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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. Hi guys As you know I bought the BDI21, and also ordered an XLR cable to go with it. The DI Arrived today and it says "output available on 1/4" TS or balanced, gold plated XLR connectors" Well, the XLR I bought says this in the description "BRAND NEW XLR PLUG to SOCKET 3M LENGTH, SUPER FLEXIBLE CABLE in BLUE. Microphone extension leads, made with super low noise, 2-core 6mmØ screened cable. The cable is very flexible and durable." Nothing in there about balanced or gold plated connectors. Is this something that matters? Will it work anyway, or do I need to return that cable and get a different one? And which should I get?
  2. @$$holes. Good luck recovering the stuff, I'll keep my eyes open round here.
  3. I don't get what you mean. I'm hoping that I won't have to use it at all, but I'd rather have it and it not sound quite perfect than maybe abandon a gig mid-set due to amp failure for example. We play small pubs with a small PA, and have never used a sound guy.
  4. I've gone ahead and ordered the BDI-21. Thanks for all your help guys No doubt there will be another thread soon asking for help on how to use the ruddy thing, haha!
  5. No need for me, with BC and TB around.
  6. My issue seems to have resolved itself now which is cool, but I still have no idea what the problem was.
  7. It's more brown - came straight off a new MIA. Looks like this http://www.keymusic.com/gfx_productcode/XL/129004/Fender-New-American-Standard-Precision-Bass-MN-Olymipc-White.jpg and this http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTA2NlgxNjAw/$(KGrHqN,!i8E-,Em9dZgBPsV,m4UDg~~60_1.JPG?set_id=880000500F
  8. So for a small gig, an amp modeller is probably the way to go?
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1338644834' post='1677577'] The BDI-21 is £26. The D100 is £25. Get both, try 'em out, and sell the one you're not going to use. I will say though, that the BDI-21 will still give you an 'amp' sound if your actual amp goes tits-up at a gig. This is important if you're doing pub gigs as opposed to big rooms with a big PA. Time to make a decision! NO PRESSURE!! [/quote] Hello, thanks for your help Potential stupid question alert - what do you mean by "still give you an amp sound"? What does a "non-amp sound" sound like?
  10. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1338636097' post='1677422'] I used a DI 100 for years with no issues at all - bass into the jack I/P, XLR (mic lead) out to the desk, phantom power (no batteries needed), built like a brick s***house, dirt cheap... what's not to like? [/quote] Also sounds very good. Dammit I'm still confused hahaha
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1338633302' post='1677379'] The reason I like the BDI21 is that if my amp "goes" I`ve still got a bass-amp sounding bass coming from the pa, rather than just the eq of the pa. Plus it`s also a nice little recording tool as well. Also not being a twiddler, I just leave all controls at midday. [/quote] You do make a convincing argument Mr Lozz do you use it on battery power or with the AC power? Any idea if the batteries would last until the end of a 2 hour gig from new?
  12. We've never used a sound guy. We're a little pub band and the singer owns the mixer and PA.
  13. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1338632608' post='1677367'] Bass Direct have a secondhand Hartke VXL bass attack listed on their website for 50 quid. Ive got one and theyre great bits of kit. Might be worth a sniff. [/quote] Hey! I can't see it on the site, do you have a link?
  14. Ed_S thanks for the reply. I hadn't seen that one before but looks interesting. Are you able to tell me how I would connect it up (yes, again, I really am this clueless!) Bass in which socket, and which socket out to the mixer?
  15. I'm comparing two at the moment but am stuck on which one would be the right one for me. The reason I want one is basically just to sit in my gig bag in case my amp goes bananas during a gig one night. I can't lug around a backup amp so just need something to put me through the PA in case I need it. I play a passive Fender. There's the Behringer Ultra-DI DI100 - this one's tempting as it's cased in metal, has phantom power and 9V battery options, and has very good reviews. And it looks very simple to use which is a bonus for me as I'm not a knob twiddler. But, will it do what I need it to do - just to get the sound of my bass out to the audience if I have no amp for any reason? [url="http://www.behringer.com/ES/Products/DI100.aspx"]http://www.behringer.com/ES/Products/DI100.aspx[/url] Or the Behringer BDI21 - this has been recommended to me by a few guys on here, but I'm not sure. I don't know whether I'll need amp modelling (I'm really that clueless!), plus it's cased in plastic, and operates only by 9V battery or AC power supply which I can't be doing with - rummaging for plug sockets on a dark stage whilst the audience is waiting wouldn't be my thing haha! [url="http://www.behringer.com/de/Products/BDI21.aspx"]http://www.behringer.com/de/Products/BDI21.aspx[/url] Help me basschatters, you're my only hope! (Geeky Star Wars reference there)
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