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Everything posted by sk8

  1. Dave Just wondered how the Fuzzy Feeling worked on bass? Does it retain low end or is it a guitar pedal? Thanks
  2. here you go [attachment=4788:11012008015.jpg] [attachment=4787:11012008018.jpg]
  3. I lied - its a Green LED! Bump
  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Line-6-Bass-POD-XT-PRO-FBV-SHORTBOARD_W0QQitemZ300189366761QQihZ020QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Line-6-Bass-POD-XT-P...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] is this price realistic?
  5. bumpage
  6. unfortunately for you, no You a one man band
  7. [quote name='cockbongo' post='116156' date='Jan 8 2008, 12:43 PM']You know, you don't hear sentences like that often enough...[/quote]ha ha
  8. I've sold my muff and want a blowtorch so this will have to go It’s a Daphon pedal, built like a tank with a strong metal housing and is a great overdrive. This twist is it has had a monte alums mod (check out his website) so it is now more akin to a TS808 tubescreamer for basically no money. Most importantly it now has a blue LED and we all know these are the best It is really smooth and has great response across its range. I’m after £30 inc P&P which for a Tubescreamer is no money If you want to try some dirt this is agood option
  9. bump - less than half price now
  10. pm'd
  11. sk8


  12. well i have had a reasonable play now and i have to say i'm impressed
  13. forgot to say that the clone comes with a power adaptor lead
  14. Compressor sold pending the usual
  15. replied Muff now sold
  16. Happy new year people. Probably not the best time to flog gear after Xmas but we'll give it a go as i fancy some different pedals First up EHX Big Muff PI American reissue. Less than six months old and in excellent condition. Included is the original box and instructions plus a power adapter lead that was bought separately so the pedal can be powered off a daisy chain boss style power connector. SOLD Second EHX Small Clone Chorus. Good condition, less than six months old with original box and instructions. Also included a power adapter lead that was bought separately so the pedal can be powered off a daisy chain boss style power connector. Great simple chorus but since the purchase of a Stereo electric Mistress a bit redundant hence the sale. £35 inc P&P Last Daphon E20CM compressor. Built like a tank to last and i believe it is based on the Ibanez CP-5 circuit. A great gentle compressor but i fancy something else now. Daphon is the best budget make out there; i still have an OD and only sold my flanger because i bought the Electric Mistress. SOLD
  17. sold subject to the usual
  18. i use an EHX Big Muff and a daphon OD modded to tube screamer specs with a monte allums mod kit
  19. not had chance to play yet as i was away over christmas but hope to soon
  20. [quote name='BassManKev' post='112280' date='Jan 2 2008, 01:47 PM']you thought of sendin it back to shop you bought it from and say it was a duplicate gift or something??[/quote] it was the bay from Ireland
  21. Bought this just before christmas and had a quick play but i'm not convinced its what i'm looking for. Comes with original box and power supply included. Will run off 9 volt daisy chan happily but does not take batteries. It is basically a combined flanger and chorus in an XO sized pedal Link to EHX site [url="http://www.ehx.com/ehx2/Default.asp?q=f&f=%2FCatalog%2F001%5FXO%5FLine%2F38%5FStereo%5FElectric%5FMistress"]http://www.ehx.com/ehx2/Default.asp?q=f&am...tric%5FMistress[/url]
  22. [quote name='sk8' post='102544' date='Dec 11 2007, 08:48 AM']flanger sold subject to the usual[/quote] small clone withdrawn
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