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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1344093604' post='1759736'] Just drop the E to D, no need to retune the whole bass. [/quote] A lot of the stuff I want to play is in drop C or C standard.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1344093411' post='1759733'] I won't have anything to do with non-standard tunings. Many of the numbers we play are recorded -1 semitone, but it's such a massive PITA live that we keep to standard tuning, play the correct fingering, but at +1 semitone. Thus avoiding the time-wasting and inconvenience of re-tuning between numbers at gigs. [/quote] I won't normally either. I'm a big fan of standard. But the drop tunings are so common in rock and metal these days that I feel like I'm really missing out on not playing some awesome songs because I don't tune down. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1344093496' post='1759734'] I cheat... We play "Another Brick in the Wall" in the band.... I'm not tuning down to D for ONE note! Sod it, I just play the higher D, and I do have a spare bass I could use. You could always buy a 5 string as a second bass, you'd have your low C & D then with a bonus B [/quote] I play that song the same way thinking about a D-tuner but I wouldn't use it often enough. I tried the 5 string thing, and whilst I liked it, I prefer 4 string Fenders and don't have the patience or skill to swap between 4 and 5 all the time.
  3. I don't think there's any need to get funny about it. When a new member sells something with a questionable set of circumstances I think we've got every right to make sure there's nothing afoot. Especially as you've been pretty defensive about it. None of us have done anything wrong here. Sorry if it's put you off the site but if you're gonna be like that, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  4. Disclaimer - I mean no disrespect to anyone that uses alternate tunings, just want to vent my frustration is all. Quite often I'll hear a song I like and pick up my bass to play along, then I realise it's not in standard tuning. Grrr. I only have one bass, and I can't tune down to drop C or D standard or whatever as there's no room in my ridiculously low action for downtuning. It's so frustrating. I really wish I had a second bass, but even if I did, I wouldn't know what to tune it to or what string gauges to use as there are so many tunings in common use these days.
  5. Words cannot express just how much I want this bass. Alas, I haven't got the money
  6. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1343826640' post='1755839'] My wife bought me this this morning.... She is fine about me doing this [/quote] [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1343829136' post='1755896'] I can't go straight out and buy one as it would show on the joint bank statement [/quote] These are the two things that confuse me. If she's ok with it, why does it matter about anything being on the joint statement. Something just doesn't add up.
  7. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1344073466' post='1759357'] Pretty much agree with you Evil. Irrelevant for any music I want to play anyway (other types of music are available). [/quote] Hehe, I know, just trying to be funny but for me, the Precision is the sound I hear in my head and the only bass I'm interested in playing.
  8. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1344025371' post='1758981'] Happy Friday! I got a Precision today and well .... I get it, completely get it. [/quote] The moment you *completely* get it is when you realise that all other basses are irrelevant hahaha! No but seriously, congratulations on the new bass and I hope you enjoy it a whole load! I'm looking forward to the aforementioned photos
  9. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1313955903' post='1347493'] That bass looks great, Where did you get the scratchplate ??? did you make it ? [/quote] I may have replied to this already, but I can't find it. Anyway... I covered the original white pickguard with some diamond plate vinyl I found on ebay It's dead easy, just need a bit of patience and a very sharp stanley knife.
  10. I've got terrible GAS for two more Precisions. A classic 50's black/maple and a Road Worn sunburst/maple. Both with replacement black pickguards. But it's going to be a loooooong time before I can have either. Silly thing is, it's purely looks that makes me want them because my USA does everything I want and need.
  11. This is a ridiculous bargain. Someone is gonna be lucky.
  12. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1343827416' post='1755857'] They wont take it back. [/quote] Did they say why not?
  13. If it were a gift from my other half, I'd keep it.
  14. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1343802377' post='1755325'] If you talk to the rest of the band you'll probably find that they found the situation equally uncomfortable and are all sat around waiting for someone else to say something. [/quote] This. I had an issue (not a similar issue at all) with my band a few months back. I spoke to them and they were all relieved that someone brought it up as they all felt the same way.
  15. I can't for the life of me play a fretless. I try but my intonation is... non-existent. Never tried one with lines though...
  16. Yikes, he sounds like a Berkshire hunt. Keep us posted lass?
  17. This truss rod thing is really bugging me, haha! I don't need to adjust it again right now but should I be worried about what's gonna happen when/if I need to adjust it again? Or should I deal with that when/if it happens?
  18. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1343744417' post='1754486'] It it's Bi it does. If not then it only allows for back bow. If it's Bi (Bi-Flex) it allows for backward bow and forward bow. [/quote] How can I tell?
  19. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1343739300' post='1754389'] Fair enough What might help & is worth always doing - is to - if you're working on your own, position the bass so that you can apply hand pressure to the neck to relieve the stress from the rod before you try turning the adjuster. In other words if you want to tighten the rod, put a backwards bow into the neck with hand pressure first. After loosening everything as above If you've got someone with you to help then it's easier Hope this helps, John [/quote] Thanks, I'll give it a try doesn't sound like an easy thing to do by myself so might try and get the other half involved! Do Fender truss rods turn both ways?
  20. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1343737183' post='1754341'] How exactly are you trying to adjust the truss rod? Not being funny, serious question. [/quote] It's a fair question. I'm notoriously sh!t with truss rods. I loosened the strings and unbolted the neck (heel adjustment) and tilted it back so the nut was away from the body. Stuck my tool in the hole (oo-er) and turned clockwise. It shifted about 1/8 of a turn. And then I couldn't turn it any more, although I didn't try to force it. When I got the bass I adjusted it about 1/4 of a turn with no problem when I was setting it up, so I would think that a truss rod should have more than 3/8 of a turn in it from brand new.
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1343734951' post='1754298'] Got the video working, and it all sounded good to me. I still have a soft spot for this song, and you did it justice [/quote] Thank you
  22. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1343722656' post='1754025'] IME the higher tension (actually compliance, I believe) becomes less of an issue as they break in. I've got them on my P and L2000 and I think they're fantastic strings both for the sound and how they play. Stick with them! [/quote] I shall try I'll give them at least a week. I know that if I do switch back to rounds I'll be annoyed that I have to raise my action haha! But I am very concerned about not being able to turn my truss rod any further...
  23. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1343734666' post='1754288'] Just like half of Basschat! [/quote] I really don't like it when people make youtube videos with bare feet. I don't like seeing peoples feet
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