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Everything posted by theosd

  1. Will accept offers around the £500 mark for a quick sale! Postage should be OK too, especially if you're willing to sort it yourself!
  2. [quote name='Smash' post='181637' date='Apr 21 2008, 10:59 AM']How much then?[/quote] Offers I said!
  3. If I could sell my Mark Bass CMD 121H quickly I would be interested in this... PM me if interested anyone! Cheers. Theo
  4. Can anyone tell if this would this work well as an extension cab for a MB CMD 121h?
  5. I want a more powerful amp setup/combo, preferably with 10" speakers but this is not a major issue, please hit me up with interesting but realistic trades - I am willing to accept cash to even a deal but I will not be spending out. Ideally I'd like an amp of the same value. The condition is fair, with a few scrapes on the front grill and a bit of superficial wear on the rubber handle covering, closer pics can be taken if people so desire. Here it is in situ:
  6. They are just always really boomy - only buy if you're a plectrum player.
  7. Lol so I guess my feeble little Mark Bass CMD 121H wouldn't be taken into consideration? Let me know..
  8. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='178664' date='Apr 17 2008, 11:00 AM']Sounds like a Sterling might be what you need, I suggest you go and play both the bongo and sterling first.[/quote] If anything the Sterling is reknowned for being even more aggressive!!
  9. [quote name='Golchen' post='178552' date='Apr 17 2008, 08:52 AM']I like the look of that bass! I'm interested to know why you think the Bongo would suit you better?[/quote] From what I gather, the bongo seems to be more 'tamable', and my band requires a cleaner, politer sound. Plus I'm not one to go on looks alone, it's about personality too, which the bongo has in shed-loads!
  10. I love my stingray, but I think (and am pretty sure) that a bongo would be all round better for me in most ways. If you feel the same but in reverse (although you don't have to love your bongo), please PM me =] The bass is faultless except for a 3mm wide imperfection in the finish, which looks like a factory error rather than misuse. Video and audio of it in action can be found on our myspace: [url="http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow"]http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow[/url] (the video being in the blog) Here's some pics, too:
  11. That was quick - items gone!
  12. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='176013' date='Apr 14 2008, 07:25 AM']Maybe better as a pm to seller? Peter[/quote] Why?
  13. Ideally I'd like to sell these both together, and am hoping for a quick sale, so I'd like to ask [b]£50[/b] plus p&p for the pair, which I would guess would come to around £5-£7. Both are in fab condition and being EHX products sound great - I'm just more in tune with my natural bass -> amp sound than I have been before, and I need to pay for my gym membership Both come with relatively new duracell batteries for your convenience =] I might be tempted by trades, so please try me!
  14. Thanks very much =] Jerome's very strictly acoustic, which I love because if you get it right it can sound massive with just a three piece.
  15. Thanks very much - yeah and we paid an additional 50 quid for the soundman for it, otherwise it might've been even worse! It was a great experience though, nice and friendly. As to the heating, no, the building is like a run down theatre which has great character, lots of draperies going on. But yeah, it was pretty cold and around midnight we did that!
  16. We play a couple of tracks here, but unfortunately due to powers out of our control the second track used a dodgy take in which Jerome's guitar strap comes off. [url="http://www.yourkenttv.co.uk/community/tvpopupnew.aspx?aid=9119&vid=3100"]Click to Watch[/url]. Hope you enjoy it; feedback greatly appreciated!
  17. Not forgetting the desirable yet unattainable majesty of the 4005:
  18. I used my new (second hand) one for a gig last night. It sounded awesome. Nice, simple to use pedal that adds a new dimension to your tone. Very usable live, but probably too one dimensional to really experiment with. It sure does bring the funk though! What did you expect? Novelty pedal, sure, but the tone is 100% usable if not tweakable.
  19. As soon as I have the dollar I will go for this, but right now aforementioned dollar is not forthcoming. Best of luck dude!
  20. [quote name='Bassmouseman' post='137870' date='Feb 10 2008, 11:00 PM']You know your kids want a Trace amp [/quote] Stick > __________ ^ Wrong end
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