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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. That amp in your link is certainly awesome value for money! But the issue that I have is that I have a great combo amp at the moment, plenty loud enough etc, but it's just too heavy. it weighs 60lbs, which is the same as that cab in the thread. If I was fitter and healthier, I wouldn't bat an eyelid at that weight, but I have back and wrist problems, and want to avoid injuring myself any further by lugging around stuff that's way too heavy for me I'm definitely gonna see if there are ways of going about everything without selling the Warwick, but it might be that I need to. I don't smoke, don't drink, don't really go out much, maybe once every couple of months, don't get takeaways often... it's just that money's tight at the moment.
  2. Tough one ain't it? now you see why I'm so torn Main reason for needing a new amp isn't just because of reliability but many that I'm using a hossing great heavy combo which isn't easy when you use it every week and live on the 2nd floor. Made even worse by my back and wrist problems... So I need a smaller, lighter amp to save doing myself an injury. So, I can't afford the amp I want without the Warwick going, just don't seem to be able to pull the trigger...
  3. Black basses you say? Hmm.... Here's my Kramer Baretta NT, and my Warwick Corvette $$. Both stunning to play, but feel and sound completely different.
  4. [quote name='mep' post='1108475' date='Jan 30 2011, 06:59 PM']Hi There. Enjoy the forum. Most of us are partial to a bit of black, me included, so get some good shots and post them in the black bassses thread in the gear porn section.[/quote] I'll get right on it now, will be up in that thread in ten
  5. Gah. I was dreading the "sell it" responses haha, but still appreciate the advice. Why do we get so attached to our instruments? Is it just a bass thing, or do all musicians have the same issue?
  6. Yeah, that's an issue. It is german made so will be worth more than a very recent one, but still... it's a lot of money to make a big loss on
  7. Thanks man! Black is the best colour for metal
  8. Hey everyone, would love to get some input on my situation here, as I need some convincing either way as to what I should do! Shortened story... I bought my Warwick Corvette $$ last April, cost a small fortune and it's a stunning bass. Sounds great, plays great, the quality is obvious. My problem? That because it cost so much and I am poor, I don't use it except for playing it at home. Don't take it to practice or gigs in case it's broken or stolen... it's insured, but you know how the insurance companies like to dodge paying out for anything! And I don't live in the best area and am constantly worried about it being stolen from my house. So I'm wondering if I should just sell it on. I could use the cash at the moment as I've got a gig coming up and am questioning the reliability of my amp, and have no money to buy a new one. My Kramer bass does everything I need it to do at my level of playing. I'm so torn cos I love the Warwick to bits, just can't justify it. Thoughts?
  9. Hey everyone, just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 28, been playing bass for about 18 months now, and am in a local classic rock/old school metal covers band. Slowly learning about the instrument, both playing and set-ups etc. Would like to learn about electronics as well but that's a way off yet I have a dilemma that I was hoping you folks could share some opinions on, but I'll start a thread in the relevant section for that! Here's a pic of my setup (apologies for the not so good phone picture): And here's one from the bands last gig:
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