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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1360918113' post='1978222'] I too had to look this up....I must be getting old because I was genuinely shocked. I thought it meant bump initially.......I was wrong. [/quote] I ain't no lady
  2. Offers anyone? Great cab at what I think is a fair price, but willing to listen to offers.
  3. Sonic blue and fiesta red both good bets for the 60's
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360698065' post='1975008'] He could get a S/H German $$ for less than £500 [/quote] True dat. I sold mine for £450
  5. Oh Binky. You know I've always loved this bass, it's one of the coolest things ever. I wouldn't know where to start though! Wouldn't even know which four strings where the "normal" ones! Anyway, hope your problem resolves itself without you having to sell this beaut.
  6. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1360687360' post='1974707'] Belting mate Cheers for this, because the guitar is yellow I was thinking of just going for a matt black finish & then do my artwork on that. I'm not sure yet as I've never painted a guitar before. should be interesting anyway ! [/quote] Please make a thread on here when you do, I'd love to have a nosy
  7. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1360686920' post='1974695'] Been really frustrating the past few weeks on the board. A lot of wind up merchants and massive displays of ignorance which I'm not at all used to seeing on here older and newer members alike, does make me think twice about using the forum nowadays but then to be honest it's all a bit silly anyway as we're all free to dip in and out of posting as we please. It's only the Internet isn't it, nothing to change your life or 'out. [/quote] I haven't noticed anything really other than the obvious one or two donuts, but then it's quite likely that I'm one of the said offenders! I do try to stay out of trouble though. Despite the few negative posts here and there, the forum is still a really cool place to be as far as I'm concerned. There's bound to be the odd disagreement, but really, it would be ruddy boring if we all sat around typing "hear, hear" on every thread.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360678997' post='1974448'] Mm... I like Bilbo, and I like niceguyhomer, too... but who is better? There's only one way to find out... [/quote] I'm sensing a Harry Hill thing going on here. And I like it. Anyway... Mr Homer, don't throw in the towel just because of an argument. I don't know what it was about, but it probably wasn't worth leaving the forum over. I will say though, whatever went down, it's decent of you to apologise.
  9. Price drop to £325, really need to shift this soon, need the space and the cash!
  10. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1360682825' post='1974556'] Nice one mate, thanks for this The guitar in question is a yellow Les-Paul style that we was thinking of fixing up & my mate wants me to do some of my artwork on it. If it's easy to do I think I may go for it. its just doing the finish afterwards that was bothering me. [/quote] If it helps more, I used plastikote stuff for the back and sides - the primer was their "primer super" aerosol, and the overcoat was the fast drying enamel in the small aerosol. I didn't put a finish on the back and sides because enamel paint shouldn't chip too easily. I can't remember what acrylics I used for the artwork but they were bog standard from hobby craft or somewhere like that. And I used a brush-on Matt varnish from the hardware store to go over the top of the front.
  11. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1360662412' post='1974039'] So guys how would you go about painting artwork onto a guitar/bass ? The reason I ask is that my mate has been hassling me for years to paint a guitar for him but I have no idea how I would do it. [/quote] I've only done the one, but I can offer what little info I have... Can't guarantee it's right though I just sanded until the poly was Matt, primed, sprayed the back and sides of the guitar and then used acrylics straight on to the primer on the front. Turned out well I think (apart from my lack of painting talent haha)
  12. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1360598271' post='1973046'] [/quote] Woah...
  13. Inspired by Tom, mcnach and charic, I thought I'd start a refin thread. Please post your refin projects, I wanna seeeeee! Here are the two that I've done, one bass and one guitar. Neither very good but I thought I'd have some fun with them, and I did. Top one is an Aria STB-J, used to be 3TS with a white pickguard, got it for £28 at Crack Converters. Second is a knackered and unplayable Encore electric guitar, got it for £15 on eBay. [IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/Instruments/SDC10401-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a407/ImaginaryEvil/Snapbucket/image_0001Yh.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Good idea. Mind if I go start one with my pics?
  15. Cool! Looks great. I've done a couple of refins myself in the past - I'd post pics but don't want to butt in!
  16. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1360541929' post='1972211'] Are these the ones he also had waterproofed? If memory serves, he had them waterproofed as he used to sweat a lot whilst playing live - which isn't always desirable, pouring a pint of sweat into your active electronics. [/quote] Sounds about right. There's a video knocking around YouTube somewhere of one of his live solos from the late 80's, and it looks like he's literally been in the shower, bass an' all.
  17. Selling my didgeridoo. I can't play it, and although it looks nice, I'd rather have the cash. Missing some of the wax around the top, but it was like that when I got it and it has never troubled me. I'd rather collection (Gloucester) but can try and post for cost - no idea how but I would figure something out. £25 ono
  18. Hassle free transaction on some chrome covers that Tom bought from me. Business as usual highly recommended.
  19. Hi Douglas Thanks, I appreciate your post, but I'm not looking for anything new, or to replace what I have. I really like my setup. I'm just pondering over what might be possible, or what would be really cool in the future.
  20. Do you think it's possible to connect a cab to the alesis thing? Would it even power a small cab?
  21. Yeah, but with decent speakers built in. Maybe a 1x8 underneath it or something, like a roland cube but better. an iCube haha
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