I'be been playing through 2 different setups over the last few days : the Stagg CA 20B which I was given (20w, 8" speaker) and via Toneport on my PC which has cinema (sub & surround) speakers attached.
The Stagg sounds totally pants to be frank - it's noise sure, but it's insipid - there's none of that weight or body that says 'bass playing is fun' . The Toneport/PC is much better, because of the range of sounds (modelled by the Line6 toneport software) and the fact there's a modest but still actually-a-sub attached.
Clearly being tied to the PC is far from ideal and the Stagg is frankly just annoying
So : practice amps. I've been reading some threads and certain things do seem to crop up, so if I can get out and track them down I will try them out. I had a specific question abut speaker size though : the Stagg is almost mute when playing a low B - I thought this might be the small driver (I come from a guitar background an dhave experienced the extra wallop a 2x12 cab gives to my 8" practice amp) - but what speaker size would I need to get some oomph from that low B string ?