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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1394142064' post='2388486'] People who say it's low with no buzz either don't have it low enough or aren't playing hard enough. [/quote] I don't think that's a fair analysis. What's "hard enough"? Surely a matter of taste? Personally I've learned to play with a light touch because it sounds how I like. We don't all like to pound away on the strings Sorry OP for the detour... I use 40-95 gauge NPS rounds, so they're really low tension. I have almost no relief (around 0.1mm) and action at around 1.5mm and I get no buzz when playing normally (for me). However sometimes I feel like I wanna hear a bit of buzz or clank so I just move my right hand towards the neck.
  2. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1394152297' post='2388621'] I think you may be over thinking this? [/quote] Probably, but that's half the fun
  3. It reminds me of an old Zenta (catalogue model from the 60's)
  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1394061474' post='2387633'] What did the sports physio say that you also said you'd go see? [/quote] I haven't got that far yet, money is an issue. But this is one step. I've edited the OP to include a clarification, and thanks very much for all the posts and PM's, I'll reply properly at lunch time. But for now, hi ho, hi ho...
  5. Thanks guys icastle, that's encouraging news, thanks
  6. Some of you may remember a thread I started ages ago, moaning about my hand/wrist/finger pain, and a lot of folks recommended I see the doctor. So I did. Apparently I've got chronic tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists, and ulnar nerve compression in both arms also - not sure where the ulnar is being compressed, I have to have a nerve conduction test to find that out. Either elbow or wrist but they suspect wrist due to all the other crap going on in there. And a ganglion right inside the joint on my right wrist. Probably going to need surgery to correct. EDIT: I should mention that my GP told my I'll probably need surgery for this, it's not just my own assumption! So, as the title says, oh balls. I'm having more and more trouble playing bass as time goes on, even after switching to short scale. Lots of pain, a bit of tingling and numbness also. Hope they're able to sort it out. Anyone got experiences to share with any of this sort of stuff?
  7. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1393663000' post='2383029'] Don't let the lack of aux in stop you buying your dream amp. That's daft. How about, buy the amp, the spend £30ish on a small mixer: http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/behringer-xenyx-502-premium-mixer--31558 Your iPod plugs in, so does your DI out of the amp. Headphones too. Easy. Job done. [/quote] Might be a stupid question, but how would I make the speakers quiet when I DI to a mixer?
  8. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1393620899' post='2382796'] Do you have a MASSIVE stack of cash? [/quote] Who, me? Most definitely not.
  9. Just like to say that John is a great seller, and really helpful. If a klutz like me can use one of these kits, they'll be easy as pie for everyone else
  10. Don't know if this helps with your (ahem) fingering issues/concerns, but Nick Latham's cover of this is great, he has a very economical style with both hands, but the left in particular. http://youtu.be/pNOgcAful9w (I don't know how to embed the video, technophobe alert) EDIT - seems just posting the link embedded the video for me, nice one
  11. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1393113670' post='2376434'] I have one of each type of bass, a Jazz and a Precision. No need for anything else. I play bass in bands, rarely play alone, can't see the point, so if I couldn't play in a band I'd probably sell up. Having basses but not playing in bands seems illogical to me, like owning a car and never driving it. [/quote] I guess some people just enjoy playing without the hassle of trying to organise three or four other people, get gigs, deal with shouty drunks etc...
  12. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1392744357' post='2372253'] Vintage brand 335 copy (vsa535) in cherry red with aftermarket p90s? [/quote] Thanks for the offer, but I don't play guitar
  13. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1392733294' post='2372096'] Any interest in a trade? [/quote] Sure, what ya got?
  14. The universal translator has stopped working, I suddenly don't understand a word! Naw but seriously, worlds biggest idiot right here when it comes to techy stuff.
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1391949440' post='2362857'] Hey Evil Undead, did you settle on a new combo or amp/cab in the end? I'm currently selling some gear to fund a MarkBass CMD 121P but I'm open to other suggestions too so was curious as to what you did in the end. [/quote] Hello mate! No, I'm afraid I haven't. Trying to take my time and compare everything I can rather than jump in as is my usual trick! I'd love one of those markbass combos, I love the tiltback style and the sound, but no headphone or aux in is a bit of a stopper for me. As always, I'd love to hear any advice.
  16. Evil Undead is most definitely looking for one of these! Need to sell some stuff before I can get my little sticky mitts on it though Thanks thunderbird
  17. Ibanez basses are amazing, something like the SR500 or SR600 will keep you going for years.
  18. Not using this so might as well move it on. iRig for iPad/iPhone. No box or paraphernalia, but it's the easiest thing in the world to use. £10 posted [IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/377aa0fc07ac5cbd5388b224bb1d28bd_zpsd8287401.jpg[/IMG]
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