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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. So, my new bass needs to have the nut modded, as I need to use fatter strings (135 90 56 50). I've read that this isn't an easy job and that I should take it to a tech, but I don't have time - I need to have it done by tomorrow night really (rehearsal with new band, possible gig Sunday). So I need to do it myself. How do I do it? What do I need? Any advice very gratefully received! Thanks
  2. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1377153260' post='2183939'] Yes! Nice one! So......more on the way now then? [/quote] I always want more! But I don't need more. Apart from an ABG, if I can find one that suits, but I haven't so far.
  3. Ok, so I went to pick it up. The action was sky high, with about 1.5mm relief. I thought uh oh, but then I noticed a Washburn Taurus on a stand that was even worse... decided that the guy had never heard of a set up in his life. Tried it through an amp, all working ok. So I came home with it. I've given it some tweaks and it plays well now. Can't get the action quite as low as on my SR600 as I think it needs a fret level, but it's more than acceptable. And for £100, plus about £10 fuel, not too bad at all. EDIT: Ooops, photo came out sideways and I don't know how to fix it
  4. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1377002692' post='2182022'] Not sure where you and/or the bass are located, as I'm using the mobile site, but I'm not at work tomorrow so if you want a bit of backup/a second pair of eyes on the bass then PM me some details and I'll see if I can help. Ta [/quote] That's very kind, thank you. I'd take you up on it if you were closer I'm in Gloucestershire and the bass is in Wiltshire
  5. Here's the bass in question. Looks alright in the pics. Bit grubby but that's ok. I notice that the end of the headstock with the logo on isn't shown... not sure about that bridge either. Thoughts?
  6. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1376944988' post='2181435'] I guess the risk is all relative to the cost ...what did you pay for it ??? [/quote] One hundred English squids. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1376946282' post='2181472'] Mel, are you collecting or is it being shipped to you? If you're not collecting would you like another BCer to collect it and take a look before parting with the cash? [/quote] That would be awesome. I don't know of anyone close enough that I could inconvenience in that way though. I'm collecting it on wednesday
  7. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1376948490' post='2181511'] No, you are correct, I remember a past thread incorrectly Was just trying to help. [/quote] I understand and thanks. There's actually a purpose for this instrument, not just a crazy times purchase
  8. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1376941231' post='2181326'] as long as its as described your ok and if it isnt just decline it and say to them its not as the description [/quote] [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1376941396' post='2181333'] Not ALL eBayers are crooks EU. There are still some bargains out there. The fact that your seller only had one feedback probably explains it, but we all have had only one feedback at sometime. You are collecting and paying cash, so if it isn't up to scratch, and not as described reject it. A "new" ebayer won't argue the toss anyway. An old seasoned scammer with a new identity might tho. Good luck. i hope it's everything you hoped for. [/quote] [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1376941771' post='2181346'] Inform the seller that you want to try it through an amp when you collect. A quick play on the bass should give you an idea of whether to proceed or not. Every seller has to start off with no feedback, be it on here or Evilbay. Benefit of the doubt, but if the bass isn`t up to scratch, make sure you leave feedback that reflects this. The more justified negative feedback that is put out there the better for both the genuine buyers, and sellers. [/quote] [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1376941465' post='2181334'] Don't worry, it'll be fine. For me buying used is the best option always! As long as they have been cared for instruments that have been played in are MUCH better than new ones. [/quote] Cheers guys. I'm sure it will be fine, but bad experiences really sit with a person... I'm sure we've all been there. Is there any way I can tell just by looking at it whether the truss rod will be all good or not?
  9. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1376941092' post='2181323'] Would you like me to discourage you from spending your money, as requested? [/quote] I don't believe that was my request.
  10. After a bad experience in the past (which we won't discuss!), I've been really nervous about buying used gear. And I haven't bought a used bass since. Until now. A project I've just joined requires drop B, so not wanting to mess with my current setup or splash out too much cash, I decided to buy a used bass. Found a used Ibanez SR300 on eBay, "won" the auction at a good price, and am now starting to feel the anxiety setting in. Along the lines of Why did no one else bid? Ah crap the seller only has one feedback Does it have anything wrong with the electronics that hasn't been disclosed? What about the truss rod? You guys know how I am with those damn things haha! Am I just being unnecessarily worried about this stuff? It's cash on collection so I'm not worried about paying and not getting anything. But, although I'll able to view it, I have won the auction so I'm kinda committed. And also, I doubt he'd be happy for me to get my Allen keys out and start tinkering.
  11. Ah, cool. Not sure I understood much of that, but my amp head is small and fits in my gig bag - probably be ok then thanks! Off to an open mic tonight, couldn't decide whether to take my cab or just the head (can't find my DI)
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1376845812' post='2179861'] if valve power stage - yes it needs to be plugged in If not, probably not. [/quote] Ohhhh... now here's where I sound really dumb. What's valve power stage?
  13. If I want to use my amp head as a DI only, or just as a headphone amp, do I need to have a cab plugged in anyway?
  14. Can't choose just one! But for me... Cetera's Spector SB1 (?) Ped's Vigier Gareth's (possibly not Gareth's any more) white 70's Fender Precision Nigel's chrome Warwick Streamer Gafbass' 62 RI Japanese Fender Jazz
  15. I want a yellow Ibanez SR300. Not sure what my new bandmates would think of it though.
  16. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1376501119' post='2175054'] [i]I can't stand the combination of a humbucker at the bridge and a split pick-up closer to the neck....[/i] [/quote] I'm the opposite. I can't stand humbuckers that are right next to the end of the neck. Sound really muddy to me. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1376501447' post='2175060'] Ibanez basses. I know they make some good instruments too, so it's very irrational. I'd say Ashdown as well but I don't think it is irrational because based on my own experience I cannot get any note from those amps and I really don't like their EQ's. [/quote] Hehe! My favourite bass tone so far is an Ibanez bass through an ashdown amp. I find it interesting how tastes can differ so much from one person to the next. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1376501908' post='2175072'] I don't like white pickguards... [/quote] Me either. Blech. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1376501972' post='2175074'] I can't stand pale rosewood fingerboards, they look cheap to me, even on hugely expensive instruments. Red tort is really awful, especially on white basses.. [/quote] Agree with both of these.
  17. I'm pretty much in exactly the same position - playing through my amp is just basically a more pleasurable experience for me and encourages me to play more. But, living in a top floor flat, I can't do that at all as there's always someone else home in the building. I either use my amp but with headphones, or I play through amplitube on my ipad. But, being totally honest, I don't really enjoy either as much as using my amp and cabs. Interested to hear input from others.
  18. If I had £400 I'd have traded you that and my Fender P for this
  19. Karl bought my USA Precision. No problems at all... we agreed a deal, and met near Birmingham that same evening. Great guy, hassle-free transaction. Nice to meet you mate, enjoy the bass
  20. Not used much, I only have one bass now so don't need storage for three. £15 collected from Gloucester, or I can post at buyers cost. Thanks EDIT - it's the one that looks like a rack, I'll get pics up asap
  21. Now sold and gone to a new home. Thanks to all who showed interest.
  22. You do have a good point karlfer. I have, however, got a car now! So I've edited the OP - I'm willing to drive a reasonable distance to meet up
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