, he's not playing my MM...that would cost you a few extra quid if it was his!
  7. Would like to contribute to the eulogising of Nick and say that I just sold him my Antoria P-style fretless and it was a pleasure! Lovely bloke, knows what he's talking about and great to do business with. Cheers Nick!
  8. [b]This bass is now sold! [/b] Hello again! In for a penny, in for a pound! This is my Fender Jazz Standard 5 string (made in Mexico...arriba!). As with my Music Man sale (it's in this forum somewhere), I am selling because I am downsizing and making space for kids by buying a Lakland 5 string. I bought this bass brand new in 2001 from the Bass Cellar on Denmark St in London and have been her only ever owner! I've used it extensively for gigging and recording but looked after it. It has one chip in the paint work below the jack socket, but otherwise is in perfect condition. Previously I have used an East J-Retro 01 in this bass (see my avatar pic) but I've restored the original passive circuitry for this sale (the East is staying with me!). Some pics: [attachment=69785:photo1.JPG][attachment=69786:photo2.JPG] [attachment=69787:photo3.JPG][attachment=69788:photo4.JPG] More pics here: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40365041@N05/sets/72157625762631095/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/40365041@N05/...57625762631095/[/url] I've done a bit of recording with her too. PM if you want to hear some examples of the bass in action (I don't have ownership of the music so I can't put tracks on line - merely a hired gun!) Again, I'm no valuing expert and operating on a suck it and see pricing policy! £300 is what I've got in my head, but feel free to make an offer. Just so you know, the bass is also on sale via eBay with a very optimistic Buy It Now price to compensate for fees and general ball-ache. I'd rather a buyer picks up in person, but will ship if necessary. Selling this bass really does make a knot in my stomach...I've played her for a decade now and feel like we've grown together. But...onwards and upwards...sniff...
  9. [b]SOLD! Provisionally, at least...pending the usual bits and bobs[/b] Now I've done a bit of posting around the place, I feel confident enough to do a bit of Del Boy action in here! I'm currently selling this Music Man 3EQ 4 string as part of my downsize, rationalisation project to buy a Lakland and make way for kids. [attachment=69774:body.JPG] [attachment=69775:headstock.JPG] [attachment=69777:headstock_rear.JPG] [attachment=69776:plate.JPG] More pics here: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40365041@N05/sets/72157625747761623/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/40365041@N05/...57625747761623/[/url] Slightly embarrassing demo vid here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ED8QBcwFbo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ED8QBcwFbo[/url] (that slap stuff is TERRIBLE! Sorry about that...should've planned ahead a bit!) It is in very good condition - a couple of swirls on the back from a naughty belt buckle (not mine I assure you!) and it needs some screws in the scratch plate. Other than that it is in mint condition. I asked Ernie Ball for the serial number and they confirmed the bass left the factory in October 2002. I'm no expert on valuing basses - I don't tend to sell them very often! I'm looking for £700 ono. If that's way out, feel free to shout at me and tell me otherwise! I shall listen to reason... The instrument is also on eBay, just so you know! I'd of course rather you pick up the bass in person, but will ship if you're happy to pay/take the risk! Cheers, Liam
  10. [quote name='Adam Ef' post='1099656' date='Jan 23 2011, 02:22 PM']Looking forward to looking around a bit and hopefully not going to find anything to tempt me to start saving for the Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray that I've always wanted.[/quote] Errrrm...http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120674615753&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_948wt_1139 Ssssshhh... Liam
  11. [quote name='nick' post='1099695' date='Jan 23 2011, 03:02 PM']To another Bristol basser, there's quite a few on here! [/quote] More and more it seems! Oo arrr! Welcome! Where you to then? Liam
  12. May have missed the boat slightly here, but I use a PJB Suitcase for both EB and DB and I love it. It has two completely independent channels so I can use both instruments at a gig with no fuss. It ain't the loudest, but it's fine for smaller gigs and at bigger gigs I'm usually DId from it anyway and it's just a monitor for me and the drummer! I can easily get a nice sound for both electric and upright from one amp...nice!
  13. [quote name='bumnote' post='1098544' date='Jan 22 2011, 12:11 PM']Not a bad discription of an aggressive sting ray[/quote] Whoops! Freudian slip there! I think I'll leave it!
  14. Whoops! I don't know... If you don't shoot, you don't score! I don't mind really; sometimes the rules of a forum are so confusing - especially for a newbie - that the only way to find out is by trying it and seeing what happens! Do your worst mods...I can take it. It's a nice Stingray though isn't it? (I am merely discussing this auction, and in no way promoting it. You know, the auction I'm having. For the Stingray...)
  15. [quote]Also going up for sale this weekend is my [b]MIM Fender Jazz V[/b]![/quote] That's the Jazz V I'm playing in the pic!
  16. Hi there! Not sure if this is proper etiquette, but I have some stuff for sale on eBay - I put it on there before I realised there was a market place here! [b]If this post breaks forum rules, I'm sorry. I checked the rules but couldn't find anything about referring to outside auctions. But feel free to obliterate it if you don't like it moderators[/b] I'm flogging off all my current basses to upgrade to a Lakland 55-60 or similar super duper Jazz style 5 string. Kids are on their way into our life and I need to make space! Main item is this [b]Music Mad Stingray 4 3EQ[/b]: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120674615753&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_948wt_1139"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...T#ht_948wt_1139[/url] It left Mr Ball's factory in October 2002 and is in very good nick, beyond a couple of swirls on the back and some missing scratch plate screws. Go and have a bid! Also up is this [b]Antoria P style fretless bass from 1978[/b]. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120674194364&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_613wt_1139"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...T#ht_613wt_1139[/url] It has a cracking set of active EMG pups installed. Also going up for sale this weekend is my [b]MIM Fender Jazz V[/b]! Do PM me if you want to know more or contact me through The 'Bay! Cheers, Liam
  17. Sut mae! I'm originally from Carmarthen but now in Bristol.
  18. Hello guys and gals! I've been a regular over at TalkBass for a while, and I'd heard about this forum but for some reason never visited until now! I love TB, but it'll be nice to hang with some UK bassers in here! I started playing when I was 6 (my dad is a fine guitar player and pretty proactive when it came to getting his kids into music...my brother is a kick ass drummer!). I still have my very first bass which was a Hondo Deluxe P-style monster; the neck on that thing was like a tree trunk and to this day I need space to breathe on the fret board! I hardly ever play it now, but I love still having it and will never let it go - no matter what other gear comes and goes in my life! I've owned a Fender Jazz V since 2001 - I put an East J Retro 01 on it and I cannot recommend them enough! Transformed that run o' the mill Jazz V into a beast. Go and get one now. I also have a black 4 string 3 EQ Music Man Stingray that I've had for about a year. It's a beautiful bass, but not really my thing so it's up for sale! (Most of my kit is up for sale actually - downsizing for a Lakland 55-60! PM me if you're interested! Is that allowed?! If not sorry... ) Amp wise, I have a Phil Jones Suitcase that I love. They divide people I know, but I'm a big fan! I've played many a genre in my time! Started out playing rock and metal, trying desperately to be Steve Harris or Cliff Burton. Because of my dad, I've always had broad tastes and influences though, and I'm now predominantly a funk/soul/jazz player. I play in a local function band and do sessions and deps in Bristol when I can get them. I also play a lot in church. Oh yeah, I'm an upright player too! I have a Stentor Conservatoire double bass with a Realist pick up. Love it! Would be great to hear from y'all and especially any Bristol players out there!
  19. Is this lovely bass still available?!
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