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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1343669924' post='1753461'] I watched it. You can play, believe me. You had really good accuracy moving through the positions in the tricky verses, that's not easy. You had even tone and volume, and there was some vibe going on. Oddly it's the simpler chorus where you have some slight timing issues (although you play it better later in the vid). I would suggest listening to the space as well as the notes in that part and play it to a metronome very slowly and gradually increase your speed, you'll find getting the smooth feel right in that part will unlock many other things for you too. Otherwise, you are so much better than you think [/quote] Thanks Nige Yeah, I do have a little issue with my timing, but I'm trying to work on it. I'll get there in the end I have a nasty habit of keeping time by tapping my plucking fingers down on the strings in the spaces, and it makes it sound very jerky - I need to stop doing that.
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1343721726' post='1754009'] If you decide you like the sound of the Chromes but not the tension, have a look at the Fender flats. I switched to them for that reason and I really like them. [/quote] The thing is that they feel quite hard on my fretting hand but they've allowed me to get my action down to a touch over 1mm (!) without buzz. And I really like that aspect.
  3. Thanks to Mr Lozz, I now have a set of Chromes on my Precision They feel very strange, and I've had to lower my action as the tension was much higher than the elixirs. They sound great so far. I'll have to play along with some metal tracks to see how they fit. One thing that concerned me is I had to tighten the truss rod by 1/8 turn - would have turned it more but I can get it to move any more... uh oh
  4. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1343634103' post='1752795'] But I can see it on my work PC Just watched it now I'm in work, and hell girl.... you can rock!!!!! You were bloody brilliant! Saying you can't play... pfft! [/quote] Thank you for your nice compliments! I still don't think I'm any good but I'll get there
  5. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1343642473' post='1752907'] Having seen your video and having now only read your profile I've just realised you are a woman!! My earlier comment about wearing a tshirt probably seems really offensive . I was referring to the many disturbing youtube videos of topless guys! I'm sure you've seen them, medicocre bass players shirtless for no apparent reason!! The good ones are always fully clothed! [/quote] I'm not offended in the slightest! I knew what you meant
  6. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1343594139' post='1752558'] get up sausage! [/quote] I don't get it
  7. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1343588355' post='1752451'] Bin onto Pc especially! Cracking bass line nicely executed miss evil! Nice one!! I love the sound of a p-bass too, good work all round! [/quote] Thank you! And to everyone else who complimented! I still think I'm a terrible bassist but the compliments mean a lot!
  8. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1343593526' post='1752542'] Looks and sounds great! What set-up did you end up going with? [/quote] Thanks! I recorded the video with the webcam on my netbook, and at the same time I recorded the audio into amplitube on my iPhone. Then I just synced them together in windows movie maker Basic and not the best but did the job!
  9. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1343578725' post='1752273'] Andy, I'm the same - very frustrating, huh? [/quote] It is annoying, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it It's due to the song being copyrighted apparently. The video is also blocked from being viewable in Germany which is strange (same reason)
  10. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1343578037' post='1752263'] Anyone know how to make it viewable by mobile so I can watch it too? [/quote] It won't let me change the syndication
  11. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1343570281' post='1752152'] Great - now I've just realised how nowhere close to the mark I've been busking that song at gigs for years!!! Nice playing m'lady. [/quote] Thank you very much sir [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1343570407' post='1752154'] Awww I cant see it [/quote] The video? Try this link instead EDIT - ah dammit that does the same thing. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1343570831' post='1752163'] So your avatar isn't a real photo.....!! Great to see the USA P still with you - great decision. [/quote] It's a great bass
  12. I've managed to record a couple of youtube covers I know I'm a terrible player, and I know the audio and the video aren't [i]quite [/i]synced 100%, but it could be worse! [media]http://youtu.be/V7hurQmoUwY[/media] P.S. I told you I have hooters and am very overweight!
  13. Would my Behringer BDI21 work as an audio interface?
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1343417994' post='1750581'] Your frets are wearing down after three months? What are they made of - butter? [/quote] Not really wearing down as such but there are grooves in them already. I don't know what the frets are made out of on this bass
  15. Chromes in particular. I play all sorts but mainly rock, punk and metal (the good old standard tuning type of metal) Any disadvantages? I currently use Elixir 45-105 so I guess if I don't want to adjust my truss rod I should go for 40-100 in the Chromes. The only reason I'm wanting to switch really is because my frets are wearing already and I haven't had the bass 3 months yet - don't wanna have to either buy a new bass or re-fret in 5 years time (I don't even know if it's possible to re-fret a board with a glossy lacquer on it)
  16. I like the nickels but hated the steels
  17. What do you guys use to sync the audio and video?
  18. I will be wearing a shirt! I have boobs for starters, and am more than a little overweight. No-one wants to see that! Thanks guys. I am gonna take some time to read your answers a few times and digest them as I must admit I still don't really know what I'm doing or how to do it
  19. So, I want to record videos of some of the songs I can play and stick them up on youtube for the world to mock But I don't know how to do it. I have a webcam on my notebook, I guess that's a start, but how do I get video, audio from my bass, and the song I'm playing along with all in one video? I'm a massive technophobe so be gentle and explain stuff in the most basic terms Thanks Oh yeah, I also have an iphone and I use amplitube app on there - I can record through that and can also record my bass track on top of a song but there's no video so I guess that's irrelevant.
  20. Damn it! The only two basses on my "must have" list both came up for sale this weekend and I don't have the cash to buy either
  21. I absolutely love these! I wanted to buy Spongebob's when it was for sale last year but didn't have the money. Still don't have the money Definitely is a bargain for someone though. I will have one some day!
  22. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1342873879' post='1742160'] I'd rather play for free than not play at all.Although getting paid is nice. [/quote] My sentiments also
  23. [quote name='pst62' timestamp='1342869375' post='1742071'] You're not Patricia Morrison in disguise are you? [/quote] No, but she is extremely cool
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