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Everything posted by theosd

  1. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='137535' date='Feb 10 2008, 12:11 PM']Hi I know ther was a thread on here somewhere about this, but i need some advice on how to get music on to my tascam mp3. I use windows which is wma, and i cant find a way to convert the tracks. Does anyknow of a really simple way of doing this as i am not the best with PC stuff. Cheers[/quote] NCH switch - it's free and really easy. [url="http://www.nch.com.au/switch/"]http://www.nch.com.au/switch/[/url]
  2. [quote name='BassManKev' post='135960' date='Feb 7 2008, 06:19 PM']im guessin you decided against the torque?[/quote] Oh yeah sh*t I forgot about that... Choices choices! She seemed pretty against getting me a bass amp though so I dunno... I'll probs have to wait for my next student loan before I can splash out... Good luck to both of you!
  3. Give me til tonight to convince my gf to buy this for my birthday
  4. Bought EHX Small Clone from this geezer; very fairly priced, very quick to arrive! Highly recommended
  5. [quote name='misrule' post='134936' date='Feb 6 2008, 12:25 PM']I was wondering what the benefit of eco-friendly CD cases would be, given the plastic and resin in the disc itself. Out of curiosity, I looked around online for info on how harmful CDs are to the environment. I didn't find a great deal -- but there are a couple of places selling paper cases, including this one in the States. [url="http://www.megalodon.com/Eco-Friendly-tray-pks.html"]Megalodon[/url] Hope that helps. Cheers Mark[/quote] We just really like the look of them, and if we can help the environment as well, well it seems like a good idea!
  6. We are really keen to get our EPs printed on recycled or carbon neutral packaging. Does anyone know where we can get this done on a budget? ANY input is welcome; I just don't know where to start!
  7. theosd


    Yes I have downloaded it and will hopefully be putting it to work with audacity today; thanks very much!
  8. theosd


    [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='133904' date='Feb 4 2008, 09:33 PM']What link?[/quote] This =]
  9. [quote name='machinehead' post='133781' date='Feb 4 2008, 06:31 PM']Really? That's disappointing. Where did you get the dimensions from. I couldn't see them. Thanks. Frank PS. Markbass did listen to me and many others who owned traveller 1 x 15 and 2 x 10 and changed the size of the 1 x 15 to the same width as the 2 x 10. They should be told about this new 1 x 12. I for one will be emailing them.[/quote] What's the email to use? Now let's leave this thread alone
  10. [quote name='P-T-P' post='133757' date='Feb 4 2008, 05:55 PM']The new cabinet suffers from one of MB few flaws. It's an extension cab which is designed, by their own admission, to go with the 12" combos, but it's not as deep as the combo, so if you're planning on stacking it, your combo is gonna tilt backwards.[/quote] Yeah that's what I thought. They ought to be made aware of this, cos it's a bit careless really! And I don't want another horn to be honest! Just the 12" extension would be fine!
  11. theosd


    Basically I have a few tracks we recorded last year at our first ever gig, and the mix is actually quite nice barring background noise. How can I increase the output volume?
  12. [quote name='P-T-P' post='133679' date='Feb 4 2008, 04:22 PM']Yeah, it's the smaller of the two 1x12 combos. I had a minor dalliance with the 121H Combo but all EQ flat I found it a little too middy for my taste compared to the 121P. That makes me shy away from the 121H xtn cab a bit plus, if I'm going to make a change, might as well take up the option to add significantly greater speaker acreage. Either of the 12" combos are spankingly good and between them offer and if £500 is a bargain then that's great, someone's gonna get a bargain if I sell![/quote] True; I find that is also the case because of the horn, but the VLE filter sorts all that out for me. I've only recently started messing with the two magic knobs, and they really are superb fun =]
  13. [quote name='P-T-P' post='133662' date='Feb 4 2008, 04:06 PM']In the never-ending quest to get the right balance between FOH sound and the amount and weight of gear that needs lugging about, my band has decided to give up on it's PA bass bins. For 90% of our gigs this isn't going to be a problem, but I'm a bit concerned about the other 10% where we end up playing a large but stageless room (think 400+ all dining), the combo on it's own is not really gonna be enough and as those 10% of gigs account for probably 50% of our income, I wanna make sure I'm not gonna have to worry. Now I could just add an extension cab, but that would be far too aesthetically displeasing to me as all the cabs are different shapes and will stack weirdly and play havoc with my ying and yang (lol j/k). I'm thinking I might either go back to the seperates route or try the 2 x 10 combo with a 1 x 15 cab when needed. Basically, if I do decide to make a change, anyone interested in this combo which is in great nick, knocks people's socks off with how pokey it is and is light as a feather. It comes with a nice fitted cover too. Not sure how much to ask for really, they don't come available very often. Think they can be had new for about £625 so is £500-ish on the mark? Open to ideas/offers on the pricing. Or if you've some MarkBass seperates you might trade, that would be interesting too.[/quote] This is the really very small one isn't it? I have the CMD 121h, which is just one inch too big for my boot! Doh. Great little amps though - £500 is a bargain, really. The extension cab that'd fit would be this one: [url="http://guitare.playback-europe.com/markbass-traveler_121h-8059.html"]http://guitare.playback-europe.com/markbas..._121h-8059.html[/url]
  14. Don't suppose a part trade for an mxr m80 would interest?
  15. I bought one from voodoosnake (i think) a month or so back; it's great! The noise occurs mainly when using a tweeter (which my mark bass amp has) but the vle filter sorts that out fine. You can squeeze a nice amount of crunch out of them, not distortion per se, but a more refined tubey grind, i'd call it Fully 'worth it' =]
  16. Though not "wacky", I do have an infinitely useful mxr m80 pedal I'm looking to trade..?
  17. Would postage be a possibility on an IEC mains lead?
  18. Yep, I've played with them before; well actually they decided not to play because their fans weren't let in (Tap n Tin) so we played two sets. Nice girl, thanked me for letting me use my amp in principle =]
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='130413' date='Jan 30 2008, 01:30 AM']Nice and compact!! What's the unit on top of the amp?[/quote] An electroharmonix "Black Finger" tube compressor. It's divine =]
  20. A most modest but just right rig: Will be getting an extension cab at some point in the near future..
  21. [quote name='mikeh' post='128173' date='Jan 26 2008, 11:21 AM']Weekend BUMP, any trial welcome, and I do believe anyone that plays this bass will be VERY impressed with it.[/quote] If only this was a 5er =]
  22. [quote name='jono b' post='127934' date='Jan 25 2008, 06:27 PM']No w***ing jokes please.[/quote] Suck all the fun out of it why don't you!
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