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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1351175567' post='1848258'] That is quite foul. [/quote] I concur.
  2. I swapped back to the rounds and loosened the rod off a bit. Hopefully it's fine and I'm just a weakling and/or too chicken to turn it properly.
  3. So, very reluctantly, I've decided to learn a couple of songs in drop D, despite my aversion to down tuning. I'm wondering if just dropping the tuning on my E string now and then is going to have a negative effect on the neck of my bass? What I mean is, less tension on that one side and then back again all the time. Any thoughts on this? Just don't wanna booger my neck up.
  4. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1351182248' post='1848393'] Lovely Precision for sale - knew Ms. Undead would be lurking around here somewhere.......! [/quote] You know me far too well Mr Spongebob!
  5. That flowery pick guard is amazing. Joking aside, lovely bass, wish I could afford it.
  6. I had a buyer but haven't heard from him in over a week! So still up for sale! Make an offer?
  7. Maybe your guitarist needs to practice more
  8. [quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1350896023' post='1844657'] ....do you [i]really[/i] need anything more than a Precision and an amp??? [/quote] Sorry to hear about your financial problems. But, I also believe you don't really need anything more than a Precision and an amp.
  9. [quote name='SoVeryTired' timestamp='1350723178' post='1842613'] Welcome, and nice collection! If I were forced to get rid of one of those, based purley on the picture and without playing them, it'd be the headless one or the violin bass. Maybe what you actualy need is [i]more[/i] basses... [/quote] Welcome! And I agree with this guy
  10. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1350830684' post='1843944'] This is the last one to go - my GAS has quelled in recent months - so I promise to torture no more Ms. Undead! [/quote] I think we have very similar tastes in basses Mr Spongebob. First the Roadworn P, now this... I haven't tortured myself by looking at any of your other for sale threads One day, all the Fender Precisions shall be mine!
  11. Oh spongebob. Why do you always have to sell basses I badly want but can't afford?
  12. The "modern C" neck on the new USA Fenders is my idea of neck perfection. But, I've never played a Lakland or a Sandberg.
  13. I would go for the CV or Matt Freeman Squier. Excellent basses. EDIT: although I love my Fender and I'm glad I chose it!
  14. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1350589660' post='1841049'] Evilundead collects picks...I reckon she'll av'em [/quote] I certainly would have! Alas, I'm way too late to this party
  15. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1350562815' post='1840507'] Do you have access to the roof . . . [/quote] I'm afraid not [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1350563040' post='1840514'] I use either a Roland Micro Cube or more recently a Roland JC-50 combo. Never had any complaints from the neighbours (some from my girlfriend though), but then again it's a solidly built 1930s apartment block. [/quote] [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1350563310' post='1840518'] I sympathise. I used to live in a flat. The kids upstairs were allowed to run around and thump through the ceiling all night & day, but if I got a guitar out the police would be round before I'd tuned it. Would the Gramma Pad help? [/quote] [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1350562077' post='1840496'] You dont have to play it loud yer know, I play through the amp and its no higher than a normal stereo system and nobody ever complains. Unless of course you want to do a '[u]Back to the future'[/u] on it!! [/quote] I used to live in the flat downstairs, and unfortunately, you could hear a mouse fart through the floorboards. I used to be able to hear the guy who used to live in my current flat snoring at night. I thought of the gramma pad... wonder how I could find out if it would do the trick?
  16. [quote name='Stuee' timestamp='1350511454' post='1840030'] Which SKB case is this, please? Looking forward to pics [/quote] Sorry, I'm a bit rubbish aren't I?! I'm not at work tomorrow so I'll be able to take some and upload them then Hope that's cool
  17. I would love to be able to play my bass through my amp when I'm at home, I get so much more enjoyment out of hearing my bass out loud rather than through headphones. But, I live on the top floor of an apartment building, and don't think my neighbours would be very pleased Is there anything I can put under my cab to absorb any sound or vibrations going through the floor? Or is that a silly question?
  18. This is on the markbass website - I don't know if it has any bearing but thought I should put it up just in case "[u]Markbass amps/combos are manufactured to be sold and used in the country of purchase, and they are factory preset to that country’s voltage."[/u]
  19. I feel incredibly depressed after reading this, and that's [b]with [/b]being in a band that I really enjoy!
  20. Hi Steve! Gawd you get about don't you? Mel
  21. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1350428286' post='1838914'] yup that's all you'll need [/quote] True story.
  22. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1350373777' post='1837831'] I'm painfully shy so I've not been to one yet. Been building up the guts for years! I'm in Cheltenham so if its close enough I'd like to pop along this time. [/quote] Pretty much the same here.
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