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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='pickle' post='1346650' date='Aug 20 2011, 07:42 PM']Ill have one of each shape in blue, red and black get in early this time lol[/quote] Hehe! That's cool man Any preference as to which shape is which colour? Blue classic, red striker and black razer ok with you?
  2. [quote name='longtimefred' post='1345378' date='Aug 19 2011, 01:01 PM']im that pleased with mine, i want some more!! Put me down for 2 x razor XL's in red if there is another list going [/quote] I'll do that, thanks mate! When I get up to 20 picks, I'll put another order in. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1345410' date='Aug 19 2011, 01:22 PM']Not received mine yet but our post is erratic anyway, im sure ill get them before Christmas.[/quote] Damn post. Please keep me updated?
  3. All picks have been posted out (a couple of days ago) If anyone else is interested in ordering some, or if anyone who has already ordered would like some more, I'm sure Chris would be quite happy for me to do another order - just let me know.
  4. [quote name='hairyhaw' post='1341609' date='Aug 16 2011, 10:43 AM']Not BT7 - that's for mexican Fenders. Looks like 70's style tuners so BT2 it be.[/quote] Good point! Doesn't look like a Fender at all so I've no idea why I suggested that one. So my first answer was right
  5. Hmm - not sure but I think the BT2 EDIT - could also be the BT7 or BT10 - more likely to be one of those
  6. Sold a Harke head to Stephen, great guy to deal with, no trouble at all
  7. I voted £600-799 but that's in the used market...
  8. There are five people in my band including me, and it works well for us. Vocals, 2 guitars, bass, drums.
  9. I'd be more inclined to go with a Pod GX which is about £60. Comes with all the software etc, and is really good for the price.
  10. Although I get confused with the electronics combinations (and mainly use the same one all the time) I also used mine for a gig last night, and it's a fantastic bass. Someone snap this up, it's a bargain!
  11. Nope, been using blue tack. Works great and doesn't leave any damage to the finish
  12. Oh dear. Looks like some poor bugger is going to buy that thinking it's actually a Fender
  13. I considered it but decided against it. There's no way I'm putting my number or email address on a lamp post around here. It's as rough as a bears arse. Plus it's also a very busy main road, people going past all day and night - it's quite likely to be someone who doesn't live round here.
  14. You do love those Squier Precisions don't ya mate? I have gigged cheap basses with no problem at all. Once my CV is sold though, I'll be gigging my Warwick as it's the only bass I'll have left after my clear out!
  15. I've PM'd you pickle And the order has been placed! Cheers folks - those who ordered will get a PM as soon as I've got the picks
  16. This is Disney Pixar's UP for Nintendo DS. I'll be honest - I found it on the floor just up the street from my house. As there was no-one around that it might belong to, I decided to give it away on here. I don't know if it works or not. Sling me a quid for postage and it's yours
  17. Can you use your magic powers to turn this into a GB7, then sell it to me please? Ta
  18. Due to someone not responding to PM's (I'm assuming he's no longer interested, but it would be polite to say so!) is anyone interested in ordering another pick? There are three available. Any colour, and either the Classic, Striker or Razer shape. Let me know asap, and I'll get the order placed this afternoon
  19. I have to agree. This is a beautiful bass and it's going for too cheap. If it were me, I'd keep this one. In my humble honest opinion...
  20. This is why I'd never leave my bass in a car. But glad he's got it back - interested to find out how!
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