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Everything posted by AndyBass

  1. Bought a GK MB212-ii from Alex. Absolutely top fella. Took extra photos and even did a video of the amp "in action" as I couldn't get down to have a trial before pulling the trigger on it due to work and other commitments. Even dropped it off to a friend of mine nearby as he was passing. Suffice to say the amp is in amazing condition, even the roqsolid cover looks like it's been perfectly preserved! Great amp at a good price, great guy. God only knows how he keeps his gear in such good shape
  2. I'd have more chance with an actual bull, I think. Maybe this is one for the Duke...
  3. I'm gonna learn how to do that. Can't believe I wasted time trying to play arco when I could've been practicing this
  4. "Just got back from red rooster festival" bump (hi DNARocks - yeah, it's your amp! Hope alls going well with your band)
  5. Genz Benz STL3.0 10T for sale. Impeccable condition, bought mint from another Basschatter and only trucked out for a handful of cafe gigs since then. It's perfect for smaller venues and great for double bass, but is equally good for electric bass and can chuck out 300w with an extension or 175w as is. It weighs next to nothing and if the 10" cab is still too much for you...just remove the head, sling it in your gig bag and plug into whatever cab's there. Lightweight, versatile and powerful for it's size. A great little amp. Amp's in Sheffield and you're welcome to come and check it out. Collection preferred but I travel a bit with work - might be able to meet up if it's on my way. If not though, it's collection I'm afraid!
  6. Sorry I didn't mean to state the obvious. I did exactly the same thing for a long time until I upped the amount of arco I was doing, which justified switching to steels.
  7. I used Petz rosin when I used to bow Golden Slaps. Getting a bit of rosin on the strings will help. Ultimately it can be done with reasonable effect but it just won't sound as good as bowing different strings.
  8. I'm selling a Genz Benz STL3.0-10T if that's of any help/interest. Apologies for the shameless plug but it did seem relevant
  9. I couldn't get along with an Underwood on my Duke. Tried Underwood and Bassmax but settled on a Fonokraft single wing pup, for what it's worth.
  10. Here's my Duke in action looking beautiful. Ignore the idiot behind it.
  11. I noticed they'd made a renewed assault on EBay earlier. I've not tried them personally. I know someone who plays them and likes them, but he does say they take a little work. There are some threads on them through the last few years on Talkbass if you google them.
  12. Genz Benz GB410t-XB2, 4x10 4ohm cab do the trick for now, do you guys reckon? Should let me squeeze the 300w from my current little amp, then I can look to upgrade if needed or if Mr Invicta's fEARful cab blows my mind/my ears!
  13. Hi Dave - yes I remember you saying you needed something pretty beefy to hold it's own against the rest if the band. Impressive that a 1x12 does the job - those fEARful things really do sound pretty special! I'll definitely try and get to the Harlequin gig - be great to see you guys play again, don't think I've been able to since my daughter came along, and it'd be good to hear the new cab in action. Incredibly good of you to offer to let me have a go with it too!
  14. Just another bit of reassurance should you decide to order a new bass online - I've had basses from Strunal and Duke that I've bought "unplayed" and been extremely happy with both. The key is to research the hell out of it up front and minimise any risk that way. And to put the money aside for a setup on arrival (soundposts are often in the wrong place or cut too long to stop them falling in transit, for example). I also bought my first bass of EBay knowing pretty much nothing, had a great time with it and sold it on at pretty much break-even, so even when you do everything wrong it can still work out fine. Just enjoy some if the coolest shopping you'll ever do
  15. Thanks all - I now get this whole watts and ohms thing as much as I think I ever will. I'll spend some time down our room trying the Genz through different cabs to see what noise I get. I used to have a 4x10 but got shot of it for space reasons when I quit punk bands and started in bluegrass and stuff, so maybe a 4ohm 2x12 is the right compromise of noise vs space for the time being.
  16. ...and yes as Pete says, it's because I have a bridge pickup and clicky mixed into a single signal
  17. So, and here's where my fundamental lack of understanding of all things electronic becomes apparent, if I'm connecting my Shuttle 3.0 to a 2x12 cab, I do that instead of to my 1x10 cab rather than as well as, yeah? Thanks for the ongoing info.
  18. Wish I'd paid more attention in Physics so I understood any of this Ohms stuff!
  19. Thanks for the opinions everyone! (And for the offer of a cab try-out, TPJ. May take you up on that - they even look cool which is going some for cabs!). I do normally DI into the PA. Don't use a Fishman as they're single channel (to my knowledge) and I use a Fonokraft bridge/clicky pickup through the K&K mixer preamp instead. Always been happy enough with my DI'd sound though. I think the scenario I have in mind is the kinda thing Rabbie mentions, those situations where the PA or the monitors aren't up to the job and you need an amp that can cut through against the rest of the band. Really it's about making sure that as and when I do spend any more on amplification that I'm not buying just enough power to be heard at full tilt with no headroom beyond that. So is the general consensus that 300 watts through the 1x10 and a 2x12 is likely to be sufficient by way of "balls", ideally as monitoring with the PA as the main output, but would still cut it in most situations?
  20. We do have a bunch of 2x12s etc at the practice room but they're all jack inputs and haven't had a speakon to jack connector handy to be able to try them as yet. Worth a go though.
  21. Howdy. I've recently joined a new band and after the last few years spent in duos and trios, with slap as the only percussion, I'm now in a 6 piece band (an awesome one, I should add!), with loud drums, keys, sax...the works. Now I've already accepted my lovely Genz Benz Stl 3.0 10T ain't going to cut it. A 10" speaker at 175w isn't going to keep up. Now I could get another cab and bump it to 300w (max), but I suspect that would be throwing more cash at a solution that'll still at best let me just about keep up. So any recommendations for what I should be looking for amp-wise? What set ups do you use to cut through in a big loud ensemble? Bear in mind I'm flat broke so I'm wondering for the future and in case I need to get my little Genz up for sale, for the time being I'll be borrowing gear where I can. Thanks!
  22. Glad you got it sorted. I have it on two good authorities that Strunal ship their sound posts over-length so as to give a tight fit and minimise the risk of falling in transit. You got unlucky with yours but it does mean that with a bit of a setup, your already-immense bass should sound even better. Get some Innovation rockabillys on it and slap the hell out if it. Blondie 50/4s rule!
  23. They can be nice for jazz, but you'd be making life hard for yourself on the arco front.
  24. Thanks. Yeah I've got Ed's Building Walking Basslines and that's definitely good. I'll try and check the other recommendations out. As for chord tones and passing notes - agree but some combinations sound a lot better than others! I know the theory I'm just looking for shortcuts to get a few different patterns down quickly. Thanks!
  25. I quite often find myself making my way through sets of bluesy stuff with bands I've not rehearsed with. I've got a fair few different 12-bar patterns in the bag, stuff that fits the chords and mixes up the bass lines a bit, but I could definitely use more. Anyone know any good book/online resource/other place I could get some ideas from? Please don't say listen and transcribe as I would dearly love to do that but work and family leaves me no time, that's why I end up guessing my way through gigs half the time!
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