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Everything posted by theosd

  1. [quote name='TheButler' post='87726' date='Nov 13 2007, 07:44 AM']I don't think i'll be leaving it to run till' next year. IF it doesn't go on here in the next week or so i'll ebay it [/quote] Fair play, best of luck.
  2. You'd have to be pretty wild with a plectrum to warrant this scratchplate... [url="http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_bass_guitars/imola_deluxe_4_5_bass_guitar/imola_deluxe_4_5_bass_296.jpg"]Ew.[/url]
  3. I think someone will grab a bargain basement-esque deal here!
  4. someone please buy it before the seller is forced to set the price even more unnaturally low! I can't bear it!
  5. Nice basses! BTW, you've spelled 'Various' wrong on the link to your equipment..
  6. Yeah, c'mon people I thought these things were top of everyone's christmas list! you're putting us poorer folk to shame not spending all that lovely green! That top reminds me of when you used to colour stuff in with felt tips. It's nice, but the colour's a bit too brown for me...
  7. No probs! Good luck with your new endeavor!
  8. [quote name='The Burpster' post='87827' date='Nov 13 2007, 12:37 PM']FWIW- I shall be ordering a Clover 5 (because I cannot afford a C/S PRS V) in the new year as I need to go lower than E, but cannot be ar5ed with a D-tuner or de-tuning. So the 5th string will be a low B.[/quote] You could always string your 4 banger BEAD?
  9. [quote name='metaltime' post='87820' date='Nov 13 2007, 12:23 PM']yeah give us more info. But i feel you can never go wrong with a stingray 5 i love mine[/quote] I wholeheartedly agree and there is a really good selection in the for sale section of this site at the moment, I guess they're just out of fashion! Also, don't overlook the sterling, people RAVE about those. If you're on a budget, a yamaha or ibanez should be suitable for most things. If you don't expect to spend over £150, I recommend a Harley Benton from Thomann; can't go wrong.
  10. Damn, I quite fancy that but as things stand I can't even afford a christmas present for my girlfriend! If it's still around early next year I'll be interested! Good luck with the sale.
  11. Whatever you would normally play on a fretted. No reason to set your sights any different, just try and incorporate some more sliding and vibrato into what you normally do and it should come fairly easy and get you used to the concept, then go out and start searching for more fretless-centric pieces. That would be my advice from experience anyway, plus the accuracy you have to attain will help your fretted playing and your hand/eye/intonation coordination, and that will be more noticeable and thus more workable if you're playing what comes naturally.
  12. [quote name='Jam' post='87698' date='Nov 13 2007, 02:06 AM']A nice bit of sneaky plugging there! Tempting, though I should probably get to grips with the 4 string first..[/quote] =] I've always found it better to throw yourself in at the deep end! Scenario: My first ever band. My first ever gig. Two weeks. Two 45 minute sets to be learnt, including originals. I only know 2 songs all the way through, and neither of those were gonna be played. Did I do it? you f***in bet! I recorded my current band's stuff on that bass having had it for a week, and being the first fretless I've ever played, let alone owned! It's definitely helped me broaden my mind, and I defretted my electric Harley benton 5 string to boot, which sounds brill so now I don't really need this one, and the electric takes up a LOT less room in the boot of my car and sounds the business with a set of rotosound tapewounds =] If I was ever to buy an acoustic bass again, it would have to be a godin A5 for their sheer value for money:quality ratio. I'd probably wait to grab one second hand though, can't beat a played-in instrument!
  13. [quote name='beerdragon' post='68881' date='Oct 2 2007, 11:15 PM']Can you give us some background on your Grandad. who did he play for, orchestra, pop group. Aston Villa. , sounds as if there's a good story there.[/quote] He's a Jazzer, and has played with loads of names I forget, notably though Stephanne Grapelli. I'll try and get some better pictures in due course, I got to play both of them the other night in front of him - first time I had! He didn't say anything though, just talked about which I preferred out of the two - I preferred the Precision, an absolute dream to play. And the tone! Jesus christ, why can't they make them like they used to?? He also told me they are actually both '63s. Just can never get to grips with jazzes, I think my fingers are just too oversized for their petite necks!
  14. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190173203693"][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190173203693"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=190173203693[/url][/url] Good luck!
  15. [quote name='ergon' post='87620' date='Nov 12 2007, 10:34 PM']i'm going to sound retarded when i say this but, you can get fretless acoustic basses???[/quote] Yes you can, in fact you can get my one on ebay right now if you want =] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190173203693"][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190173203693"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=190173203693[/url][/url]
  16. This is a great price, but everyones gonna be skint because of christmas so basses in this range won't sell til after xmas, but someone would be very sensible to buy this now!
  17. I used a harley benton 5 string fretless acoustic for my band's first demo ([url="http://[url="http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow"]http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow[/url]) it came out rather well I feel!
  18. Ack stop teasing me with your succulent price drops! I don't mind parting with my soul for it?
  19. But then no one would buy the bongo =] I like the bongo's looks, but I can understand why people wouldn't. My next bass WILL be a bongo 6 (in god knows how ever many years it takes to save for one, being only in my second year of uni and having just bought a 2002 Stingray 5 H 3 band eq (which I wholeheartedly vouch for, the weight and tone ooze quality, a bass for life))
  20. [quote name='Buzz' post='86656' date='Nov 10 2007, 09:20 PM']Warm up exercises before putting on the 'Ray, just simple streches and rotations to loosen it up.[/quote] Rotating your arm is actually detrimental to the joints; just stretch it in each direction.
  21. [quote name='Rich' post='86873' date='Nov 11 2007, 02:25 PM']Saturday night at the Fleece in Bristol... always a good night there, but the placed was absolutely rammed to the rafters last night... they hit the fire limit and were turning people away by 9 o'clock. Support from a very good covers band The Collective, nice guys and some unusual covers well played. We had one or two new tunes in our set, seemed to go down well. Crowd were in good voice, brilliant atmosphere and god it was hot! Too funky in heeyar..! A great night. Bassist's eye view of the punters: [/quote] Were you playing YMCA at the time? My gig last night was cancelled at our end, which is a shame cos the Bear and Raggard Staff is a cool venue, doesn't look like we'll be welcomed back there anytime soon though
  22. [quote name='AndyHawkins' post='84997' date='Nov 7 2007, 04:47 PM']Calm down! Calm down! I work for the Pigeons as their sound man and was slightly surprised to see this come up as a thread. Dave the bass player doesn't have the tuner inline to the amp as he gets concerned about the singer stamping on it by mistake and muting everything. They're energetic enough without the sound being compromised any further, but I'll come up with a silent tuning concept just to keep all of you happy! On the plus side did anyone actually enjoy the gig?[/quote] No offence, but I really doubt that is a valid reason when I can think of countless other bands a whole load more energetic who would be fifty times as professional. If he's that successful surely he ought to buy a bass that stays in tune throughout a gig? I think they are just indie fodder anyway.
  23. I use schaller straplocks, but any brand should work fine.
  24. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/CONTACT.html"]Two clicks from a google search.[/url]
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