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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1398622653' post='2435896'] Completely the opposite for me. I used to lust after Jazzes until I got my first Precision. To answer your question Fender Japan offer a 'Smart Size' Jazz bass and I'm pretty sure it's available in white with a rosewood board. You would obviously incur the risks associated with importing a bass from anywhere (shipping, taxes, language barrier for any service issues) but it sounds like it could be everything you want. http://www.fenderjapan.co.jp/jb62ss.html here you go [/quote] Oh my word, I'd love one. Looks like they're discontinued though. By the time I'd saved up, the remaining stock would probably be sold I'll give it a whirl though
  2. I used be a diehard fan of the good old Precision, and I've had a few of them (mostly budget models - Squier, Ryder - but one amazing USA Fender). But I've realised, I actually prefer (for most applications anyway) the sound and feel of the jazz bass. Especially with the bridge pickup soloed and the tone halfway up. Has anyone else gone from loving the Precision to preferring the Jazz? Trouble is, now I'm playing only 30" (ish) scale basses, and a nice passive Fender style jazz in that scale is hard to come by and not that cheap! Especially as I'm fussy, I want white/tort/rosewood! Where can I get such a thing?
  3. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1398426521' post='2433981'] I'd offer them for free in the for sale section one thing to remember is there are people in the uk who are hard up to. [/quote] Good idea.
  4. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1398426386' post='2433972'] Yes at the moment we are inundated with strings both sides of the pond, I've got about 40kg's to ship to the US at the moment. So I think putting collections on a hold is a good thing. [/quote] Bummer. That's a shame. Let me know if there are any other organisations that might want them... if not, I'll chuck them. Thanks
  5. Nice looking, but a pain in the ass to play.
  6. [quote name='Mark_88MPH' timestamp='1398194944' post='2431567'] Changed it [/quote] Good shout also. Just like my old USA P (which currently belongs to Karlfer)
  7. Stunning. *cough* tort guard *cough*
  8. I had one of those, it was great! I was very surprised at the build quality for the price.
  9. I've just been to the website to get the address to send some strings to, and it says donations aren't being accepted at the moment. What to do? I want rid of these strings but seems a waste to just throw them away.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397980105' post='2429080'] This made me LOL, Mel - [size=4]I suppose they're OK for animals, though? [/size] [/quote] Especially horses
  11. The music shop up the road from me is awesome for guitars, always loads in stock, really friendly guys. But the basses are... meh. And the setups are unplayable by most humans. And unfortunately, they don't stock fender or squier stuff, which I love. Otherwise it's a great shop. The other two shops in the area pale in comparison. One is run by a really unfriendly old bag who, despite me having bought two instruments from them in the past, always gives me some snide remark when I go in to try something out. The other one is full of teenagers playing at full volume, and I find the owner unfriendly. If I want to try anything now, I mainly hop on the train for £8 return and go down to Bristol, there's a good store near... hmm, I've forgotten - broadmead I think it's called - and I've forgotten the name of the shop. That's helpful. But it's a great shop, lots of stock, amps set up to plug in to, and the instruments are set up fairly well. I'll edit the post when I remember the shop name
  12. I love love love that. If it was short scale, I'd be trying to raise cash.
  13. You've refunded before you've received it back?
  14. It really should have sold already, sign of the times. It's a fantastic bass, one of the best I've played.
  15. Are short scale strings any good?
  16. [quote name='Chezz55' timestamp='1397131327' post='2420962'] Would you consider posting/courier delivery? Chris [/quote] I have thought about it but would rather not. For the size, it's pretty heavy and awkward, and a lot of hassle for me really (I can have it collected from work but carrying it there would be impossible, etc) Bumping up anyway, I'm willing to listen to offers
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1397591459' post='2425526'] Not the way that ebay works unfortunately! [/quote] That ain't too cool. EDIT: bonus points for the song and artist I quoted there...
  18. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1397590910' post='2425518'] I had to use google and I emailed Markbass before I bought it, I didn't know either to be honest . Hopefully it'll be a refund, I guess I'll just be out of pocket on the return postage. [/quote] I certainly hope you won't be, faulty item, they should pay return postage.
  19. Cool as I said, I know bugger all about this stuff so just thought it might be a potential. Glad it's not though, more of a case for a refund.
  20. Markbass amps are only meant to be played in the country they're sold in/from. Maybe that's the problem. I can't say I know too much about this stuff though
  21. That's cool. Very familiar look to it
  22. I've been wanting one of these for ages, and on the rare occasion one comes up - I've just had to pay a hossing great vet bill. B*****ks!
  23. Ha. I have one of these, never knew it was for acoustics. Seems to work well for electric too.
  24. Now you just need a stingray and you'll have all the sounds you'll ever need! Nice bass
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