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Everything posted by theosd

  1. Got any pics? Ideally on a bass with sunburst?
  2. Do you reckon the body-mounted lettering would come off easily?
  3. That's gonna be one nice bass - I love the binding!
  4. If I had the money (I'd have to wait til the 25th of next month now) I'd make you an offer of £350. But all that's not important because I don't.
  5. If this falls through I'll do it on the 25th =] Nice idea!
  6. [quote name='throwoff' post='894873' date='Jul 14 2010, 05:20 PM']What does the looper do exactly? How long of a loop can you make?[/quote] It's basically a stand-alone effects send/return, but with true bypass. So if you want to bypass any effects but leave them on (for example) this is what you'd use. I bought it to enable me to use my big muff but with true bypass and just never bothered cos I can't tell the difference.
  7. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='894335' date='Jul 14 2010, 01:48 AM']theosd, he sorted my fender 300 watt monster (ss) so yes![/quote] Cool good stuff. Annoyingly my 3 and a half year old Mark Bass CMD 121h's input jack is loose and when the cab vibrates it creates a horrible tinny sans-distortion when the jack rattles inside it. I've had a look but the input jack is connected to the circuit board and I wouldn't want to fiddle any further than taking the head section out. I'm gonna have to send all my amps in at once now!!
  8. I find that tonally they really lack definition (especially when partnered with ashdowns - why would you do that??). I've played a couple and the necks are too skinny too. Don't think I'll ever be a fan. I do like their shape though
  9. Any idea if he'd be able to sort out a solid state carlsbro combo as well or are there any other recommendations?
  10. Aw no fun!
  11. This was my first ever bass amp and it never really worked right. I've just fished this out of my mum's garage and plugged it in at rehearsal last night. Worked fine at half volume for about 5 minutes but then would begin to distort when I played heavily, even at lower volumes. The distortion would phase in and out every so often, each time it would seem to rectify itself if I let it rest (overheating??) but if I played prolonged heavy lines the volume would drop also as if the amp is failing, but would still be ok after a rest. Most strange. Any ideas? I'm not electrically minded and haven't had a look under the cover. I'm reluctant to get rid of the amp because when it does work the parametric eq is great and can get some really cool vintage tones from it. It's pretty loud too for a mere 90w.
  12. I prefer heavy metul.
  13. We played at Hop Farm festival this Saturday right in the middle of Bob Dylan's set! It was amazing. Could see the main stage from where we were (if we ducked below the awning). Was awesome to think that people were dancing & enjoying us while Bob Dylan was just over the way! Some people even said they thought we were better... What a compliment. I was signing our CDs for kids who wanted it too, I felt like a proper rock star Yeah, staggering. Still haven't really come to terms with it.
  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='885456' date='Jul 4 2010, 01:40 PM']Glad you had a good day Theo, sorry we missed you. Mumfords and Dylan get my vote. Rolling Stone was something of a moment! Seasick Steve, well, good guy but you can see that act in nearly every bar from New Orleans to Chicago (a fact that to his great credit he recognised when he told the crowd how, if it wasn't for the UK, he'd still be sitting on a street corner playing for dimes. Loved the line "the dimes have got a whole lot bigger recently"). Boy, does he need a bassist or what? The sound was so thin and weak, when the Mumfords came on the ground started to move again. Ray Davies was absolute crap, second rate Kinks tribute band stuff, really disappointing. C[/quote] That's ok; I guess [i]some[/i] people had to go watch Robert, make it worth his while. I tend to disagree, I found Mumford and Sons flat without a drummer and that same disco beat bashing away.. found it a little samey. Seasick Steve put on the best entertainment, but then I love his stuff anyway (even though it's lacking bass; a little dash wouldn't go amiss for sure) - he builds up such a rapport with the crowd in stark contrast to the likes of Mr Dylan and that arrogant f***face Van Morrison (whose band, though tight as f***, were all the more boring for it). My favourite line of Steve's was when he said in Dog House Blues that "I always used to put the hat out for spare change - I just want you to know I'm getting a sh*t-load of spare change now!" Brilliant. Perhaps he would have suited a smaller, more intimate stage but I personally think he really carried it off well. He was walking around and talking with people backstage all day too - a truly genuinely nice bloke! Magic numbers' bassist lady is decent I reckon, driving force of the band. Someone has to be. Saw Peter Green on the Friday too; oh man did he look old! There was some dodgy Phil Collins-alike with his head so far up Mr. Green's arse it was cringeworthy fronting his band and probably wondering why the hell he'd managed to land that gig! In fact I think one of my slight criticisms of the festival was that a lot of the older acts lacked that little spark of energy to get everyone a bit more into it. Heard a bit of Bob Dylan but it was hard to make anything out from Bread & Roses. Surprisingly I heard a lot of murmurs of discontent about his set. Best moment of our gig was when Rich said "this one's for anyone who hates Bob Dylan" and some sections of our crowd cheered! Controversial. (P.S. I'd just like to point out that we don't hate Bob Dylan, it was said with tongue firmly in cheek ). We're at the command house in chatham at 4 today as well... I'll be asleep on my feet for sure.
  15. Yeah, middle finger all the way. Playing triplets I lead with my ring finger too so I'm thinking it's just the most natural and comfortable movement of the hand (try tapping on a desk, little finger to thumb - it's harder the other way).
  16. Well that was awesome. Think we gave Mr. Dylan a run for his money! Nah it was great fun though. Seasick Steve the best act by far. Our drummer got a picture with him backstage - jealous. Anyone else go Hop Farm this year?
  17. Actually the markings on the neck remind me of that earlier one... Could well be that they're gyp-flipping this after a few months to see if anyone bites.
  18. [quote name='Delberthot' post='883580' date='Jul 2 2010, 12:28 AM']Are they really worth that or is this more likely to appeal to a young trendy band who've just made it and are going for the obscure older guitars look?[/quote] Well I was bidding on one that sold for £800ish in about march which was in a similar condition to this. I was amazed it went for so much then. Across the ocean you'd pay $400 tops for one! They are wicked looking though.
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='883547' date='Jul 1 2010, 11:28 PM']Very good luck with that but I'm sorry to say I'll be checking out Bob. [/quote] Naturally! He's not so good live though I'm told
  20. [quote name='Muzz' post='883118' date='Jul 1 2010, 04:03 PM']Way to photograph a bass, tho - how close are some of those shots? [/quote] Yeah certainly makes it seem uber-glossy! It really is pristine and if I had money to burn I'd pounce on this as I've wanted one for ages, but that price is a bit on the "WTF" side of things!
  21. [quote name='WarPig' post='883110' date='Jul 1 2010, 03:58 PM']well done theo! lounge on the farm looks good.[/quote] Cheers dude; Hop Farm looks even better! Bob Dylan, Peter Green, Van Morrison, Seasick Steve, Mumford and Sons, Ray Davies. Dunno how they've pulled those names in just their 3rd year but fair play to 'em! Can't wait.
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