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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. True, but I'd much rather drive the transit with electric windows and nice stereo
  2. I can't speak for MIM's or MIJ's or CIJ's or whatever, even other MIA's as I've only ever played two Fenders, both MIA. The first MIA I played was a 60th Anniversary P in a shop, I loved it, sounded awesome and the build quality was excellent, but I didn't like the way the shop had set it up. Plus I couldn't afford the £1400 they were asking. The second was my own, which is the best feeling, playing and sounded bass I ever touched. IMO of course. So for me, I bought an MIA Fender, and I'm done.
  3. I can't believe no one has jumped on this yet!
  4. If you have an iPhone, you can use snapbucket to upload and then post the image code in here
  5. Awesome! Looks good. I loooove maple
  6. I have a 2010 American standard precision and it's excellent. Best bass I've ever played.
  7. Is it terrible and/or stupid that even though I've seen countless black on white/maple P basses, I wanna see pics of this one as well? Mainly just to drool.
  8. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1349120285' post='1822142'] I would look at the Markbass mini cmd 121p. I have for my second and it will do tou [/quote] I really want one of those. Like, really! But I don't want to shell out for one if it might not keep up with my band.
  9. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1348772122' post='1818073'] Honestly, I think the only viable option that will be dramatically lighter than what you have and still be ok for gigging with Blaze is the compact. Many of the other suggestions just wouldn't cut it with your (most excellent!) band. I'd say a compact or switch from your 2x12 to a 2x10. Like an RS210. But that won't save much weight, maybe a tad. Amp wise, the Promethean head is hard to beat for sound/power/weight I'd choose a working one over the Genz shuttle 6. Although I'd choose a little mark over either. Tricky call. Hope you get it sorted :-D anyway I can help just ask [/quote] True. I do love the sound from the Promethean and Markbass combined. I just wish it wasn't so heavy - I know 50lbs isn't heavy to you lot but my poor back doesn't like it.
  10. My bass is the one for me, I love it to pieces. It's the only one I own and don't think I need any others. 2010 Fender American Standard Precision, olympic white, black PG, maple fretboard.
  11. [quote name='BarnacleBob' timestamp='1340629960' post='1707253'] Have been keeping an eye on US precisions on t'Bay ever since Evil Undead posted his luvverly 2011 white/maple one in the porn section. [/quote] Glad to have inspired someone Thanks for the compliment on my bass.
  12. Nah not worried, I'm happy with my bass the way it is. I was just curious. Was reading a thread over on talkbass about dating vintage basses and someone had put that link up so I thought I'd have a go
  13. Hello, happy Saturday folks Just wondering if anyone has any input regarding Fender bass serial numbers? Mine has the serial US10XXXXXX (six digits) which suggests it was made in 2010, but it has a 60th anniversary neckplate which suggests 2011. I've tried putting the number into [url="http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx"]http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx[/url] but it comes up with "serial number unrecognised" Any ideas? Is there a better database about somewhere that might help? Is it possible that the neck plate on my bass was replaced, or maybe the neck? I hope not because I bought it brand spanking new!
  14. It's a sensible suggestion. But even if I could afford a car, I couldn't afford to run it. My only way of getting new gear is by selling other gear.
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1348738188' post='1817469'] Something worth looking at is, what car do you drive, and is it possible to keep the cab in the car all the time. [/quote] I don't currently own a car [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1348738220' post='1817470'] I've got a Barefaced Super Twelve and a Genz Benz 6.0. The cab, while not tiny, fits easily in the boot of all the weird cars I own and can be carried easily in one hand. The GenzBenz is tiny and weightless. With that in a shoulderbag I can carry my whole rig (bass as well) in one go comfortable (as long as someone opens the door for me!) The sound is just incredible. It's very hi-fi so may not be to everyone's tastes. Although, I never thought I liked hi-fi sounding rigs until I heard this. The downside is that you can now hear every note and every mistake it cuts through so much. I think it's the cab that makes the difference. The GenzBenz head is rubbish with my other Ashdown cabs. [/quote] I've been really tempted by he Genz Benz 6.0 but haven't been able to try one out. But unless it is much smaller and sounds better than my Promethean, I wouldn't go for it. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1348743205' post='1817558'] Lower back issues here, so weight and portability for the cabs are my absolute priorities and, for my money, there is nothing better than Barefaced cabs for that suituation. I now use a GB Streamliner 600 through Barefaced Compact and/or Midget, depening upon circumstances, for my two rock covers bands (same loud drummer in both bands). Either Compact or Midget are perfectly good on their own, the choice depends upon what kind of sound you prefer. As has been said Midget is the more aggressive-sounding of the two but a little eq adjustment gives you all the bottom end you might need. If you can get to a bass bash or find a friendly basschatter to let you hear both you could make an informed choice. But the Midget weighs in at a ridiculous 9kg and is a one finger lift! [/quote] The Midget sounds ideal, and that's really the one I'd like to go for, at only 20lbs it's the perfect weight. I prefer a slightly more aggressive tone, and I also like a hi-fi sound as well, nice and clear/defined. The Streamliner is 375W into 8 ohms, is that correct? My Promethean only delivers 250W into 8 ohms so I'm thinking perhaps that wouldn't be enough to get the volume that I'd need. My drummer is loud, and the guitarists both use Marshall half stacks. My Promethean with the Markbass 2x12 (4 ohm) is fine, but just so bleedin' heavy! I guess I'd need to talk to the singer about going through his PA and get his permission for that.
  16. Hmm. I can see this is not going to be an easy choice basically I need to cut my rig size and weight down by a lot without losing much volume. I use a 4ohm markbass 2x12 currently which isn't that heavy for you blokes but to a short lass with back trouble who lives on the top floor it's very heavy
  17. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1348694472' post='1817146'] I'll add my tuppence worth from direct experience. I owned a Markbass 121p combo (basically the same as NY121) and the Midget would kill it totally in every way, if that helps. I own a Midget and a Compact. For a single cab for rock, I'd say the Compact is better. Reason - it's deeper and bigger sounding but that's just my preference. The Midget is a loud and barky cab too but needs lots of power to drive it. Frank. [/quote] How much power are we talking? Would 250W be enough for an 8 ohm cab?
  18. I play in a rock band (nothing too heavy just classic rock stuff) with a loud drummer. I want the smallest rig I can possibly have. (back trouble) I have a Promethean head, 250W into 8 ohms or 500W into 4 ohms. Thinking about replacing that with something I can fit in the pocket of my gig bag but not sure yet. I was looking at the markbass NY 1x12cab to pair with a head. Or the barefaced compact or midget. Could also consider the markbass NY 1x12 combo. Or even another brand, suggestions? Would any of these keep up? Can mic the cab or DI to FOH if absolutely necessary but I generally don't.
  19. You're killing me with this bass
  20. That's great nice one Clarky. I have a brilliant story to tell of my experience with a fellow basschatter phil625sxc, but that's for another thread (thanks again Phil!)
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