A while ago I decided to go short scale due to issues with my hands - main issue being that I'm losing the feeling in my left hand pinky, which is worsened by playing 34" scale bass, even my Ibby. But playing shorties doesn't worsen it.
But I keep resisting the short scales and don't know why. It's got to be one or more of these reasons - but I can't decide if they're valid reasons or just my lame excuses.
Not feeling/looking like a "real" bassist - besides, other girls play long scale so I should too!
My Ibanez sounds freaking amazing and I love it soooo much - don't want to part with it but I can't afford to keep it and get the Mustang I'm craving
Short scales aren't so easy to find so narrowing my choice of instruments - the end of GAS?
I recently took a shortie to a jam with some people I used to be in a band with, and got no end of compliments on my playing (I was kinda embarrassed haha), which I can only attribute to being able to get around the bass more easily, as I admittedly don't practice often enough.
What to do, what to do...
Anyone care to chime in? Anyone occasionally or even exclusively play the short scale basses? Ever felt this way?