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Everything posted by lukeward2004

  1. Hi All, Heres my current multi purpose, lightweight but supremely loud rig: Signal path is Bass into AKG WMS 400 Wireless, into Bass Pod XT, Aphex Aural Exciter sits in the FX loop, into the QSC Poweramp, and pumps out of my nice new Epifani UL310 cab.
  2. I'll be keeping a close eye on this - ive recently sold my Hartke 410xl as it is just too damn heavy, but sound wise it is top class (Mr Tinman is the new owner, pairing it up with another 410XL to create an all conquering demolition rig). Im off down to the bass gallery tomorrow to try out an Epifani UL310 cab, but this may prove to be an interim purchase as If Hartke release a 4x10 cab that weighs sod all, ill be very keen to try one - if its even as half as good as the XL range ill sell my mother to get one.
  3. Two Words - one begins with F and ends with K, the other is Me.
  4. Id have it with the Torty guard - looks the bees knees to me!
  5. Me - it was the year 2000, I was 15 and at the time playing Piano/Keyboards just wasnt "cool". All my friends where playing guitar and making horrible "squeelly" noises to Blink 182, Green Day and various other pop-punk bands. I thought I would pick up the bass as my hands and fingers where a bit too big for guitar (so i thought at the time anyway) and Im a big bloke - guitars just didnt look right on me, they looked too small. Bass looked just right! So I went out and got myself a Westfield P Bass copy - id like to say it was nice but it was actually a big shower of brown stuff - it fell apart in about three months of fairly frequent playing. Then I moved on to a Crafter Musicman copy which was better but didnt play too well, and about a year later I bought a Squier 5 String jazz type bass. As I got into different types of music, and as ive grown older, ive gone through loads of basses and thankfully they have got progressively better - now the proud owner of a sexy Warwick Streamer Stage One 4 string loaded with EMG's, a Warwick Streamer LX 5 string, a 70's style Fender Jazz Bass, and an Ibanez Gary Willis Fretless Bass. Who knows what the future holds......
  6. Moved to recyling forum
  7. Pure Sex - love it! I have a soft spot for GB Spitfire basses, they look great and sound amazing!
  8. Well, clearly the force is strong with me - which is probably why the missus kicked me out of bed last night.....
  9. Nice collection Nick - still loving that Lakland, played it at the last bash and if you ever decide to sell it, let me know first!
  10. So how does the cat on the headstock affect tuning the bass?
  11. As John says - now sold!
  12. Update: This is now available once again as the original buyer has run into some hardship and cannot buy it - I'm looking to sell this quickly so get in touch!
  13. Very nice!
  15. THanks for all the response guys, All is now Sold pending payment.
  16. Hi All, I have a Korg DTR 1000 Racktuner for sale, in very good condition, been sat in my rack happily for the last two years. Great little tuner, very accurate and handles the low B on my 5ers with ease. No box or manual but it is in full working order and as I say, has been rackmounted in a shockproof rack since I got it. Looking for £60 delivered. Also got a Line6 Space Chorus, once again in VGC, had this for ages and it hasnt sold, not sure why as its a good chorus unit that is built in an almost bulletproof metal chassis! It has been sat on my side for months so im willing to let this go for £30 delivered. PM me!
  17. Still available - BUMP
  18. No Interest whatsoever? BUMP
  19. SOLD PENDING PAYMENT 'Tis a bargain and she is a beauty - but she deserves to be played!
  20. Hi guys, You are right jebo, she is lovely but its taking up more room than I really have and it just doesn't get the playtime it deserves - my two warwicks and 70's jazz are before it in the pecking order, then I have my ibanez gary willis fretless aswell! The neck I believe came from WD Music - and it is actually a really good reproduction of a jazz neck. I can't notice any discernable difference between my other jazz and this, and playability wise its smooth as you like and trust me - I wasn't keen on the plastic flats at first, but give them a go, they are great! I have a few PM's to which I shall reply as soon as I get home - I'm writing this on my blackberry as I'm working tonight in london.
  21. Hi, A few weeks back I bought a great little "bitsa" jazz bass built by our own BassBod, however I am finding that my other basses are taking up all my playing time and this has only been played twice since I got it, and its taking up space I need at the moment. Description from the original owner: Jap bits, alder body WD/Gotoh hardware, Kent Armstron p/ups. Currently strung with Labella plastic flats, includes unused Thomann hard case. And some pics: The Plastic flats sound great on this and feel like they will last forever - really good for thumping out those old motown classics or for those chilled out jazz moments. Im asking for what I paid for it - £175 collected from Windsor, berkshire. Will happily meet within a short distance if you are travelling though. PM me!
  22. Hi guys n' gals, Due to my GAS causing me much grief and the pending arrival of my Tech ND410, I am selling my Hartke 410XL cab as it is now surplus to requirements. I bought this originally about 2 years ago from our very own Ped, and it has seen many hours of gigging. Considering this, it is in great shape - not marks or stains on the carpet covering, and it is in full working order. Its 400 Watts, 8 Ohms, and sounds immense - for the price you cannot beat this gear. Only reason i am selling this is because it is not light - weighs about 40kg or so. Here it is: I also have some soundclips of me playing my Jazz bass through it with the Hartke 3500 Head, from a gig I did early this year at the Clapham grand in London: [url="http://[url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---Whatever-Live-2007"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---Whatever-Live-2007[/url] [url="http://[url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---You-Will-Ever-Know-Live-2007"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---You-Wil...-Know-Live-2007[/url] [url="http://[url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---Two-Worlds-Apart-2007"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---Two-Worlds-Apart-2007[/url] Im asking for £175 collected - id rather not ship it as this is heavy and it will cost a lot for a courier to deliver. I dont mind meeting within a short distance either to suit. PM Me!
  23. WOW - dont mind me, ive just had to change my pants.
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