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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1118426' date='Feb 7 2011, 12:27 AM'] not looking good then[/quote] I don't know if you'll be interested in this but I've done it before with good results. Instead of a lot of work replacing the pick guard, buy some fablon in the colour that you want, put it on the table sticky side up and place the pick guard on it. Then use a very sharp craft knife to cut round the top of the pickguard. That's how I made this one
  2. I'm gassing big time for a 70's Fender P - olympic white, maple neck, maple board, black pickguard, PJ pickups Mmmmmmm..... if only they didn't cost so much! [url="http://www.drumcityguitarland.com/drumcitygl/stores/1/images/Fender/Fender%C2%AE%20USA%20Artist%20Series%20Tony%20Franklin%20Fretted%20Precision%20Bass%C2%AE%20Olympic%20White%204-String%20Electric%20Bass.jpg"]http://www.drumcityguitarland.com/drumcity...tric%20Bass.jpg[/url]
  3. Hi all Just thought I'd show off my two, love them to bits (Not the best pic as it was taken with my phone)
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1158153' date='Mar 11 2011, 04:08 PM']polishing takes a very long time if you're doing it by hand. It's worth it though[/quote] You sir, have been sigged.
  5. [quote name='burray' post='1211803' date='Apr 26 2011, 04:47 PM']I'm pretty sure tom1946 still has a couple for sale.[/quote] Thanks, I've shot a PM over to him Anyone else has one, please let me know. Ideally I'm looking for a white one, doesn't matter if the FB is maple or rosewood
  6. So, does anyone wanna part with theirs yet? I need a cheap P copy, and one of these would be perfect! Unfortunately it seems that Sue Ryder don't sell them any more PM me if interested!
  7. Ah bum! The search continues Cheers mate
  8. Hi Phil Can't see any photos in the original advert Will you be able to stick some up? Thanks!
  9. [quote name='27 frets' post='749263' date='Feb 18 2010, 09:10 AM']Ground lift separates the PA's earth/ground from that of the amp/head - this often a switchable feature on DI boxes, and sometimes on DI sends on amps. It removes the possbility of problems with earth loops, where amps and PAs are plugged into separate mains sources, which tend to give rise to hum rather than hiss. It's worth swithing the earth lift in and out, to see if it brings an improvement in background noise levels. One linked comment though is that if you're using a DI box and [b]no amp[/b] (e.g. for an electro-acoustic guitar/bass or keyboard), the instrument does need to be earthed/grounded to the PA for the output signal to work properly.[/quote] I apologise if I sound a bit dumb, but what does earthing/grounding entail? I'm wondering if it's possible for me to DI straight to the PA, without using an amp at all (I live on the top floor, without a lift, and have back problems!)
  10. This is now sold Thanks
  11. This is now sold.
  12. Yeah I saw a few others knocking about and read the responses, but was also curious to see if anyone else had a similar experience... wanted to hear from others about different experiences as well, good and bad
  13. Long boring story... I had my musical instruments insured with my contents policy, but when I started using them for paying gigs they said they would be covered at home, and at band practice etc, but not if anything happens to them at a venue where I’m getting paid (at gigs). So I got a policy to cover them with another company to make sure they were covered properly. But I spoke to them yesterday about something unrelated and they mentioned that I would need proof of purchase to make any claim. But I buy my gear second-hand always, and don’t have proof of ownership or purchase. So they said that I need a professional certificate of valuation for each instrument, and the nearest place I have found that can do that is in London, and I can’t get there with my gear when I haven’t got a car! So that’s a no can do. So although I’ve paid the £50 or whatever for the cover, they in fact aren’t covered at all! So I call my home insurance company and ask them to put them back on the policy as I figured it’s better to have them covered at home and everywhere else except at gigs, and then they tell me that if they are used for paying gigs, they’re not covered at all even if they’re not damaged or stolen from the gig (i.e. stolen from home or damaged at home). So my most two most valuable material possessions (both sentimentally and monetarily) aren’t covered at all. Which makes me very anxious. Any suggestions of a good company that covers in the UK and won't give me so much hassle? Who do you all use and can you give me some experiences?
  14. I don't use a pick that often but it's handy to have, definitely. When I do pick, I use a 1.5mm Dunlop, and I grip it quite loosely, but tight enough for it not to be flying off all the time I find it easier to play 16ths or faster with a pick rather than fingers - unless it's triplets, oddly. Probably doesn't help that much but hope so!
  15. Welcome! Bit of advice, if you set foot inside the classifieds you'll be skint forever
  16. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1170515' date='Mar 21 2011, 11:53 AM']Amen. Cheeky little bass, and not bad players.[/quote] Thanks it's an awesome bass, and well worth the money!
  17. Make an offer guys and girls! I've got my eye on something now and can't buy it unless I make a sale
  18. [quote name='icastle' post='1169962' date='Mar 20 2011, 08:21 PM']Perhaps this is where your sore hand is coming from?[/quote] Hmm, I wonder if this is the case? Lack of playing leading to loss of hand strength... sore hand leading to not wanting to play as much... vicious circle perhaps?
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1169972' date='Mar 20 2011, 08:30 PM']Are you in a band? If not join one. If you are, and you have no motivation then it's probably the wrong one for you. Join one that makes you want to play.[/quote] Yep, in a gigging band and I absolutely love it. Classic rock covers, great band members. Maybe I don't feel terribly challenged by the material, but I on the other hand am too easily frustrated when I attempt to challenge myself.
  20. [quote name='BottomE' post='1169963' date='Mar 20 2011, 08:21 PM']Just sitting down to practice now. What has really helped over the last few years is using software like Cubase and a USB audio interface. This means i can get a midi file | import it into the software | remove the bass and fill in the bass parts myself! Ok some of the midis are naff but i strip them down to just drums and piano and then play over that. Of course it helps that i am learning some jazz tunes at the moment so theres a shed load of music around (Real Books) to help and piano and drums is all you need a lot of the time. I think its natural to hit brick walls - the fun starts when/if you manage to overcome them. Another thing that might re-inspire you is to get a teacher. Careful though as anyone can call themselves a teacher. Maybe post on the teaching thread to see if there is someone in your area who might be able to help. Set yourself some goals. I wasted about 10 years practicing without a plan and wish i had been more disciplined. Never too late though. One thing to bear in mind is that there are a lot of people i meet who say "it must be great being in a band. i used to play bass and gave up. wish i hadn't". Do you want to be saying that?[/quote] What is this cubase & midi file you speak of? I have a USB audio interface (Pod GX with Pod Farm) but definitely would be cool to be able to remove bass tracks from my favourite songs and add my own line in! I already feel like I started this too late... didn't start playing bass until I was 27
  21. is a bit of a problem lately I think I've just decided that I suck at bass and will never really be any good, but that's never bothered me before I've always known that! So how do you guys deal with crisis in confidence, lack of motivation, generic laziness etc?
  22. [quote name='et1058' post='1169653' date='Mar 20 2011, 04:28 PM']Whoaaa sorry! Didnt see your reply!! Fast slim neck on this. Very active sound. I had my heart set on Fender, BUT what ya got kind sir?[/quote] No Fenders I'm afraid mate but I do have a very lovely ESP/LTD 5 string, translucent blue over flamed maple. Awesome sound and great player. Quite willing to send you some photos if you so desire
  23. I've just checked my action - 2mm at the 12th fret. Is this high, low, average? I'm not sure as it's not something I've paid much attention to before!
  24. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1168819' date='Mar 19 2011, 08:55 PM']Yes - well almost & you'll find the lighter you play (with both hands), the lower the action you can have - which makes it even easier to play lighter Edit: Do you do your own setup?[/quote] I do. The Warwick has pretty low action (I think, anyway ). It's the lowest of all my basses I believe. Not sure if I could get it any lower without creating some buzz...
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