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Everything posted by slojo

  1. Lovely work, I enjoyed that, thanks.
  2. Rotosounds going cheap too https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rotosound-Nickel-Heavy-Roundwound-Strings/dp/B00134WWIA/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2P9U723SDFN5L&keywords=rotosound%2Bbass%2Bstrings&qid=1700504101&sprefix=Rotosound%2Bbass%2Bstrings%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-9&th=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rotosound-Stainless-Medium-Roundwound-Strings/dp/B0002GNV12/ref=sr_1_29?crid=2P9U723SDFN5L&keywords=rotosound%2Bbass%2Bstrings&qid=1700504101&sprefix=Rotosound%2Bbass%2Bstrings%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-29&th=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rotosound-Stainless-Steel-Roundwound-Strings/dp/B0002GNSUQ/ref=sr_1_31?crid=2P9U723SDFN5L&keywords=rotosound+bass+strings&qid=1700504101&sprefix=Rotosound+bass+strings%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-31 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rotosound-Nickel-Hybrid-Roundwound-Strings/dp/B001PKLKC6/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2P9U723SDFN5L&keywords=rotosound%2Bbass%2Bstrings&qid=1700504390&refinements=p_89%3ARotosound%2Cp_36%3A1100-2000&rnid=405443031&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=Rotosound%2Bbass%2Bstrings%2Caps%2C107&sr=1-9&th=1
  3. Black Classic Vibe 60’s Jazz basses are down from £395 to £276.50 on Fender.com https://www.fender.com/en-GB/squier-electric-basses/jazz-bass/classic-vibe-60s-jazz-bass/0374530506.html Nice bargain if you’re in the market 🙂
  4. Do you know the weight please?
  5. Basically the Muddy Waters band plus Walter Shaky Horton on Harp, nice! My favourite film, a classic.
  6. Probably a chemical reaction between the outer sheath and the screen happening over time. Time to cut your losses and splash the cash on a new one by the looks of it. EDIT: Just checked the price of what I use, they’ve really shot up 😵 https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/12022310584839--planet-waves-pw-amsg-20-american-stage-instrument-cable-20ft
  7. Thanks, no it didn’t hang around. It’s a lovely wee thing.
  8. SOLD! Well, horse traded, one in, one out 😁
  9. Thanks, that’s a pity, I’d love you to have it!
  10. Selling my gorgeous little Mensinger Cazpar 5 string, 30” scale, standard low B tuning. I bought this new from Bass Direct in late January 2021 and it has only had light home use. It was originally passive but I fitted a John East MMSR 3 band, 3 knob eq (electrical technician by trade). This has bass, treble, mid and mid frequency sweep. Pulling on the treble control it gives bright mode. The volume control has a push-pull action which switches between single coil (jazz bass) and parallel humbucker (Musicman) modes. It’s playing and sound beautifully. Weight when new was 3.08Kg (see manufacturer’s spec in photo below) which is 6.8lbs plus the weight of the preamp and battery which isn’t much. On the strap it feels super light and well balanced. Comes with the high quality manufacturer’s gig bag which has a handy front pocket large enough to take full size books. All original case candy is present too. I can’t find any marks on the bass at all except a tiny bit of wear to the black finish on the top side of the b-string bridge saddle which I have tried to show in the photo, apart from that it’s pretty much as new. It cost me £1607 in total, £1450 plus £157 for the preamp, so I think £1000 plus shipping is fair. I’m near Ballymena in County Antrim if anybody would like to see and play or courier to UK and Ireland can be arranged as I have the original shipping box. Any questions just ask, thanks. Not really looking for trades but ask anyway, you never know. P.S. click on photos for high res mode 🙂
  11. Here’s a couple of photos of my Mensinger Cazpar 30” scale 5 string. I’ve decided to put it in the classifieds as it’s not getting much use and it’s a shame to be just sitting here so these might whet someone’s appetite 🥰
  12. Thanks Mike, it is a brilliant bass, plays like butter, feels so soft and smooth to the touch. It’s also the lightest and best balanced bass I’ve owned, just under 7lbs. You can wear it for a couple of hours and not feel a thing when you take it off. The preamp transformed it IMO, the passive tone control was poor previously but now sounds great. The East preamp is so quiet and natural sounding with no hiss at all. Actually it’s not getting a lot of use as I’ve went back to 4 strings for now.
  13. @scrumpymike That little Stingray is gorgeous! Is the pickup connected in parallel humbucker mode? I fitted the same preamp to my Mensinger Cazpar (with big MM like humbucker) but swapped the volume control out for one with a push-pull switch. This lets you switch between single coil or humbucker mode by routing the pickup wiring through the switch. It’s a cheap way of giving it a much wider range of tones, just a thought. The single coil gives a nice vintage tone compared to the more aggressive humbucker tone. I didn’t bother with series mode as it’s just a louder version of single coil and you get a massive volume change between modes. Here’s a pic of the wiring and controls.
  14. I bought a MM 3 band from him directly, very helpful and prompt service.
  15. Th😊nks guys.
  16. 👏👏👏 Congratulations Andy, well deserved, so say all of us.
  17. My favourite JJ Cale vid on YouTube, love this and that stacked knob Jazz is just too cool for school.
  18. Just read the specs on that Project phono stage and output voltage looks as low as the line level output from the turntable (200mV). I would take Dan Dare’s advice and contact a dealer for advice like Audio Affair.
  19. Yes, there’s a choice of line level or straight from the cartridge.
  20. I think the phono stage is built into his turntable and there isn’t one in the Denon hifi.
  21. That Project looks ideal. Spending more would be a waste I think.
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