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Markus Wilson

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About Markus Wilson

  • Birthday 01/01/1971

Markus Wilson's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


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  1. Wow cheap enough!
  2. Comes without case Only used to inflate self importance Will make you feel like a million dollars No pics as yet as Im too busy preening. Ciao
  3. Is that a single ply guard? Thanks Markus
  4. Have you any more pictures please? Markus
  5. Beautiful bass man.
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1152205' date='Mar 7 2011, 09:26 AM']Funny how no-one ever denigrates symphony orchestras as being a mere 'cover bands'.[/quote] I must admit I dont understand the musical snobbery? Like you say there's all the classics and jazz and blues standards that are played to death and they dont receive such derision. Music is music is music, if there is enjoyment playing it and enjoyment listening to it, get on with it. Markus
  7. Would you post to the NY State buddy?
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1107390' date='Jan 29 2011, 05:26 PM']When you first started playing did you realise the body was made out of wood?[/quote] Yes
  9. If he is "in house" leave him work his magic, he will know the room better than you ever will. Trust him as much as your band trust you.
  10. First time on the forum so i dont know if this sort of thread has been done but. What is the most valuable piece of advice you would give to a student or novice of the instrument? Mine would be; Play with as many and as varied styles and types of musician as possible, even if you feel you are more advanced in ability than them, you always have something to learn. Markus
  11. You are young, you think you have to prove you are a great player (been there done it myself). The people that would be impressed by constant meanderings are not the people whos opinion matters. Flailing around the neck all the time gets just as boring as crotchet root notes, especially to the listener. There is a time and place for everything and solo sections are where most musicians confine their virtuoso ability for. Taste is far more important than virtuosity and that will come with time and experience. Remember you are playing in an ensemble, communicating a song to the listener. Markus
  12. Hi y'all First post here, I usually mooch around gearslutz but have been recommended to come take a look at your site, first impressions are good. Looks like I'll stick around. Hopefully enjoy chewin the fat with you. Markus
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