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Everything posted by shemeckfrac

  1. Hi Ryan, Me again. This time don't want to take too much of your time. Same question as Mike's, got a price in mind for the board?
  2. [quote name='radansey' post='1129619' date='Feb 16 2011, 01:40 PM']What. Do we all get a little bit each then ?? [/quote] I think I got the whole thing ... you can come over and play it sometime :-)
  3. I don't suppose you'd be interested in trading it for 4 string Music Man Sabre (70's) similar to this one? [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.oldenburger-music-station.de/Music-Man-Sabre-Bass-1979-2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.oldenburger-music-station.de/Music-Man-Sabre-Bass-1997.htm&h=1183&w=708&sz=74&tbnid=GXwC1obL57p72M:&tbnh=150&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmusic%2Bman%2Bsabre&zoom=1&q=music+man+sabre&usg=__gP23SpJ_s-Qa7lTKnIpFa38E0_g=&sa=X&ei=0PpaTe_IJo238QPX06zVDw&ved=0CDoQ9QEwBQ"]http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http...ved=0CDoQ9QEwBQ[/url]
  4. Can always wrap it well in the bubble wrap and forget about the box. It's an idea
  5. I appreciate it is "barely worth the effort to post" but would you be willing to post ?
  6. Hi there, was wondering if you used it much for gigs etc ?
  7. For everyones info, The sale of the Mbass 151HR cab has now been agreed between me and the seller (as per PM). I suppose, it's now up to the seller to update the post status.
  8. Give the guy some time, he only sold it last night.
  9. Leszek, Great doing business with you and meeting you in person! The F1 sounded sweet! It was worth the drive. Also, looks like I'm buying the MBass 15' cab from bucko. I think the 2 will sound great. Cheers! Shemeck
  10. Hi there, Please check your inbox for the message from me Cheers!
  11. Any chance you're still selling the 104HR cab?
  12. Hi, Are you still trying to sell the 151HR cab? Any idea how much shipping to UK would cost?
  13. Carl, Notice you play Fender Jazz, so do I. I am sort of interested in your Eden Nemesis amp, which I never tried. Obviously you don't like the sound of Nemesis amp/Fender bass combination, otherwise you wouldn't be selling Eden. Any reasons?
  14. Czesc Leszek, Nie probowalem nigdy MarkBass F1 ale poszukuje head wlasnie w takich parametrach. Jakbys opisal jego brzmienie? Ja potrzebuje cos co pasuje do classic rock, fusion and blues. Ja mieszkam w Crawley (W.Sussex) wiec nie byloby problemu dla mnie podskoczyc do Southampton i przetestowac wzmacniacz. Inne pytanie, w jakim stanie jest ten amp? Duzo uzywany? Jakies mankamenty? Przemek
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