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Everything posted by theosd

  1. [quote name='neilb' post='790901' date='Mar 30 2010, 06:25 PM']Different pic, P not for sale!![/quote] Price on the P please!?
  2. Ridiculous. Can't believe they're not posting; I mean, they're really cutting down their potential market there!
  3. Just gonna throw this in here from the 'Bass Guitars' section: I love orange. Shame I'm, as someone in the other post said, "off" Musicmans (can't I just say Music[i]men[/i]??)
  4. [b]EHX Bass Micro Synthesiser[/b] [i]PRICE DROP[/i] - I have the box and instructions floating around somewhere. This comes with its own 12v power supply. In pretty good nick with a few scratches. It also has two strips of velcro underneath. I'll take photos if anyone wants some. I was always gonna do [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=315187"]this[/url] to it but can't envisage myself needing to use it in the near future and I'm heading down a simpler more vintage sounding route. [b]SOLD PENDING[/b] with the box + instructions. These are excellently fun little boxes that give good low end response and oodles of tonal awesomeness for such a modestly priced synth. Akai eat your heart out! One of these: [b]Sansamp Tech 21 CompTORTION [/b] [i]PRICE DROP[/i] - Also in good nick, few scuffs and scrapes here n' there, only thing is that there's no original packaging and it's missing its battery case (nothin a bit o' gaffa won't sort), therefore will sell this £80 value pedal for [b]£50[/b] delivered. This is a very sensitive and tweakable unit (thanks to the built in compressor) that gives a wide variety of driven or distorted sounds. Can also be tamed for warm crunchy fuzz. This is one for the tweaker in you. I love this company's work so much so that I would not hesitate to buy another sansamp pedal once I've satisfied my vintage urges. Like this minus battery case/minimal paint: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] Will happily send EHX + Tech 21 together for a bargain [b]£150 posted[/b].
  5. Way I see it, it's no worse than having an eastenders addiction! Bassists are generally nice people with good attitudes I find. I always get on with other bassists. Or maybe that's just basschat making me think I do I come here for the pictures
  6. [quote name='urbanx' post='790702' date='Mar 30 2010, 03:34 PM']I had a Marshall MBC410 delivered to work by DHL from Soundslive. 40Kg, massive box. Got delivered next day, almost like a letter, just slightly larger, and a slightly more bemused delivery man. I think the amount on the postage (on the box) was £13 or thereabouts.[/quote] Sounds great, thanks. Their website's awful.... I'll give em a call.
  7. Bump for old time's sake. Happy bidding (mind the cliche). Theo.
  8. I will soon be in the market for a bass cabinet and was wondering what companies you guys have used that are reasonably priced and will ship heavy boxy gear such as cabs? I know there's already a sticky topic on couriers but I was talking more specifically about cabs rather than basses. Anyone had recent success shipping or receiving really heavy sh*t? thanks in advance! Theo.
  9. [quote name='dumelow' post='790183' date='Mar 30 2010, 02:34 AM']those things climb stairs emselves eh?[/quote] Fair point... ...a sledge/rope combo?
  10. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1981-Gibson-G-3-Bass-Sunburst-G3-Grabber_W0QQitemZ370331135871QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item563974af7f"]If you can bear to pay the shipping costs this one looks a beauty!![/url]
  11. In my last band I took over lyric writing duty as I was getting frustrated with how long it took the vocalist to come up with words! I've recently been into writing poetry too. I just need to find a band I can really express myself in now, options are very thin on the ground right now. I find inspiration just comes to me. Never force it, it won't be worth it. Writing intoxicated is fine; I believe it helps you expand your linguistic potential! I leave you now with a small poem I wrote while supervising an English lesson at work (I was very tired!) entitled ... (dramatic pause) ... [i]"Sleep"[/i]. Eyethangyew... Allow for sleep to envelope Whilst gently teething dreams, Force thoughts through mesh which interlope And outline what life means. Envoy of subconscious, grope And wrestle strong yet deft, Enjoy how sleep refreshes hope; Allow that slice of death. When last I frolic down that slope Where gentle sunsets bask, I'll follow down each subtle stope Into a sleep that lasts.
  12. [quote name='monsterpuss' post='790557' date='Mar 30 2010, 01:28 PM']Hmm. I've obviously priced this far too low. Sorry chaps - it's now sold. Thanks for your interest![/quote] Yeah very quick! Price seemed fair considering the fretted version of these are selling for £250 on ebay.
  13. Where are you based? Any chance of a full frontal pic?
  14. Ooh I like! Give me a week and I might consider making a cash offer... would you post?
  15. I'll give him a tenner for it...?
  16. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/product_url?q=http://www.farmhomesupplycenter.com/Shepherd-Hardware-9275-General-Duty-Rigid/M/B000N6BR2Q.htm%3Ftraffic_src%3DGB%26utm_medium%3DCSE%26utm_source%3DGB%26id%3Duk&fr=APrNhxl_gIlQQwa9XRy7OKqjFnmIeTtVspp9kXoUdbgLrSX3dTdb7o8ZDqNlJKVawkXxgUi8AVBQ7-fG-3BSMApmQK-lUDHqc8lbz1klh1Fdeyok5VkkCPn4FrsysHht3XP3Otgav4i3BWHi3x177nMzQBMYxPdfJvY4l1NMBOmjLbUzsw2ewM27A28InHUXCu0ATCRrtiPllw3ajCLEGU6gTY1ef2O6Yryrs78jwlG4oi1UuVPiD8IAAAAAAAAAAA&gl=uk&hl=en&sa=title"]The Answer =][/url]
  17. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270552583051&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT#ht_1596wt_958"]I'm liking this. Think they're like £900 new as well![/url]
  18. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='788700' date='Mar 28 2010, 05:51 PM']Tay Zamora - Alient Ant Farm[/quote] +1 All the way. Highly underrated bassist.
  19. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='789510' date='Mar 29 2010, 03:40 PM'][b]That fella from Audioslave[/b]. Was listening to them this morning and had forgotten how meaty his bass sounds.[/quote] Tim Commerford is probably my all-time greatest influence. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHMeSyP7wNE"]Awesome riffage.[/url]
  20. If he decides to sell the Fender I have first dibs!! No, really!
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='788922' date='Mar 28 2010, 09:51 PM']okay, so you make guitars and basses, you play around and end up copying a well known manucaturers model, fair game how many jazz clones are there. All fine... but then going to the effort to copy the dolphin fingerboard inlays???? Why? its daft[/quote] Well spotted! And yeah, WTF!?!?
  22. Ack. If only I could justify spending that much on a fretless!!
  23. Mate, chuck it on eBay now and get a *minimum* of £600 for it. Seriously. You selling it that low is making me nauseous!!
  24. This needs to stay on the first page. Awesome AWESOME basses. And in a proper scale too!
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