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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. This is totally irrelevant, but you look A LOT like Nico Brandenburg.
  2. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1402549345' post='2474629'] I had the 208 very briefly and it showed some promise given its price tag, but sadly it was faulty and because there were other reports of people having similar issues I decided to just stump up the cash and buy the Minimark that I actually wanted rather than get a replacement. I can't write a valid review after a couple of weeks of owning a defective unit, but if I did, it'd say that it wasn't very loud given its stated output (especially compared with the Minimark) and is surprisingly heavy for what it is and not a particularly comfortable carry over any distance. The DI out sounded nice, but needing it in a very tame rehearsal with two mic'd singers and one acoustic guitar wasn't all that great. [/quote] Oh. That's interesting and worth bearing in mind. Thanks for your feedback [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1402563361' post='2474753'] Do you already have a small-ish amp head? If so, use that with a small 1x12. TKS in Sweden make nice lightweight ceramic loaded cabs for a good price, and the GK Neo112 II is s a good price. [/quote] I'm only considering combos at this stage but thanks for the suggestion. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1402570770' post='2474843'] Can I maybe add another option to the quandary?!? I haven't used an amp for home practice for year's, I use a mixer with headphones and I can add whatever music source I like (usually tablet or phone). It's a cheap set up that packs away nicely, I don't disturb anyone and I can take it to work when I'm on nights. Then you could have time to decide on a gig rig should you start playing in bands. [/quote] Thank you for your reply. This was an option I considered but decided against it - I already have a silent set up but I prefer to use speakers where I can.
  3. It's so weird that the 208 is winning in the thread but the 112 is winning the poll
  4. I can't tell whether you liked it or not...!
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1402435287' post='2473572'] I tried to find things that said what "I" wanted them to say so I could continue playing... ... [/quote] This bit speaks volumes to me.
  6. Inspiration for the title taken from another currently active thread In my seemingly never ending search for the perfect combo, I've now (after about 3 years!) narrowed it down to two. Small story - I need it for mainly home practice but want the option to use with a band if I ever go that way again, which I'm sure I will. Both TC Electronic, the 112 or the 208 The 208 is lighter for moving around the house, and has external speaker out. I have a 112 cab I could add for a band situation. Gregor from basstheworld.com describes it as more like a toy, but it's got 250W and the features I could want. Minor annoying point is that the aux in and headphone jacks are underneath the back of the head. The 112 would be louder on it's own (too loud for my flat possibly but maybe not loud enough for a gig?), but is heavier and has no external speaker out. Thoughts?
  7. For a few quid more, the Ibanez Talman range is amazing. Worth a look. http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/ag_series14.php?series_id=91&area_id=3&year=2014&cat_id=3
  8. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1402260447' post='2471508'] Are you going to tell us what it is? [/quote] Oops sorry, didn't think of that! It's an Ibanez TCM50.
  9. Thought I'd give this six string malarkey a go. Played before, was never any good, so I'll try again Picked this up the other day.
  10. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1402010243' post='2469295'] I know of no guitarists who carry around DI boxes for their acoustic guitars. If it's an electric acoustic, with a battery powered pre amp, you won't need one. You can just plug straight into the desk. The worst case scenario is where you just stick a mic in front of your guitar and away you go. [/quote] That's cool. Do I need a special lead? My guitar has the usual 1/4" jack and I imagine the desk will have a... what's it called? XLR [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1402010218' post='2469294'] You can use the BDI21 as a DI Mel, plug into the input with your guitar lead as you would usually, then connect a mic-lead to the DI socket and the PA. Should sound ok, clean there shouldn`t be any worries. I like clean acoustic-type guitars through bass gear. [/quote] Awesome! I've never used this DI (bought for emergencies and luckily never needed) so I hope it's working! I'm pretty nervous about this, I'm not a good guitarist.
  11. I am playing a song live on Saturday evening, me and my new electro acoustic guitar and a couple of other people. I will need to DI as I don't own a guitar amp. My question is, do I need a DI specifically for a guitar or can I use my Behringer BDI21? If I can use that... Errr... How do I connect it up? I never used it before, just bought it a few years ago in case I needed one! Thanks
  12. Oooo shiny. Just bought one today myself
  13. I suddenly feel the need to make my SS Jag look like that.
  14. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1401579121' post='2465035'] Thanks for the replies. However, cool is not a word usually associated with me lol [/quote] Let's see. You ride a motorbike, you play guitar, and bass. Sounds cool to me. Now, if you have a beard, icing on the cake! Welcome to Basschat
  15. Also worth looking at the BG combos from TC Electronic
  16. Betafunk, I mean this in the nicest possible way - you probably would have got more responses by starting your own thread instead of derailing an existing one. Folks don't tend to stray off the original topic. EDIT: oh I see... it was a test and you already know what year it's from.
  17. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1401191398' post='2460929'] Sorry there Mel, my comment was meant towards the people who wanted to see the pots and date marks. As for your Id skills they are coming along just fine. Well done for questioning the body shape, you were right to. [/quote] No apology needed dude Thanks! It's good to know that I've picked up one or two things in the many hours I've spent staring at, reading about and playing basses
  18. I made these years ago. They are foam inserts to help a smaller bodied bass (e.g. Warwick or soundgear) sit in a rectangular hard case properly. I used them for a long time but I don't use hard cases any more and also don't gig, so don't need them. Unfortunately I'm no seamstress so they're quite shoddy looking, but they do the job and won't fall apart any time soon. In purple velour type material. All I ask is that postage is covered by whoever wants them. [IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/641463d4bf8f16aa6daa3df0cb70d030_zps39aa5d72.jpg[/IMG]
  19. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1401174574' post='2460710'] To be fair to the seller, they do state to contact them regarding any queries. They may even be up for an in person inspection from a buyer. Don't know til you ask! [/quote] Of course. Maybe he has been sold it as he describes it. Mainly, I'm just seeing how my "Fender-identifying" skills are coming along
  20. And it has a 70's style logo. Maybe that's normal, I dunno.
  21. Lovely '69 fender jazz for sale - can't decide if it's genuine or not. Only thing that bothers me is the "sharpness" of the edges on the body. Every fender p or j I've played has had much smoother transistions around the body edges. Am I way off the mark? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171342135778
  22. We all skint bro.
  23. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1401063074' post='2459755'] I nearly bought one, but was sadly crushed by how affordable it was. [/quote] Ahahaha!
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