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Everything posted by Ziphoblat

  1. I'm looking to move on my Barefaced Compact purely because I've decided to opt for a one-cab solution and I'm soon (hopefully) going to need to fork out for the remaining balance on the Barefaced SP12 I'm currently awaiting so unfortunately this one needs to go. Everyone knows how good these are, so I won't talk too much about that... seriously light, seriously loud and seriously good tone. It's in absolutely mint condition apart from one thing - one of the rubber feet on the side of the cab has been lost. No big deal, doesn't really affect the cab when you're just using it stood up as usual. I'm assuming it wasn't screwed as tight as the rest and it's just dropped out, I can't imagine how else it could have happened because the cab has been extremely well looked after as the condition (barring this) shows. If this is an issue for you I'm sure Alex would be happy to send you a replacement out, there's absolutely no damage to the wood at all where it's come unscrewed so you shouldn't have any problems. Other than this the cab looks exactly as it did the day I received it; it's only about 7-8 months old and I'm the first owner. Considering that the price for one of these new is around £530+ when you factor in the nice grill cloth and the neodymium surcharge with the current ~two month wait time, and having had a look at what they seem to be going for I think [size=5][b]£450[/b][/size] is a fairly reasonable price so that's what I'm asking for. Cheers Liam [color=#696969][size=3](click the pictures to enlarge them)[/size][/color] [url="http://imageshack.us/a/img29/5806/compact1.jpg"][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us/a/img560/9303/compact2.jpg"][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us/a/img826/9113/compact3s.jpg"][/url]
  2. Seems you can export your finished thing as a PDF too which would be useful for ordering one as in my experience Sandbergs are far cheaper if you get them from a German website rather than one based over here, but I had several issues with communication because of the language barrier when I attempted that one... being able to send them the spec you want like that would make it a lot easier.
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1349124094' post='1822241'] Can you solder? [/quote] I can, although I'm not fantastic at it. Anyway, thanks to everyone for your information/advice. I've decided to e-mail Badgereffects about the Schism XV... looks like it'll be a little more versatile than a boss + a simple looper, and save me some pedalboard space, and probably not cost much more.
  4. Can anyone shed some light on whether I'd be better with an active or passive looper? I'm relatively new to more complicatef chains of hardware effects, I'm used to doing stuff digitally which is a lot more straight forwards.
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1349121689' post='1822179'] you could do it with an LS-2 if you first split your signal with a simple switchable loop pedal bass into the looper to keep the clean tone and then put the LS-2 in the loop with the two effected chains running through that. hope that makes sense [/quote] That does actually make a lot of sense... thanks for the idea. Any suggestions on a simple loop pedal in the UK? Found exactly what I'd need from an American company but that could get pricey.
  6. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1349121631' post='1822178'] You can run the 2 loops in parallel. But it is only 2 loops, whereas you need 3. Sorry, scan read your post. [/quote] Thanks anyway! [quote name='simwells' timestamp='1349121241' post='1822172'] Wounded Paw V3 or the BadgerEffects Schism XV comes to mind if you want all three parallel loops running at once. There probably are others but they're the only two I'm aware of. [/quote] Thanks for the suggestions, the Wounded Paw looks a bit much for me, but the Badgereffects one looks perfect. I looked on their website but couldn't see a right lot about ordering. Is there anywhere over here you can get em or are they made to order?
  7. Thanks, but my understanding was that the LS-2 was in series? Looking at the image it seems it would only be capable of layering the clean with one chain of effecta, not two, or am I wrong there?
  8. Okay, I'll explain my situation. I've only really got two sounds in my live set-up for my current band (excluding wah, that is). One is my clean sound (slightly overdriven, but functions as a clean sound) and the other is a full on dirty sound used for several Muse songs and a few originals. I'd like to make my dirty sound a bit more complex/sophisticated. I've managed to experiment at home using my music interface and figure out the exact sound I want. I'm achieving it by blending three signals together. The first is a simple clean tone. The second is run into a synth pedal, and then into a distortion pedal. The third is run into a fuzz pedal and then into a ring modulator (a homemade Roger Mayer Octavia modified a bit to suit bass). So ideally what I'd like is sort of a three-way blend pedal that has operates in parallel and if possible has a volume control for each of the three signals (could live without this bit). I've drawn a crappy diagram to make this it easier to understand what I'm trying to achieve. The section I'm unsure about the best way to go about achieving is the bit in the middle in red. Now the final catch is that I'd really like a way to be able to toggle the entire deal on and off in one quick press of a footswitch (ie bypass the red section and have my straight clean sound). That way I can just hit one switch to engage/disengage the dirty sound. I realise it might not be as easy as I hope it is (one pedal with a load of inputs/outputs, a footswitch, and a few volume knobs). If this is the case, is such a pedal possible, and any recommendations on where to get it made? Failing that, what would be the most efficient way to go about achieving what I'm trying to get here? Cheers
  9. This ended up in the wrong section somehow, my bad.
  10. Weekend bump. If I don't get any offers in a week or so I'm going to consider a cash sale on this one, but it'll be in a month or two so I've got time to order a new Super Twelve and wait for it to arrive.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1348231149' post='1811163'] The bubinga top also adds some natural compression to the sound. [/quote] That's a fine looking bass though. The top looks great. Bet it sounds good too.
  12. That's a sweet looking thing and I'm sorely tempted... sold a jazz recently so got the funds too. Unfortunately Oxford is a fair trek for me... shipping completely out of the question I suppose?
  13. Considering they're £545 new, with a huge wait time at the moment, and this is in mint condition, I'd value it at £500, but I'm not looking for hard cash anyway, simply a trade (the exact item I'm after was specified). I wasn't aware of the bump rule, I just tend to do it once it reaches the bottom of the third page, but I'll bear that in mind in future. I only deleted to avoid having two posts in a row, makes the thread look messy.
  14. I'm based in Leeds, so a good trek from the south coast unfortunately.
  15. My band went down the DIY recording route. The prices for even the cheaper studios is ridiculous for the quality of the finished products (at least around here), and for the price of a few hours in the studio we managed to pretty much buy everything we needed to record ourselves. We went down the computer interface route (got a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56) and a cheap drum mic set from a budget brand (Samson, I think it's a re-branding of Stagg or something, think Bugera/Behringer, may be wrong there). We used one of the condensers from the drum mics to record the vocals, and the bass and guitar were both just recorded direct in and run through amp simulators and other digital processors. The advantage to this approach is that whenever we want to record more material we're able to do it cost free. It's more work on your part - the mixing process can be arduous (especially when you're trying to compensate for budget mics), but I prefer it this way. We already had a lot of the necessary equipment (mic stands, XLR cables and what have you) from our live gear. As an originals band it's definitely worth learning some covers too. I find for one thing that it helps strengthen the way you work together musically as a band, and it opens plenty more avenues. In my band we've always been first and foremost concerned with our original material, but we still have a catalogue of over thirty covers (ranging from hits to more obscure numbers, anywhere between the 60's and the other month). This means that as well as being able to play all the unpaid music venue gigs (the ones we do for enjoyment) we can also play your standard pub gig to get a bit of money in pocket. At these sort of gigs we usually throw our original material in there amongst the covers too, and the punters usually love it (we're usually told those were our best songs, I suppose the fact they're the ones we play for enjoyment shows in the playing and stuff). At function gigs we'll usually leave them out unless requested otherwise. We've played gigs from the standard sort of £15-250 range right up to £600 on occasion, so it's not a bad little earner on the side and paid for our recording gear. We quite frequently end up booking more gigs from these pub gigs too, people in the audience who ask us to play at their wedding/party/birthday/third-cousin-twice-removed's-friends-Bar-Mitzvah, and sometimes other opportunities too such as radio, festivals, more music venues etc. It's definitely worth expanding into as many areas as you can in my opinion.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1347896163' post='1806302'] You mean like [url="http://www.smproaudio.com/index.php/en/products/v-machines/v-machine"]this[/url] or [url="http://www.museresearch.com/products/index.php"]this[/url] or [url="http://digitech.com/en-US/products/istomp"]this[/url]? [/quote] The first perhaps, although the reviews indicate it's pretty bad, the second two aren't really what I was going for. I suppose it's something they're already working on (I've never tried looking) but once somebody gets it right I'll be a happy guy.
  17. A small portable digital computer in the form of a stompbox, that could be connected to a PC (or one of those funny Apple things, god forbid) via USB and could load VST's and apply them to your signal in real-time. Basically so you could incorporate VST plug-ins into your live rig. One day, hopefully.
  18. It functions as a way for the company to get their name and there and such a lot of the time. People might not necessarily be incentivised to look into their amps or try them out, but if you have a bash on it through your amp simulator and discover the sound you've always been after then you're quite possibly going to go pick one up so you can get that sound in a live setting and such. Plus the more obvious mimics (Amplitube for example) will be paying royalties to these companies... they're getting paid to advertise their products. Can't complain about that. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone not buying a particular type of amp because they can just get a simulator for it.
  19. Just to clarify, this is just looking for a trade really. I don't want to do a straight sale because it's the only cab I have and as such I need it for the gigs I have coming up and such.
  20. As has already been mentioned, a location would be nice. Would also appreciate a photo of this blemish on the side of the bass. Cheers.
  21. I'm looking to move on my Barefaced Compact. It's an absolutely fantastic cab (easily the best I've owned so far). I'd originally intended to buy a Midget to go with it, but I've since decided I'd rather go for a one-cab solution. As such, I'd be looking to trade this for a Barefaced Super Twelve (the tweeter is a must, and I'd rather have the silver cloth too, but I suppose you can't be too picky). I'm aware that the Super Twelve is a bit more expensive than a Compact, so we can discuss a cash adjustment your way too. I'll get some photos up soon, but you all know what these look like (and it's in mint condition, not a ding on it). I'm also apparently required to include what I would value the cab at now. I'd value it at £500, considering they're £545 new (once you account for the silver cloth and the neodymium surcharge) and this is literally mint, and saves you the wait time (which as I understand it is pretty big right now, they must be fairly busy).
  22. Last bump before eBay tomorrow...
  23. http://s1145.photobucket.com/albums/o515/Ziphoblat/ New more detailed photographs available here that I've taken today with a better camera ready for putting the bass on eBay on Sunday if it doesn't sell here.
  24. Hi Jeff, I'm based in Leeds... cheers.
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