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Everything posted by Ziphoblat

  1. Dat tone... it's just... horrible. Improves somewhat once more instruments kick in and it masks the excessive top end but it still creeps into the mix occasionally. There's just more string/fret noise than actual "bass" there, bit too distracting for me. Shame, because the basis of the sound is great and obviously expertly played. Great track though.
  2. I honestly think the familiarity could just be that he looks like somebody introduced Gandalf to Gillette.
  3. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1380094507' post='2220603']Anyway, I agree with the premise, why would you pay this much for parts when a whole instrument is not that much more (and you can try it first, picking the best one etc), be better to buy the whole thing and ebay the bits you don't want.[/quote] You've knackered your current neck/body and want a replacement, you're building a parts bass which isn't all Fender, etc. There are plenty of reasons; I don't think the intention is that you might buy the same bits as on a standard model and assemble it yourself. Missing the point really. I'm considering grabbing one of the Mexican bodies and a Status jazz neck.
  4. Have you looked into the GK MB Fusion and Ampeg Portaflex amps?
  5. I got a 2009 German made active bubinga Warwick Corvette for that much. Warwicks hold their value so poorly that buying a new one is a bad idea. Hang onto your brass and wait for a "proper" Warwick to come up second hand that takes your fancy.
  6. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1379118376' post='2208986'] what is outclassed JTUK.? there is no better, there is just opinion. [/quote] You could be of the opinion that Pete Wentz isn't outclassed by Tony Levin (random example, I know) but then you'd be beating around one hell of a bush. Music is subjective of course, but I think there are situations where it's blatantly obvious that somebody is just a more experienced/expressive player.
  7. Only find a need if there's a big pause (3+ beats). I can do it but I don't find that I need to keep time or anything. I'm not sure it itself is an inherently useful thing to be able to do, but I think if you couldn't do it there would probably be some negative implications of that.
  8. A P-bass (need to go bleach my hands after typing that) and a fretless... preferably not in the same bass.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1378548581' post='2201667'] So you wouldn't like this 1973 P Bass..? [/quote] Where-as that is the one colour combo that's rather acceptable, it would still look better with a tort guard or a maple board .
  10. I'm using a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 and a Barefaced S12T/V.
  11. If it's one or the other? Enjoyment; because the money most likely isn't worth the hassle if I'm not enjoying it. If it's both? Count me in.
  12. Digital Man and The Weapon are both awesome songs with awesome playing (and bass playing), but I agree on the production values and would extend that sentiment to the general feel of the album. Still a great listen.
  13. Get it delivered to work. Keep it in the car until she's out of the way. Then bring it inside. She never has to know. Or take a big empty cardboard box out one morning and explain that you're selling one of your basses - she can't complain when another one arrives that way.
  14. Owned a classic 70's Jazz. Truss rod popped out of the back of the neck in the case overnight, so that went back. Sound Control in Leeds who I bought it from replaced it with an identical model hassle-free which I was grateful of (they've gone now though, it's a PMT now). The second one was free of any issues and was a great bass. Killer lively tone and good playability, nice fit and finish etc. Great value for money; I often wish I'd kept it. I've played several standards which were alright, nothing amazing but not terrible; you could probably get better for that money (or indeed less, I've preferred most of the Squier VM's and CV's I've played).
  15. I think tort and maple looks fine. What I really can't stand is white guards and rosewood boards. Yuck! Especially with a black body; easily the worst combination conceivable.
  16. A load of bull, to be honest. The theory that different people are attracted to different instruments and bass players tend to be the "nice guys" doesn't hold when you factor in the fact that half of us are ex-guitar players for whom guitar didn't work out. I don't fall into that category myself, although I'm still a tw*t. Some people are decent folk and some just aren't; some of those who aren't play instruments and some of those who do play the same instruments. That's about where it ends. Some of the nicest people I've known have been drummers and singers, and most of my mates play guitar so I can't knock that much either. All of the bass players I've known outside of multiple-band gigs, bar one, have been raging plebs.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1378284495' post='2198001'] Yes - here they are in action. [/quote]
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1378212258' post='2197065'] It's all subjective other than the weight which the class d factually wins on unless your into body building, it's not a class d worse than heavy amp argument, i prefer the sound of my rig to any Ashdown,hartke,swr or ebs rig, that's off the top of my head but you get my drift. [/quote] +1 Sound is subjective. Weight and size are objective. On all objective fronts, Class D amps make more sense. If you happen to not like the sound then it sucks to be you; I get the best tone I've ever head out of my Genz Benz Shuttle and Barefaced S12 and it's so unbelievably easy to get around. Win/win.
  19. My criticisms would be; [list] [*]The bass is too deep and rumbly. Might be a stylistic choice, I don't know. But for this kind of music I think you'd be far better with a gritty grindy sort of tone. More upper mids, slightly less lower mids, and far less bottom end. Leave most of that to the kick drum. I often get the impression there's something more going on with the bass but all I hear is a stampede in the distance. [*]The vocals are a touch tinny and could probably do to be a tad louder. Not too much, but a bit would definitely help. [*]Space. There isn't any. It's really hard to work out what's going in parts. That's fine at times I suppose, but the whole mix just feels like one wall of sound; it never lets up. Frequency conflictions are probably a large contributor to this. The guitars are just too much and too muddy. [*]I'd give the snare a little less fizz and a little more crack. [/list]
  20. Fairly confident they're describing their own PA.
  21. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1377885966' post='2193303']What a load of bollocks.[/quote] Hole in one.
  22. The only time mine get tuned is at rehearsals or gigs; I check on my TC Polytune to make sure, nearly every time it'll be perfect, even if the last time I checked was a couple of weeks ago and it's been played constantly since.
  23. Single cut basses. Vile.
  24. Couldn't give a hoot personally. Complexity has nothing to do with it for me (obviously within reason, anything Alembic style with too many controls, or something without even a tone knob would be a turn-off). Far more interested in how the instrument plays and sounds. I've never been a fan of active electronics; I don't see the need really. My Warwick is active (as most of them are) but I love the way it plays and sounds. The active stuff gets used occasionally; largely just because it has no passive tone knob. I've been there with the P-bass thing. It was alright, but nothing about the sound really excites the ear; the only instrument I've owned that was more two-dimensional was a Stingray. I think I just need a couple of pick-ups to be honest. I really don't see the point in considering how "complex" an instrument is though; find one you like and then deal with the controls afterwards. Turning everything down that has more than one pick-up or active electronics or whatever without even giving it a chance is really going to dilute your options.
  25. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1377522488' post='2188414'] In one full year of owning a MacBook Pro, I can happily report that there have been no issues whatsoever. Sometimes a programme crashes, but that's happened maybe 2 or 3 times in the entire year, and that's the height of the issues I've had. [/quote] I built my desktop around 17 months ago and bought my laptop around 6 months ago. I've had two small issues; one was a BSoD because of a faulty stick of memory (faulty from the factory, easily fixed, wouldn't happen in a pre-built machine) and another which was a display error from a bad driver, again easily fixed by reinstalling a small program. I don't see what the difference is, other than that I paid for both what you'd pay for a single equally spec'd Macbook. If you were to go by some of the scaremongering in here then by rights they should have both spontaneously combusted by now.
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