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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. Ibanez SR505M (mahogany/maple) I was very tempted to keep this as its such a great bass, but I've got too many really and need to move it on. I've had it from new and for a very short time and it's a really great bass - slim neck with maple fretboard, active with a 3 band EQ, Bartolini MK1 pickups, 24 frets, and the most awesome thing is, it weighs 7.3 lbs! Super light. Strung with Elixirs. The strap buttons seem very slightly loose - they seem perfectly secure but the screws don't reach a point where they stop turning. If I was keeping this bass I'd probably glue them in or replace the screws with wider ones, but whoever buys this will probably want to swap them as they're quite large (too big to fit the plastic Dunlop strap locks over). Paid £550 brand new so sale value would be somewhere around [s]£500 mark[/s]. [b][size=5][color=#ff0000]PRICE DROP £400!!![/color][/size][/b]. Collection from Gloucester preferred. Just to clarify, I know the rosewood fretboard version can be found online for around £470 but this is the maple fretboard version which I haven't been able to find online for less than £525.
  2. SHE'S COMING HOME!!!!! Mama's missed you Haha! I'm so happy
  3. PM'd with a very good trade offer, as I miss this bass so much.
  4. I haven't noticed a problem when I go on PC, but on my iphone it's horribly slow.
  5. Absolutely terrible. But, he slaps the bass better than I do, I'll credit him with that much.
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1316611905' post='1380357'] £600 will get you a second hand German Corvette $$ in great condition. You would be MmmMental not to, I had one and they are stunning. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/155568-ft-warwick-corvette-looking-for-sterling-trade/"]http://basschat.co.u...sterling-trade/[/url] I hope Flex doesn't mind me saying he told me £600 for this. Give him a shot. [/quote] [quote name='dc2009' timestamp='1316616449' post='1380421'] Hi Mark, Absolutely. No one in their right minds is buying a new RockBass model at the moment. £600 will most certainly afford you a proper, German made Corvette $$, albeit second hand, and I have to say Flex's is a looker (not affiliated with the sale, just my opinion). Not only are you getting a significantly better bass for the same money, but provided you keep it in good condition, it won't depreciate in value particularly, if at all, whereas no one will buy a second hand RockBass off you for more than £350 (I wouldn't buy it off you for more than £250), even if it was in mint condition. dv247 are a decent retailer, I know a couple of the guys there through my dealings with them and I've always been happy to go back to them. The bass merchant is also highly thought of, though I can't speak for it myself. Both are competitive on price, though even second hand, you'll get a better deal on here or fleecebay most likely than what they can give you. So yes, my recommendation, and that of many BCers would be you invest said money in a German-made, second hand Corvette $$. Much better bang for your buck (excuse the pun), and you don't have to face any serious depreciation. With many fewer German Warwicks being sold these days, I'd actually imagine that these basses will appreciate in value in the years to come, as fewer of them are in circulation in good condition. Cheers Dan [/quote] I agree with buying a second hand German Warwick any day. Much better quality than the Rockbass models. The one Flex is selling in the classifieds used to be mine and it is a damn fine bass in every way - I owned it for over 2 years and it never let me down once. Looks great, sounds great, plays great... you get the picture. I'd have it back in a second if I had the cash. Shameless plug - if you're after a 5 string, I've got a German custom shop $$ for sale in the classifieds another wonderful bass there!
  7. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! Tell me the rumours are not true?
  8. Ooops I didn't see you already bought one. Just ignore me!
  9. Sorry if this has been suggested before, but what about an Ashdown EB combo? 180W would be plenty for uni and small gigs.
  10. [quote name='Bassulike66' timestamp='1316525221' post='1379160'] Go on...just treat yourself, you know you want to!! [/quote] Oh man... if I could afford to. I can't unless my Warwick sells. Out of interest, what does this one weigh, and what's the balance like?
  11. Damn. I liked this bass the first time I looked at it, but the more I look, the more I want it. Haha!
  12. Woo! I've finally got the desktop version on my iPhone! No more crappy mobile version I'm happy now, thanks
  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1316466384' post='1378534'] I really miss mine too. But the neck was just a wee bit too clubby for my tastes. I got a more recent fretless Corvette and the neck was like a Geddy Jazz, if I could get a $$ with a neck like that I'd be very happy. [/quote] I didn't mind the chunkiness of the neck, it felt really good. I only sold it as I moved to 5 strings and don't seem to be able to flip seamlessly between 4 and 5. Nevertheless, I'm very emotionally attached to this bass. Just couldn't bear to see it sit in a corner and not get used, it deserves more than that. Bawled my eyes out after Pete took it away! Stupid, I know...
  14. Damn. I absolutely loved this bass to death and really miss it... should never have let it go. Whoever buys it won't be disappointed.
  15. Your English is better than mine Shame you're not into Warwicks, I'd offer mine to trade otherwise! Good luck getting what you're after
  16. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1316377095' post='1377268'] I just want an option to not use the mobile on my iPhone, then I'm a happy chap! [/quote] Same for me! I was quite happy with the desktop version on my phone, was great.
  17. Or spellcheck, or edit my posts properly it seems. Gah. Do not like.
  18. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1316376433' post='1377246'] Agree 100% [/quote] Glad someone does! I can subscribe to topics, can't view my content or threads I'm following... It's so crap! I don't go on a PC often so might now be spending too much time here
  19. Hey all I like the new site, but the mobile version is terrible. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to choose not to use it on aniPhone. Any way of changing this?
  20. Bought a bass from silentbob, very easy transaction and fast shipping - no issues at all. Thanks mate!
  21. [quote name='fender73' post='1373776' date='Sep 14 2011, 09:24 PM']You took your time ! [/quote]
  22. [quote name='silentbob' post='1372707' date='Sep 14 2011, 12:17 AM']I totally agree with the op, i too love both the bass guitar and music, and on the odd, rare occasion, i sometimes even manage to combine the two.[/quote] Ha! Me too
  23. Traded back? Awesome. I love this place Now if only someone would purchase my Warwick, I'd love basschat even more
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