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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. Another over here! Left handed, play bass right handed. I do everything else the left handed way, including knife and fork
  2. I've got GAS for two things, but no money. Fender Kingman ABG And a Squier Jazz, either VM or CV.
  3. I've owned a few ashdown amps - tourbus ten, after eight (both just for home practice) and the EB180 (12" - I used it for gigging with no PA support) and really liked all of them. I'd quite like another of the EB's, but I have to remind myself that I got rid of it because it weighed a ton. Well, to me it did.
  4. I really must learn to read SN. But it's hard and I keep giving up
  5. P.S. Cat - now I want a silver sparkle one. Thanks for that.
  6. Just want to show off my Ibanez basses. They're my only basses at the moment (and for the foreseeable future), and I love them to bits. The white one is an SR300 that I picked up on ebay for £99.99. I've strung it up in drop B for my new band, and it plays great. And the natural one is an SR600 - probably one of the best basses I've ever owned, seriously low action (about 1mm) with only the slightest bit of buzz on the G if I play too hard. Helpful for my technique, haha, but in all reality it's probably a fret that's a fraction too high. [URL=http://s1032.photobucket.com/user/ImaginaryEvil/media/ae2d03dafaa0a32e8fdd91e6dd478a2b_zps76223778.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/ae2d03dafaa0a32e8fdd91e6dd478a2b_zps76223778.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1032.photobucket.com/user/ImaginaryEvil/media/Snapbucket/DE2EA5ED_zps2d162466.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/Snapbucket/DE2EA5ED_zps2d162466.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  7. Disclaimer: this pedal sold before on eBay, for £35 plus postage. But the buyer said it didn't work when he tried it on battery power! So I refunded him. It's always worked fine for me but I've always used mains power, never tried it with batteries. So, this is a ridiculous price and sold as seen because I need petrol to get me through until pay day. It's in this picture. Condition is good. £15, plus postage.
  8. Oh, and it's in this photo, nicely coiled up at the top (p.s. I don't know why the photo is on its side, I can't change it) [IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/Snapbucket/B4B5E035_zpsfeb08084.jpg[/IMG]
  9. Ok, this needs to go now. £10 posted is my final offer
  10. I've got another set that I will send on Tuesday.
  11. Bargain! Wish I could cope with six strings (well, truthfully, I wish I could cope with four ) GLWTS
  12. Being female and not very strong, I found that the Fender rumble cabs worked for me. I have two 1x12's, they are a pleasure to carry at 24lbs each, loud enough for any gig I've played. And cheaper than markbass stuff as well.
  13. Don't worry Douglas, I was merely being dumb. It's late, and I'm tired
  14. No broken strings! Thanks jmchich. Yeah, the files were a bit big for the purpose but good enough
  15. At practice and just realised I forgot my ear plugs. Very noisy band!
  16. Done it. And now off to band practice I don't think I did a bad job, far from good but did the trick. Remains to be seen, I guess I'll know if I break a string haha!
  17. Just found a set of files in Wilkinsons for £4 that look perfect for the job.
  18. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1377204614' post='2184880'] 135-90-56-50? Weird gauge, the 56. [/quote] Ack, I meant 65
  19. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1377180000' post='2184405'] A bit of wet & dry wrapped around the string and use that as a file. [/quote] Not a bad shout. Is there anything I can use to stop the slot getting any deeper? I only want to widen it.
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1377173493' post='2184272'] Given the timescales involved, why not just hold off on changing strings until you have the time to do it "properly"? [/quote] I could do that. Would drop B sound terrible with 105 gauge strings?
  21. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1377172883' post='2184261'] You'll probably find only the E ( 135) needs widening/deepening. [/quote] I thought that at first, but the A string (currently 85) is really tight in the nut slot
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377172608' post='2184252'] [b]I need to mod my nut[/b] I've been thinking this for ages, Mel. ...Sorry. [/quote] Someone had to
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