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Everything posted by Onox

  1. PM´d
  2. A friend of mine said that a EQ-Padal after the G5 helps for "fattening up" the sound. Ed Friedland made a cool review abaou the Brown Dog and Agent Funk, they sound realy cool together: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgjtX5GmonE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgjtX5GmonE[/url] Any thoughts on the Octavius Squeezer?
  3. Thanks for the review, real nice reviews! Jamiroquai got cool synth sounds, Deeper Underground is also very cool! I read that Stuart Zender used a Boss ME6B for his synth sounds, mabe ist worth a try too.
  4. Thanks for the input Guys! Yeah, a Deep Impact would have been cool but its so hard to find and very expensive (and you can´t save any sounds). But maybe someday I got a chance to try one. Had anyone the chance to compare the Markbass Super Synth to the G5?
  5. He Guys, i bought a G5. It should arrive next week and I gonna post a little review here. My feeling is that I´ll realy dig the option to save sounds. A synth is such a special effect, i can´t imagine to only have on sound at time.
  6. Bump! I would also trade for any kind of effect units.
  7. Thanks for the real good advices. Maybe I got a good offer for G5...
  8. Sorry, seems to be a EVO.
  9. Hey Folks, i need your advice. I´m looking for a cool synth Pedal for my board and I don´t realy have an overview about the market and all the different models. I would only play it with 4 String Basses and mostly for funk/soul/disco sounds. Maybe sometimes some Rock-Riffs... The Deep Impact seems to be THE synth for bass. The G5 is also very famous. But whats about the current available Pedals like the Markbass Super Synth? Thanks for your help!
  10. Hey Folks, I am selling my Ashdown ABM Evo. Its made in UK. Wonderfull warm and fat sound (but not muddy), powerfull EQ, Preshape, Tube Overdrive, Octaver... Everything you could need to get a fat rock sound, clean funk sound or anything else in between. The Amp was checked this Year by a technician so its in perfect condition. Feel free to ask if you have Questions. I am located in Germany but will ship to UK or other EU-Countrys. Price: 280 GBP / 350 Euros Regards! Trade against interesting Effects is also possible.
  11. Best color ever! Good luck!
  12. Sorry Bass is now gone!
  13. [quote name='Legion' timestamp='1339419239' post='1688105'] I was a fool to ever sell mine! luckily it was always on Basschat so I've been able to buy it back (twice). Best of luck with trading it, amazing basses. [/quote] Your chance to get a backup!
  14. Hey Guys, I´m considering to trade my beautiful Fender Pino Palladino Bass against a nice Jazz Bass. I would prefer Fender Custom Shop Basses. Bass looks like new (ok, its reliced so thats nothing special ) Fender G&G Case, Certificate and Vintage Straps includes. It also comes with the original TI Jazz Flats. I can add more pictures on request. The Bass is located in germany but shipping inside EU is not a problem. We could also ask one of the board moderators to follow the deal. Regards, O.
  15. Are the felt mutes included?
  16. Any AWESOME soundclips or videos?
  17. I had this experience with my Fender Roscoe Beck V. The low b was great but the e-string was not fat and punchy. Since then, I´ll try to test every 5-String I would buy. Thats just a experience with one Bass, i woldn´t say thats a generela problem of 5-Strings.
  18. I think the fans in my ABM were replaced. They are disconnected right now but I´ll add an On/Off-Switch. Its great for Funk! The tone is realy fat and warm, makes it perfect for Fingerfunk and slap with a lot of punch and not too much high-end-sizzle.
  19. The only con is that the fan is too loud if you want to use the amp at home. I think i´ll gonna add an on/off-Schwitch for the fan. Does the Ashdown have a protection circuit for shutting down when it gets to hot in the amp?
  20. Sadly, my Ashsdown arrived non working but i got it fixed today. Lovely amp, very punchy, clear and deep/warm sounding. The Preshape don´t seems to be very usefull, it sounds very muddy to me with too less highs. Never had such a fat tone with my Jazz Bass. Tomorrow I´ll test it with my Precision.
  21. PM´d
  22. Ok, I did it. I bought an Ashdown ABM Evo I Amp. It looks like new und is fully checked by a technician. The Amp shoul arrive the day after tomorrow. Can you tell me what the Center-Frequencies of the big Bass, middle and Treble knobs are? I couldn´t find something usefull in the old ABM manual on the ashdown-website.
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