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Everything posted by theosd

  1. What's it like?
  2. Just out of curiousity, if I were to buy a left handed bass and string it right handed, would it make much difference tonality-wise?
  3. I am interested, very interested indeed! The only money I have forthcoming, though, is my student loan money which would be enough for me to buy this from you, but I also need to pay for my car insurance! If you are still not parted with this in a couple of months I would be grateful if you could contact me [email protected]
  4. If you can wait til I have the monies I'll quite happily take this from your hands. I'm a stoodent, see, and my loan ain't come through yet. Feel free to email me at [email protected]
  5. Hi, just joined this forum (was linked over from sputnik music's bass forum) and all looks good so far. About me: I've been playing bass for 4.5 years and has been involved in various bands. At the moment I am currently in a band called Aliquot Flow - [url="http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow"]MYSPACE[/url]. Previous bands have included [url="http://www.myspace.com/gummybabies"]Gummy Babies[/url] (my first!) and [url="http://www.myspace.com/ukunderthethumb"]Under The Thumb[/url] (just a dabbling in my funkier side!). Hopefully can meet some likeminded people (being bassists, I tend to think that we all are - sort of a select elite almost ) Peace Theo.
  6. Sweet jesus, that's astounding! I WANT THAT!!! But I will never own £2000 still being at uni! Bugger.
  7. If only this was a 5 stringer I'd be all over it like a hot flannel.
  8. Hi dude. If you can hold off until I get my student loan money through (probs late september) I will pay you the £700 you're after.. what a stunning bass!
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