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About doctor_of_the_bass

  • Birthday 28/12/1970

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  1. Hi guys! Happy new year! This is Nick doing a quick reply! Yes, this is an E Basses Valiant 5 string bass, I was the co-designer and came up with the name! Ian Hancock did all the hard work in terms of the actual build and sadly he stopped making basses a few years ago but has mentioned that he might start making some new basses at some point, sadly I won't be involved as am now working with Grainger Guitars of Rutland on two brand new bass models! Cheers! Nick
  2. Sold it some years ago! Nice bass!
  3. This was one of the E Basses we made back in 2001 or so! Very sad story, my ex partner bought it and she sadly passed away so assume her family sold it on. It had our own green LEDs on the edge of the board and played very nicely! My latest signature bass made to my design by Martin Sims (as seen above) pays tribute in colour terms. Ian Hancock is not currently making basses but we had a great time all those years ago!
  4. Commented on this on Facebook! Strangely enough one that I have not owned!!! Lovely colour! x
  5. I remember trying one of their rigs out at a music show years ago and it was one of the best sounding rigs ever, had a digital graphic and was designed by an ex Trace engineer. If anyone does have one or any more info do get in touch, there's nothing on the net!
  6. Looking forward to meeting you! All the best! Nick
  7. Anyone wanting to start playing in the Anglian region, I also offer basses for sale as well as a range of amps too! [email protected]
  8. Just got hold of an ELF in the last few days, completely blown away by it, looking forward to trying it out on next week's gigs! It can never be anything more than a 200w head but for its size it is very very good, certainly shook my studio via a selection of different cabs etc! N x
  9. Anyone over here in Anaheim attending the show, come and say hi, am working on the Enfield Sims stand, we have George Anderson from Shakatak here with us too! Booth 3496 in Hall D, near the back of the hall as you enter from the front!
  10. The SIMS Super Quad pickups do not require any special preamp etc, they can be retrofitted to any bass - they are passive as has been noted. The LEDs are very intuitive and give you instant recall of your settings but if you don't like them then fair enough and am sure you can have them taken out of the wiring etc. If anyone wishes to try one of the Enfield basses out, please get in touch! Cheers!
  11. Just a little bit proud to be on Page 10 with Enfield Guitars! Go get a copy!!
  12. They really have changed everything for me, and have been very fortunate to have had mine for nearly 3 years now, having retired my other main basses of choice! Check out page 10 of the December edition of Bass Guitar magazine!
  13. Well done Highfox, that is a lovely example of the Lionheart bass, actually known in the trade as the Nick Smith model as it is the same colour as my main bass! Find me on Facebook! Cheers! Nick
  14. Karl and myself met up last weekend to do a straight swap of my Schroeder 212 cabinet for his two Euphonic Audio VL110s - he and his partner drove all the way down to Corley services and what a gentleman, feel like we've been mates for years! Look forward to meeting you again at some point Karl! All the very best sir!
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