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Everything posted by snazz
That just seems like a really nasty way to play bass to me. The only time I ever notice I'm using my thumb is when I'm doing this rolling thing with my thumb, index finger and forefinger at the same time. Seems natural to me for some things so it's probably got some technique name. But it wouldn't involve that rest/bar what ever it thinks it is.
Thanks for the info guys.... And I didn't get to look stupid too. Can't be bad.
If I bought one of these new, what would I get in the box besides the bass? Also, this model with the large pearl inlays and neck I like a lot. Has this exact one been around a long time and how much would you expect to pay for various mint condition ones or different ages? Cheers in advance. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nazareth/wantone.jpg
Okay, let's say I buy a Jazz Deluxe mail order. will there be a thumb rest in the box of will it be already fitted, That goes for the huge pieces of hardware too. Thanks...
Okay.... at great personal risk to myself in the are you completely thick department I am going to ask the following question. How come almost every picture I see of fender basses, I see the so called thumb rest in what I would call the opposite position to what it should be. I.E. underneath the G string. What's that all about? Apart from the fact I see it in what I deem to be the wrong place, when you move it, there's gonna be two bloody daft screw holes left behind. Am I being stupid or what? I just can't fathom why anyone would screw it in a place where it's got no use at all. I just know I'm gonna regret asking that. LOL. Try not to make me look to daft.
snazz replied to snazz's topic in Accessories & Other Musically Related Items For Sale
snazz replied to snazz's topic in Accessories & Other Musically Related Items For Sale
Got this from GUITAR TIPS site Remove some but not all of the tension from the strings, clean & polish the guitar, and then put a little lemon oil on the fret board. Put the guitar in its case and store it where it won't get too warm, cold, or humid and won't get bumped around. A good place is an interior closet. -
snazz replied to snazz's topic in Accessories & Other Musically Related Items For Sale
[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1348128' date='Aug 22 2011, 04:30 PM']Why were the strings slackened off? You could have a permanent backbow in the neck if the strings haven't been counteracting the pull of the truss rod for three years. [/quote] I thought the opposite was true? I'll go check it and re tune then... -
I have two USA Fender Strats for offer. I am after a USA Fender Jazz, I could go Precision if it was the right one. The Seafoam Green strat is in mint shop condition. It's under my bed with the strings slackened off where it has been for about 3 years. The Daphnine one is in nice condition just the usual playing surface marks. There's a scratch on the back of the neck in the laquer, No idea how it got there. Anyway, the guitars are in Stretford Manchester if anyone is interested. Not interested in MIM stuff. thanks. [url="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nazareth/seafoam.jpg"]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nazareth/seafoam.jpg[/url] [url="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nazareth/daphne.jpg"]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nazareth/daphne.jpg[/url]
Try again. Fretless and flatwounds. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iemVcJgeCh4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iemVcJgeCh4[/url]
You tube... Try here [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDZJMKfgaCk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDZJMKfgaCk[/url]
Sorry if this comes up twice, but I put this post up and I can't find it again. I may have burried it somewhere by accident./doh! Can anyone tell me definitively the price of a new USA Fender Jazz Bass Standard edition? The reason I ask, is that I have been trying to swap my two USA fender Strats for one with no luck. I have looked around at the second hand Basses and they seem to be more expensive than the new ones. The prices I'm seeing are all over the place. I'm seeing £300 difference from one shop to another and I don't think that can be right. I'd have much rather had a well looked after used bass that's been set up and nicely worn in, but they mostly seem to be Special editions and re issues for almost same price as they can be bought for in shops. Thanks in advance
Can anyone tell me definitively the price of a new USA Fender Jazz Bass Standard edition? The reason I ask, is that I have been trying to swap my two USA fender Strats for one with no luck. I have looked around at the second hand Basses and they seem to be more expensive than the new ones. The prices I'm seeing are all over the place. I'm seeing £300 difference from one shop to another and I don't think that can be right. I'd have much rather had a well looked after used bass that's been set up and nicely worn in, but they mostly seem to be Special editions and re issues for almost same price as they can be bought for in shops. Thanks in advance.
What are Peavy Basses like, they look good, but not seen any in the flesh so to speak. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-Zodiac-BXP-4-String-Bass-Guitar-Great-Looks-/260729853501?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cb4b5d63d"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-Zodiac-BXP-4-...=item3cb4b5d63d[/url]
Just seen a beauty. "RARE 1989 Peavey Cirrus Rudy Sarzo Sig Bass USA" on ebay, Guess I got tastes beyond my abilities.
The Road worn are probably gonna be a budget buster for my needs right now, but you are dead right if even the neck and everything has that run in feeling, that would be just excellent. I'll look into it. I've only seen the one in passing and it was quite expensive, but I didn't enquire of its origin, so there are options I have yet to see in price.
[quote name='icastle' post='1106629' date='Jan 28 2011, 07:28 PM']Not quite that simple. When I worked in the music retail industry (about 30 years ago!), the only legitimate way to stock Fender was to go through the UK importer (Arbiter at the time IIRC). They had a whole set of rules and conditions that had to be satisfied before they'd even send a rep out to visit. The markup on the instruments was rather slim and Arbiter would always prefer to supply a retailer in a prime (expensive rent) location - making discounting an already slim markup even less enticing for the retailer.[/quote] That's price fixing. You can't have my items unless you sell them for this much, yes that's price fixing alright. See it all the time with Sony PS3s and so on. How the hell they get away with it I don't know.
Well, I went I saw, I was unimpressed. I tried every bass in Johnny's. Two I found good. The Jazz bass and some Peavy fretless that I played for 10 mins b4 i realise it was fretless. I was plonking away think, mmm this is very smooth but sounds different. Then I thought WTF, no frets LOL. Another thing I saw, the prices are the same all over. I hate that. It shows a lack of competition and a bit of price fixing. But I digress.... Second hand it's gonna have to be. I want nice and worn in, I just hate that newness. Feels so rough and angular. I tried a few in Dawsons too. It's gonna be a struggle. I also got every kind of cramp and ache of the hand you can think of./sigh
I've seen some roadworn Wine Jazzes, they were £850, I've not been in the shop to see where they are from but at £850 I'll say it's the Mex version as the ones on line are £1250. That's too much when you consider I'm only pondering going back to playing. I have two Fender Strats sat Idle, I don't want to add another expensive stringed stick to sit there. I've certainly got information overload from here and NWB. I have had an offer to go to someones house and try their basses. That sounds good to me, 'cos I'll get real personal clarity, and a chance to look at stuff without feeling pressure. I'm a sucker for my own punishment though as I am for sure a brand snob. There's nothing I can do about it, it's been that way since I was a kid and didn't really have great gear. Now I have some money, I like to throw it about. LOL... what a plonker /sigh Anyway, anymore info is greatly appreciated. I'm gonna go to Dawsons this after noon as I'm up at Altrincham crem at 12:30, so shortly after I'll be in there. Must stick a plectrum in my pocket. Oh yeah did I mention.... I like basses to have a back pick up, No guards over the strings anywhere, flatwound strings, passive. I like a hard boxy sound when I used to play, but sometimes I like a impersonal double bass sound too. So the bass has to have back and center pickups. The ones that just have center picks won't cover the sound I like on their own. Think I used to play with back pickup on full and middle one just enough to put a bit of bass cover on it. Don't really want it to sound like im playing inside a shoe box, well not unless it's a size 18s one. Thanks in advance....
Well I've been getting the urge to plonk a bass again. I have not played for 14 years, and I have 2 USA Fender Strats sat about doing 100% nothing. One is even slackened off and under the bed in a case where it has been for about 18 months. But I digress. I used to play a headless Honer when I gigged, and I loved that bass. Very slim neck and nice to play. I've not been able to track one down at a reasonable price. I had the full body version, and all I see is the cut off ones, and they look crap and are over priced for what they are. So..... I am thinking Fender jazz. The only thing I am in a quandary about is the USA, Japan, Mexico version as the price difference is huge, double and even treble in some cases. So, if someone with a bit of knowledge could impart said knowledge to me I'd be grateful. If we could set aside the snobbery of owning the USA version, and come up with some valid reason to buy each or don't buy each one that would help. Plus if someone could tell me where I may get a second hand one within easy no car distance of Stretford Manchester that would be just top banana as they say. LOL. I know I'm asking a lot, but people who are already in the know can save those like me who don't know Jack a hell of a lot of waisted effort. I'm looking at [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog/Fender_USA_Highway_1_Jazz_Bass_Guitar__011-1460_.html"]http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog..._011-1460_.html[/url] Would like secondhand, I really don't like new basses too much. I much prefere the rounded well used feel. I've posted the above on NWB they pointed me here. Thanks in advance. Steve Blease