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Everything posted by lukeward2004

  1. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14897&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14897&st=0[/url] Apologies for the shameless link, but the Pics are so good ive used the original sale thread as I havent had a chance to take any of my own, however they will be up as soon as I can get some! So Yes, I am the proud owner of this fantastic Vigier Passion III 5 String, and I can honestly say this is a cracking bass! As some of you may know I have been looking at a number of basses recently, and been close to purchasing on two occasions, but I had a bit of a run of bad luck with events taking away from my GAS fund - I must say a massive thanks to Ped for helping me out and doing me a deal enabling me to buy this! So yes, I am the proud new owner, off to play it now so will be back online and with a full review once ive had a chance to give it a proper thrashing. It will also be at the next bash if anyone wants to give it a good play!
  2. Crikey - they look rather good for the money! Lovely project P's there fellas, really nice work - id need to play one to see what they are like "in the flesh", but they certainly look the part, ideal for a beginner or just as a mess around bass.
  3. Out of curiosity, what was the general consensus on Ped's 5 string Vigier? Shame I coultn make the NW bash, I was in Manchester the week or so before and had the pleasure of meeting my old buddies MikeH, niceguyhomer and Rayman for a drink and an impromtu Jam in my hotel room, if it had been a week later I could have done the bash too! Ill definately be at the Northampton bash at the end of the month, Ped's driving this time ;P
  4. Very nice pair there my friend, truely sexual! Lovely Jazz, I am prone to a good vintage Jazz Bass from time to time.
  5. I too am a lover of slap playing, although in moderation! I cant recommend Stu Clayton's "Ultimate Slap Bass" and Ed Friedlands DVD "Ultimate Slap Bass Guide" - I spent around 2 years with each of these, perfecting my technique and learning the tricks of the licks. Im still not great at slapping but im alright, good enough for most slap esque stuff. No, im nor endorsed by Stuart, but I bloody well should be with the amount of plugging I do whenever someone asks this type of question! Darn it Stu, why'd you have to write such a good book?
  6. Hi Guys, Anyone know if there are any USB drivers available for Vista 32 bit for use with the Bass Pod XT pro? Ive recently replaced my PC with a very powerful new PC running Vista 32 Bit, only to find I cant find any POD drivers for it!
  7. Cheers for the positive comments guys - the recording came straight from the desk, and thankfully the sound guy is a friend of mine who knows exactly what he is doing! Im not sure how much longer the drummer will be with us - needless to say I will be gutted if he leaves, we get on really well and he's one of the best ive ever played with - but he has a few other commitments that must take priority over the band. Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed them!
  8. Oh, forgot to mention - all my gear will be at the March bash if anyone wants to play around! Also, sadly, my singer has since left the band and left us in the Lurch with several gigs looming - looking for a dep but may have to cancel, which is a pain in the arse, but it cant be helped.
  9. Cheers guys! My Drummer helps me cover up my shocking playing with his awesome skills so I can get away with a lot more methinks. I used my Warwick Streamer LX5 for all tracks except Too Young To Die, for which I used my Streamer Stage One which is loaded with EMG pickups and a 2 band Aguilar Preamp (not sure which one tbh). I played a few other tracks with it that night but I didnt get a very good recording for them so I decided not to upload them, if you want to hear them ill happily send a CD out for you all. Settings wise, I turned off all modelling and ran it with a completely clean channel, with a slight bit of compression and EQ on the overall sound - I find that I prefer the natural sound of the warwicks over anything else, and thankfully the POD is able to reproduce that really well. The rest is in my clumsy fingers!
  10. A very tempting offer mate, lets wait and see....
  11. ***UPDATED*** More sonic goodness from that gig: Never stop: [url="http://media.putfile.com/Projec13---Never-Stop-Live-2008"]http://media.putfile.com/Projec13---Never-Stop-Live-2008[/url] Lady Marmalade: [url="http://media.putfile.com/Projec13---Lady-Marmalade-Live-2008"]http://media.putfile.com/Projec13---Lady-Marmalade-Live-2008[/url] Too Young To Die: [url="http://media.putfile.com/Projec13---Too-Young-to-Die-live-2008"]http://media.putfile.com/Projec13---Too-Yo...o-Die-live-2008[/url] Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
  12. Hi Guys n Gals, I have the live recording back from my last gig with Projec13, and I thought I would ask for your comments and thoughts! As my upload speed is so crap at the moment, I have only had time to upload the one track - a cover of Jamiroquai's Runaway - however I will add more when I get time as it is late and I got off a plane from Madrid about 3 hours ago and need sleep! For this track I was playing my Warwick Streamer LX 5 String into my Bass Pod XT and then into my Epifani UL310, although what you hear on the recording is the "model" DI from the back of my POD. [url="http://media.putfile.com/Projec13-Live---Runaway-Feb-2008"]http://media.putfile.com/Projec13-Live---Runaway-Feb-2008[/url] Enjoy and watch this space for others as I have a load more to upload! Cheers Luke
  13. Chris, mate, are you on crack?!? That is a fookin lovely bass mate, in a sick way I hope it doesn't sell so I can play it at the next bash - if its even a tenth like your 4, its a stonking bass on all levels!
  14. lukeward2004


    Consider a cash sale? Any Idea on price?
  15. OK my GAS has kicked in big time for this - just waiting to hear back from Gwilym!
  16. Hi One and All, I need some help with coming up with some mellow, soulful songs for my covers band. At present, we have female vocals, two guitars, bass, drums and keys with backing vocals. We have quite a big gig coming up on the 11th april, at the Jazz Cafe, and they have just asked us if we can do an hour or so of slower, more relaxed music whilst the guests dine in the restaurant before we kick off with our current set, which is filled with high energy funk and soul. We have a couple of slow numbers, like Lionel Richie's "Easy like sunday morning", but we need a whole load more - so please, fire over some suggestions! Cheers Luke
  17. Oh Wow - the 71 Jazz does it for me, only Id put the ashtrays back on it - perfect! Lovely collection!
  18. Im Very interested in this - PM sent!
  19. HAHA true - must have thought our little "bass love in" was a bit weird! I reckon we could have got away with wheeling in a few rigs and the odd drumkit too! RE: Jazzes, this looks amazing: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14403"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14403[/url] - ive been tempted myself but its one string shy of what I need!
  20. Just a free BUMP for my mate Mike - also to add, I played this bass last night and it really surprised me how supply and easy to handle it was. Didnt get a chance to plug it in but with a pair of MM humbuckers i have no doubt it kicks out some nice sounds! I have NEVER been able to get "comfortable" with a Musicman bass, the necks have never appealed to me - but the Bongo just seems to feel right, and if I wasnt GASsing for a top 5 String Jazz, I would probably buy this.
  21. If I had 2k ready to go, Id be ordering an Overwater. In fact, I may just save a little more cash and go for an Overwater anyway!
  22. Nice collection there russ, you have all musical angls covered there. One a side note, it was great to see you and Al & Mike last night, sadly im back home down south now but I really enjoyed catching gup with you guys! Next time im up Manchester/Stockport way ill let you all know, we need to do it again!
  23. A few I found very good: Fingerboard Harmony for 4,5 & 6 string bass by Gary Willis Funk Fusion Bass by Joe Liebman Building Walking basslines by Ed Friedland Afro Cuban Basslines (not sure of the author)
  24. Nick, I have a Streamer Stage 1 4 string and a Streamer LX 5, both are German made and the SS1 is a 2000 model, not sure about the LX5 - possibly a little older. FWIW, I find the LX5 is my main gigging bass - the neck isnt as chunky as on some warwicks ive played and sound wise, i really feel "at home" with the bass boosted a little, the treble rolled all the way off and then just shy of a quarter tone forward, and a little midrange (just a smidge). The result is a really growly, organic sounding hunk of bass that fits right into my Funk band's sound, always cuts through the mix and draws a few grins from fellow bassists in the crowd. The pickups in mine are JJ type and all is as standard, so MEC Pre and Pups. You arent far away from me Nick so you are most welcome to come and try mine out if you want mate, and if you want to hear it in a live band situation, Im gigging in Bracknell on tuesday night (26th Feb) so PM me if you want to pop down, ill get you on the guest list. Both my Warwicks are great basses, with my SS1 sounding more hifi than the LX, mainly because its almost totally Maple and neck thru, and because it is loaded with the Aguilar OBP-1 Pre and EMG Pickups.
  25. FWIW, With my Streamer Stage One I find a nice slick low action with ELixir Nanoweb strings gives a nice tight bouncy slap sound. You need to give yourself some time to develop your technique - get the bass in a comfortable standing position and then try different ways of slapping - under the string, thumb upwards, thumb in line with the string, thumb downwards, and whatever feels natural to you should be your starting point. I cant recommend Stu Clayton's "Ultimate Slap Bass Guide" - and Ed Friedland's DVD by the same name - I used both of them and it developed my slap playing to no end. And no, im not on commision from Stu Clayton or Bassline publishing, I just think its a fantastic book for all levels of slap playing.
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