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Everything posted by kingofthestuntmen

  1. B-E-A-D gets my vote. Let us know how it goes as I also have a 'spare' SB-301 about the place.
  2. Listening to the tracks right now, and my 6 year old is bemused but loving it..! Not sure if that says more about his taste or mine...
  3. Some kinda 'Piccolo' Bass, tuned an octave higher..? Sure I've read of other (more credible..?) bassists playing them at various times; Stanley Clarke rings a bell... Cue more googling...
  4. [quote name='Colledge' post='876694' date='Jun 24 2010, 06:20 PM']...he must be the best bassist in the world!"[/quote] Nah, but if memory serves Manowar have been in the Guinness Book a few times for various things; loudest gig, longest gig etc. Feel free to Google accordingly... And I'm no Manowar fan, but surely there's some love for them out there..!
  5. Yup, but if I ever do go "I'll be careful"...
  6. [quote name='basskit_case' post='866744' date='Jun 14 2010, 09:21 AM']What is the Death Star - Bass Cellar[/quote] Now, I've never been there but, having read the various posts on here over the years, my understanding was that the Bass Cellar was Mos Eisley.... If you know what I mean..?
  7. [quote name='Clarky' date='Jun 13 2010, 12:06 AM' post='865640'] My 72 Precision - effin' gorgeous Hey..! That's my line... More pics here - [url="http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e334/kingofthestuntmen/P-Bass/"]http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e334/kin...tuntmen/P-Bass/[/url]
  8. SB-301..? Can't quite make out the detail on the control cavity back plate, but that's where the model no is on mine. And I see the E & G string pull has caught someone else out...
  9. 3rd hand copy of the book - £10 posted to the UK.
  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='846080' date='May 23 2010, 10:00 PM']...I can still play at 360+BPM[/quote] Wait, what..?
  11. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' date='Feb 10 2010, 07:32 PM' post='741354' As for Mr. Lomenzo, did I see him at a White Lion gig at the Old Marquee back in the '80s? [/quote] Yup, J-Lo played with White Lion for a while... This just got weird(er)... Looks like Lomenzo's gonna be working with a band called Hydrogyn (!) which recently recruited Jeff Young (ex Megadeth) as guitarist..!
  12. Nope, can't think of a suitable way of using 'Slapper' in a funny way...
  13. The offset ferrules remind me of an Eggle...
  14. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='715319' date='Jan 16 2010, 11:42 PM']I was thinking that "RPG" was a pretty unfortunate name, as it usually means, "Rocket Propelled Grenade"! [/quote] Or 'Role Playing Game'...
  15. I see he uses a Force-string...
  16. IIRC, a Scavenger would be a Matsumoku era bass. Check here - [color="#FF0000"]www.matsumoku.org/.../80_wash_cat_thumb_pg7.jpg [/color]- for more info. Can't usually go wrong with an Uncle Matt (assuming it's in good nick)
  17. Big thread here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=697&st=140&start=140"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...0&start=140[/url] And here's mine...
  18. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='673012' date='Dec 3 2009, 11:46 AM']I like The Guitar Store in Glasgow,i always get a good deal from them.[/quote] Might be worth swinging by to see if there are any deals to be had in the next few days; Companies House shows Nortone (the Limited Co that owns Guitar Store) as being in Compulsory Liquidation and due to be Dissolved as of 10th Dec '09.
  19. Congrats Clarky, I had been keeping an eye on your posts after our earlier exchanges. Keep us updated, eh..?
  20. Lovin' your work, BG..! Berkeley..?
  21. [quote name='TRadford' post='647438' date='Nov 6 2009, 05:44 PM']Greenday have a guitarist you rarely see....[/quote] Saw GD last month and for most of the show there were two of the buggers..! The regular guy and another guy who looked like he arrived late for his support slot. There were parts of the show where there were 6 folk on stage; BJ, MD, TC, regular tour guitard guy, 'spare' tour guitard guy & KB/accordian/sax guy...! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the show benefitted for their contributions but I went expecting a 3-piece pop/punk act.
  22. Thanks for the nice comments guys, and I'm pretty sure mine is 'genuine' as it was bought in '89 looking exactly like it does today.. Except for the Badass, of course.
  23. Hmm..? I think not, but then all [i]I[/i] have to compare it to is;
  24. [quote name='NickH' post='635460' date='Oct 24 2009, 05:59 PM']Aha! I've figured out what this is! That bonkers ex- lead vocalist from Creed who pissed off all his band mates by getting drunk as a skunk and actually thinking he was Jesus is looking for a new band! He'll be lurking at the back somewhere with a camcorder. Pick the band he likes the most who can write Christian rock on semi-short notice... boot the lead singer or relegate them to rhythm guitar and backing vox... and Creed Mk 2 is born! RUN dude RRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!![/quote] Mate, Creed have reformed... The US tour finished 5 days ago and the new album is out next week..!
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