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Everything posted by theosd

  1. Don't spose a SR5 would be up your street? (I think I already know the answer to this )
  2. Any ideas on a product I can get fairly cheaply to fill the gaps where I defretted my Harley Benton 5 string thing?
  3. [quote name='tom1946' post='779672' date='Mar 19 2010, 12:36 PM']Sold! Thanks.[/quote] sh*t! Bugger.
  4. Man... if this wasn't short scale I'd be all over it like a high gloss finish. Still pondering your G&L
  5. [quote name='bradstroud' post='744251' date='Feb 13 2010, 07:26 PM']That black thing is a tiny scratch plate I had Oxford Guitar Gallery fit for me as I was wearing away the finish with my thumb.[/quote] Then stop trying to play two Warwicks at once Bump for a desirably valued bass!
  6. Look, can everyone just stop selling Stingrays?? At this rate I'll never shift mine
  7. This one still has me um-ing and ah-ing...
  8. [quote name='throwoff' post='778340' date='Mar 18 2010, 10:05 AM']haha typical just told him about it and he gone and booked a holiday giving up on finding one at this price. Oh well Good luck with it![/quote] Cheers anyway!
  9. That's the risk you take with eBay ...And why I'm not going to sell it there!
  10. [quote name='throwoff' post='778106' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:03 PM']Im from Rainham and have a buddy who Is looking for a Stingray 5 Is if cool to perhaps pass on details?[/quote] Sure!
  11. Replied. Oh yeah, anything hollowbody would be of [i]great[/i] interest to me!
  12. My perfect Jazz... Whoever gets this is one lucky (albeit rich) mofo.
  13. [quote name='Mike' post='777833' date='Mar 17 2010, 07:13 PM']That's a shame, I don't think the bodies are ridiculously small! Would you like a pic emailed or shall I leave it?[/quote] Go for it, it might sway me!
  14. [quote name='Mike' post='777248' date='Mar 17 2010, 12:25 PM']Warwick Corvette 6?[/quote] Perhaps should have stipulated: I look silly playing a corvette as they're quite small-bodied. That's my main hang-up about warwicks. Streamers are good though. And 6 strings are too!
  15. A few ideas for possible trades (+cash if required): Spector, Fender, Warwick, G&L. But I'm still open to sensible offers on this beauty. Also I am gonna try and get some better photos up tonight; any requests?
  16. Some black tuning pegs and a black scratchplate would make this most desirable!
  17. Pretty sure this beast deserves to be here, even though it is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79962"]currently up for trades [/url]
  18. If I could find a buyer for my SR5 I'd be very interested in this...
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