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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1334124500' post='1611105'] Funnily enough I nearly bought a 4003 in a shop on Monday. Glad I didn't now. [/quote] True dat. If Rics are as good as everyone says, I don't see why they are so threatened by cheaper imitations. Unless they're better...
  2. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1333992169' post='1609325'] elixirs gone? [/quote] Yep I should probably change the photo. I'll get that done asap
  3. [size=6][color=#ff0000][u]Firstly - Warwick Corvette $$ in Nirvana black.[/u][/color][/size] I know, I know. I said I'd never sell or trade this bass again - but for all of my silly sentimental attachments, I don't know if it's "the one" for me. That said, it really is a great bass. Looks awesome, very versatile tones, feels and plays great. As I'm sure anyone who is reading this knows, it's a beast. Made in Germany in 2008. I've owned it since April 2010, apart from the month when it lived with Flex! But we haven't been jelling for a while, and it's time I stopped being so dumb and searched for something that would suit me more. There are some very minor cosmetic blemishes but nothing to write home about. I can send more pictures. The electronics are in good working order. Only minor issue is that the truss rod doesn't seem to want to move - I was going to get it looked at before I moved it on, but as there's the perfect amount of relief in the neck and it doesn't seem to budge, I decided not to. It plays beautifully, tiny amount of relief, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?! It's right to mention it though. EDIT - out of interest I asked a local luthier what would be required to sort that out if it needed in in the future - he said it's just a matter of loosening the rod, clamping the neck for a week and tightening it back up. £30 he said. But, as I mentioned, the bass plays fantastically. Come try it out and see Ash body, ovangkol neck and wenge fretboard. Black hardware, bell brass frets. £[s]500[/s] [s] £450[/s] SOLD Only trade considered is a PX For an active DI [size=6][color=#ff0000][u]Second - Ibanez Premium SR1300[/u][/color][/size] I just bought this last week as I've been after a lighter bass. But, after playing the Warwick I'm having trouble getting used to the very slim neck! I'd like £500 (paid £550 last week) and trade would be for a Precision bass - as above, maple neck, around 8.5lbs or under. Link to the original thread - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/174281-sold-ibanez-sr1300-japan-custom-made-w-east-u-retro-barts/page__p__1634317__hl__sr1300__fromsearch__1#entry1634317"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1634317[/url] I'm in Gloucester, and would prefer to meet up. I can meet at train stations within a couple of hundred miles of here as long as my train fare is paid in advance (no transport at the moment). Testing is very welcome, just drop me a message. Again, for sale, or PX for an active DI
  4. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1333905753' post='1608055'] It is right! A bargain, I think you'll agree [/quote] I'll say If I was a jazz bass gal I'd be all over it!
  5. Does anyone know if the truss rod nut on a 2008 Warwick corvette $$ comes off? (to allow washers to be added) And where will I find something that fits?
  6. Mark Knopfler? But I think there was another guitarist... he definitely dominated the sound though Edited for typo
  7. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1333112218' post='1597588'] Sounds like every Precision I've played - did I say that out loud [/quote] Ha! I actually love precisions. But this one was the oddest thing ever. Every time I played a note, even softly, it created a horrible harmonic that sounde like a church bell. And the clanking when I played harder.. not cool.
  8. Well. So much for getting over my disappointment! The MF sig arrived on Wednesday. I played it a couple of times, and I'm sure I must have got a dud. It's clanky but not that easy to play, and sounds bleedin' horrible! It's gone back this morning. I'm gonna just stick with owning one bass, my trusty Warwick - it doesn't let me down.
  9. I wish I could take some outdoor photos of my basses but I have no garden
  10. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1332873886' post='1594330'] My ex girlfriend bought me a vintage mm copy and the truss rod was not fitted right preventing adjustment. Make sure you check that. [/quote] Yikes! How would I tell?
  11. I have the money for it as I just got paid last Wednesday, but I feel a bit guilty spending more than I need to I guess. Ah well, screw it. I just ordered the Squier Pretty excited.
  12. Damn, I'm still torn! I had the MF sig before and it was awesome. I can't decide whether to buy that one for £355 or buy the Vintage (which I'm sure will be ok but it's not [i]exactly[/i] what I want) for £175. Decisions... save money or get what I want?
  13. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1332702899' post='1591916'] Soooo bet they do! [/quote] It's almost guaranteed!
  14. It's either one of these or a Squier Matt Freeman... if I had more cash I'd go for the because the pickguard is already black and the colour of the neck is less yellow, but these are nearly £200 cheaper!
  15. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1332709960' post='1592059'] Have a look at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/164626-vintage-icon-v4-p-bass-l110/page__fromsearch__1"]this[/url] too. [/quote] Thank you, but no rosewood for me
  16. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1332703417' post='1591928'] As Discreet says, the simple answer is to go and try one. There's a list of stockists by brand on the JHS website. [/quote] I shall have a look.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1332701681' post='1591883'] Got a very favourable review in BGM... take that as you will. But Wilkinson/JHS are fairly well regarded. I'm sure it would be quite possible to set it up well. The thing to do is go and try one somewhere and see if you like it. [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/reviews/V4MTB_BassMar12.pdf"]http://www.jhs.co.uk...B_BassMar12.pdf[/url] If I were not already sorted in the P-Bass department, I'd definitely check it out. Looks like value for money. [/quote] Thanks for that PDF, I hadn't seen it. Hmm. The article states that it's quite a heavy bass, but on the review is saw on YouTube it says it weighs 7lbs.
  18. of the other day (failed 6 string attempt), I've decided to treat myself to a brand spanking new P bass. As my budget isn't very big, I've been looking at the Vintage V4 P basses, and the vintage white/maple combo in particular. I've not played a Vintage bass before, but my guitarist swears by their guitars. Does anyone own or have experience of these basses? I'm interested to know what the neck is like, if it's able to be set up to have a nice low action, what it weighs etc.
  19. Nah. They would only have stuck it in the back room for a couple of weeks and tried to palm it off as being fixed. I had to laugh - when I told the kid that there was a problem with the truss rods, he started visually examining the truss rod cover - for ages, until I pointed out that the rods were inside the neck. He went so red. Clearly didn't have a clue. I don't think I'll buy a second hand bass again after this. Long line of bad experiences.
  20. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1332630485' post='1591060'] That's a pity. At least you got a refund though. I wonder if they'll just put it back up for sale - did you tell them it was buggered? [/quote] Yeah I told them everything I'd discovered. Ha, the sales kid said he could get everything fixed for me under the warranty until I explained that would cost a good bit more than I'd paid for the bass!
  21. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1332602680' post='1590570'] Happy ending ,then! Plus,if it was Cash Converters you'd have probably ended up meeting the person it was nicked off.. [/quote] Well... we'll see. I regret paying by card in a way - I usually do so there's something traceable, but I always get a bit concerned that refunds won't go back on to my card properly. Would rather have the cash in my hand.
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