I've gone phaser - flanger - chorus - flanger/chorus and have now decided phasing is where I want to be; I want a phaser again
I did I own an EHX nano small stone but moved it on thinking a wanted chorus and finally ended up with a EHX Stereo Electric Mistress which I've now flogged. I've looked around and searched and listened and have ended up with the following list of possibles
Mojo Hand Nebula
Sub Decay Quasar
EHX Polyphase
Red Witch Moon Phaser
The nebula sounds nice and subtle, as though it would sit well in the mix but the others give me tweak ability to get different sounds. I do like the nebulas plug and play ability as sometimes I just can't be bothered to tweak. I would like something different from the small stone this time.
I like the sound and nebula but I don't want to be stuck with just one range of sounds as there will be no chorus, flanger etc on the board so I want the ability to change the sound. I like simplicity but want to take my sound sculpting further. I'll be using it mainly in a praise band setting to add some colour. I liked the small stone sound especially on low settings but want to be able to build on this.
Or should I get a Nebula and there say a quasar later?
Help, experiences, other options welcome.
Thanks in advance