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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. Meh. I've tried to help, offered to set the bass up for free, and for my trouble been told that I'm rude. I'm out.
  2. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1346961593' post='1795471'] My clear impression throughout this thread is that Wishface is in bad health. [/quote] Out of interest, where did you get this impression? I've read through the thread again and can't find anything to suggest this.
  3. No disrespect intended, but if it's still not right, then you haven't tried everything. It just seems to me as though you're finding reasons to not sort the issue, and therefore you're finding reasons to be unsatisfied with your instrument. I also don't understand how this is your only bass, you say you've had it for ten years, yet NOW you're fighting against it. If it really is a case of not being the right bass for you, how have you been ok with it for so long? In my opinion, you either need to spend the time and effort learning how to set the bass up properly, or trade it for a different one, be unhappy with the set up on that one, not bother sorting it, trade that one... etc.
  4. There should be a screw either side of the pickup - turning the screw a couple of turns clockwise should reduce the pickup height.
  5. You're giving up too easily if you think that's as good as it's going to get. A one off tweak isn't going to tell you anything, you need to spend some time and patience on it
  6. If you're anywhere near Gloucester I'd be happy to set your bass up for you. Being ridiculously fussy has turned me into a pretty decent tech if I say so myself
  7. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1346604844' post='1791107'] that should cheer him up.. [/quote] Probably not but would be much worse if he re-stocked and had it stolen again without insurance
  8. Sons of bitches. This is one of my worst fears, and I'm so sorry to hear that it's happened to you EDIT: I wish I had a bass to lend you mate, but I've only got the one and got a busy few weeks with band stuff.
  9. [quote name='sime17' timestamp='1346538847' post='1790456'] Original post at 3:34pm + deed done by 6:22pm= TART! Nice tho, liking the whole RickenFenderRay melting pot thing, starting to really like the look of the black 5 string. Don't expect a post at 2:20am saying done deal though [/quote] Nah it will be at 2:22am
  10. Right, I'm a bit more awake now so I'll give a bit more of an update. We got there and started setting up all the gear, and the power went out - thought it must be the weather at first but turned out to be a trip switch, so we had to go through everything one by one and find out what was throwing the switch. Turned out to be a set of disco lights so thankfully that was resolved. First set was really weird. We played well but no one was dancing and only one person clapped, and that was a strangely dressed rough looking dude right in front of the stage, so we felt a bit awkward thinking that no one was enjoying themselves. Second set started in the same way, but about half way through an extremely drunk woman started dancing (of a fashion), and then for our last few songs a few more drunk women joined her, and they were singing along too so that was nice. And at the end, the crowd were shouting for more Strange gig, but very enjoyable, and a good first experience of playing an outdoor gig.
  11. Turned out ok in the end, the power came back on and stayed on, and we had a few up dancing by the end. Phew. My gear made it home in one piece
  12. Well so far we have no power, and it's raining.
  13. Thanks guys kit all packed up ready to go!
  14. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1346421462' post='1789055'] About £200 here, including any bucket collection. There are quite a few pubs that will only pay £150 which we avoid. There a couple of very local gigs that we'll do for £180 and some further away ones that are £220-300 depending on distance/inconvenience etc. [/quote] Bucket collection? You mean like a tip jar? I suggest that to my band mates but I think they assumed I was joking (I wasn't!)
  15. My band (rock covers) plays in pubs, and the occasional social club or mini-festival. We are quite popular, draw in a good crowd (regulars and new folk) and always have folks up dancing. EDIT - forgot to mention we are a 5 piece and do our own sound. Personally I think that we're not charging enough and that we're selling ourselves short, but I also don't want to risk pricing ourselves out of gigs. Bear in mind that none of us are pro or earn a living through this. I won't reveal what our current fee is yet as I don't want to influence anyone's answer.
  16. I have a gig tonight, and I'm nervous. Not for the reasons you'd expect. We're playing an outdoors beer festival, and the thing I'm nervous about is taking my beloved bass to the gig! I only have the one so I have to take this one. It's outdoors so I'm concerned about the weather, but also about the hundreds of drunks that are going to be there. Don't really like the thought of having someone spill drinks on my bass, getting bumped into by drunken dancing, and all the other possibilities of damage. Also I've heard lots of stories of people having their basses stolen at gigs. Is this something that others worry about, or is it just me?
  17. This is a damn good deal and a really sweet looking bass! If I wasn't obsessed with 4 string Fenders I'd be all over this. GLWTS dude.
  18. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1345978927' post='1783685'] 2010 Highway One [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/54A63497-0102-46E0-B434-14541B8EA32F-14038-00000B2268C122B2.jpg[/IMG] 2004 Mike Dirnt [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/D58DF29A-361E-4A1F-8CD3-BC3761E3B6C6-14038-00000B2262EAEFBB.jpg[/IMG] 2007 USA Standard [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/FB44D246-430B-4919-877C-9FE7AF60DAC1-14038-00000B225CC9CF98.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/3AE89B99-7885-4441-B4DB-BC0CF9642DFB-14038-00000B224884569B.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/AFC4927A-0428-4AF1-BBA9-5611A81005B6-14038-00000B22561A4DAA.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] What is the pickup in the highway one?
  19. I wish I'd realised a lot earlier that the Fender P was the bass for me. Would have saved myself a lot of time and money!
  20. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1345929924' post='1783363'] [attachment=116616:STD1.jpg] [/quote] That's awesome
  21. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1345886579' post='1782709'] ...along with several potentially embarrasing pics of myself.. [/quote] C'mon, share...
  22. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1345550631' post='1778656'] I was once told that my hands are akin to Bruce Banner's when he is angry. Its got flats on ow and its amazing. There is nothing wrong with the truss rod btw. [/quote] I didn't think there was but I couldn't move it so I couldn't be sure. Gotta disclose these things
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