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Everything posted by theosd

  1. I really seriously would do that trade were it not for it's scale, it's a groovy looking thing! Makes me wanna pick it up and play Free tracks all day...
  2. [quote name='gillento' post='783718' date='Mar 23 2010, 05:34 PM']price drop to 650 £![/quote] I'd be interested if I could sell my Ray 5... These look like clever little boxes!
  3. Great stuff. bought a Fender ashtray set from the man and his communication and service was spot on! Deal with confidence!
  4. [quote name='plasson' post='781890' date='Mar 21 2010, 06:23 PM']not sure what "ephing" means in english, but... YEAH... it's PHAT.[/quote] (Effing, but more so!)
  5. BUMP I would be very willing to trade for a Fender P/Fender Jazz with P neck/ Fender P/J type thang. I think I need that in my life. Please help.
  6. theosd


    [quote name='MB1' post='781834' date='Mar 21 2010, 05:40 PM']MB1. ...Only a Trump?...Nothing Solid Yet?....I'll get me Coat! BUMP![/quote] It's alright I grabbed it for you
  7. I have all my own gear and transport. I'm also pretty good. Would be keen to hear of any original projects requiring a bassist. I'm already in a covers band so that's - ahem - covered. I only want to hear from serious and talented bands. I have drawn comparisons with John Entiwstle due to my fret speed, rolling basslines and laid back persona. You can hear some of my playing [url="http://www.myspace.com/gummybabies"]here[/url] and [url="http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow"]here[/url]. I want something I can get down to. Email me at [email protected]
  8. theosd


    Oh that just takes the biscuit; not only is everyone selling their MusicMans right now but then this comes along and easily trumps the lot! Jaw-dropping.
  9. That's a rather snappy looking instrument right there! Shouldn't last here long...
  10. I'd love this were it not for my lack of funds... Someone buy my SR5!!!
  11. Also worth mentioning that this finish (carbon blue) has been discontinued!
  12. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='780725' date='Mar 20 2010, 12:56 PM']I did one years ago and used Araldite, seemed to work ok and left a nice dark line. Can't remember if it was easy to sand or not, but I suspect not![/quote] Hehe, nice budget option for a budget instrument!
  13. You can hear soundclips of this bass in action on my [url="http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow"]old band's myspace[/url]. The tracks it's used on are Do This Well, Between Us (both recorded with flats) and a home recording of Leading the Followers (on which I used my comptortion pedal also). Cheers.
  14. Wow I *like* that! Very retro n' groovy! Must... resist.... spending.... wages.......
  15. [quote name='thedonutman' post='780314' date='Mar 19 2010, 10:48 PM']Are you up for a straight sale?[/quote] Yeah, give us a price!
  16. That needs a tort pickguard to make it awesome... Oh, and, uh, bump!
  17. Most 'mojo'ed Warwick I've seen! Kooky.
  18. [quote name='Mike' post='780206' date='Mar 19 2010, 08:47 PM']Theo, did you get my email with pic? Presume your Small Body theory is still unbusted![/quote] Yeah to be fair I think I got confused between 'vettes and thumbs... Easy mistake - both sexy! It's still on my radar (I haven't deleted your email yet - it's how I work, give me time ) A new project has come up however which really suits a hollowbody/fretless/eub/upright style thing, so I'm gonna be a pain in the ass and hold off making any decision until a better suited offer comes along! Sorry for my inherently pedantic nature, Theo.
  19. Just picked up and played this tonight. It sounds the nuts. "Ballsy" is an understatement! The Rosewood fingerboard gives it scope for a more refined 'ray tone too but the 3eq (especially in terms of the beautifully voiced mids) really lets you cut loose! However... I'm keen to move this on as there's far too much other stuff I want to try, so have removed the feeler status and am now offering it for a straight up hard cash sale at £800. I'd rather it was collected from Kent but would be willing to travel within reason to assist in getting this out of my sight before I get attached again! I will still consider trades!
  20. [quote name='chrkelly' post='778921' date='Mar 18 2010, 05:58 PM']No one interested in a great fiver at a great price? The strings alone are worth £200[/quote] Oh I'm interested alright but I can't shift my Stingray 5! Fancy a straight swap??
  21. [quote name='ezbass' post='780024' date='Mar 19 2010, 05:16 PM']Any of the Plastic Wood type products, put it on (in) with a scraper and then just lightly sand it back, worked a treat for me.[/quote] Sounds good thanks for the advice!
  22. [quote name='tom1946' post='779992' date='Mar 19 2010, 04:45 PM']If only I had 3 more [/quote] Haha, I've been checking on here all day too, can't believe I missed this! Congrats *grumble*
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