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Mr H

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Everything posted by Mr H

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1176096' date='Mar 25 2011, 04:11 PM']Just when you think you've seen the lot - fretts, frettles, knecks, knuts, turners, humbuggers (that's right, [i]humbuggers[/i]) - just goes to show there will always be new ways to creatively mutilate the language. Who would of thought it? Jon.[/quote] "Who would [b]HAVE[/b] thought it?" I'll give you "mutilate the language"!
  2. I'm nowhere near being able to thoroughly understand and utilise that site, but enjoyed it very much anyway. And I found another transcription of [i]Autumn Leaves[/i], which I have been using as an exercise of late. Thank you for the link! EDIT: Since the issue of navigation has been mentioned below, I ought to mention that my comment re. understanding and utilisation refers to the musical transcription/phraseology etc.
  3. Re. carpal tunnel syndrome: the surgery to release the compression takes about fifteen minutes, is often done under local anaesthetic, works very well, and doesn't take long to recover from. In fact, keeping the fingers active is part of the recovery. Obviously I'm in no position to make comment on the OP's condition, but I've seen carpal tunnel syndrome mentioned a few times in the couple of months I've been here on Basschat. Mrs H has had both of hers operated on with great success (cue handjob jokes: go on, get it over with*... ) *There's one!
  4. Bush Chemists - [i]Dub Fire Burning[/i]
  5. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='1162509' date='Mar 14 2011, 10:20 PM']And that's red one is one of his tidier Precisions...[/quote]
  6. Gaffa tape? Well if it's good enough for Rob Wright... [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/steeedm/263252981/"][/url] In fact, he's upgraded to a very smart black sticky tape since then.
  7. I can't help with this poll at all - a Stingray of any configuration remains a dream to me. I do know, however, what would win [url="http://uk.news.yahoo.com/38/20110308/twl-tiger-kills-lion-in-turkish-zoo-6ae0455.html"]in a fight between a lion and a tiger[/url].
  8. [quote name='oldslapper' post='1138824' date='Feb 23 2011, 04:58 PM']I have searched youtube for locking tuners/machine heads, but came up with some S&M videos. Very entertaining and painful to watch, but no help whatsoever.[/quote] I have a bad cold. This made me inadvertently eject green stuff from my left nostril, and then I had to clean up. It's difficult enough to keep this keyboard clean. Thanks.
  9. Westone Spectrum ST - dives.
  10. As far as I can tell, Dirty Walt is back. Go on, they'll be great! [i]Everyday Sunshine: The Story Of Fishbone[/i], last year's documentary, should be out on DVD by summer.
  11. Is it the USA-made Cirrus, or the Indonesian/Chinese(?)-made Cirrus BXP? The 5-string BXP sells for about £460 new, so that seems more likely. The BXP is so well reviewed that I bought one in January, but known to have some QC issues with the wiring, which is why mine is back at the retailers! But that'll be its own thread, when it's all sorted out. I'm nowhere near experienced enough to tell you how good it was otherwise, sorry. Certainly a nice instrument, though. The USA Cirrus is very nice indeed, from what I've read. One went on eBay for about £440 a couple of weeks ago, which must have peed the seller off no end.
  12. My mate was looking for a new guitar and I was doing a bit of the e-legwork for him. Thomann's had a good price on the guitar he wanted, so I looked at some reviews. Some complaints, as you'd expect for any international online trader, but also lots of positives. One of the reviewers, though, suggested that prospective buyers get in touch with dv247 here in the UK and ask them for their Europe-wide price match. My mate phoned them and got the deal, so his guitar didn't need to be imported, cost the same, and will be more easily returnable should things go wrong. Other UK online retailers offer a Europe-wide price match, though I can't for the life of me remember which ones. EDIT: you'd still be at the mercy of the couriers, though...
  13. If the guy filming Victims Family had stretched out his right arm he would have hit me on the head* - what a great show that was. And Rob Wright's (NoMeansNo) amplification is behind Larry Boothroyd's (VF bass player), because NMN were headlining that night. Two of my favourite bands and two of my favourite bass players. *Unless this was filmed after I'd gone for a wee!
  14. Certainly not solo, but perhaps in the spirit of the request, how about Mike Watt and Kira Roessler in Dos? [i]Uno Con Dos[/i] 1989 compilation of two earlier records. [i]Justamente Tres[/i] 1996 Both playing bass, Kira usually singing, Watt occasionally.
  15. Those dates are a bit... fishy (!) if you ask me - Leicester Sub91 on Wed 2nd March AND Monday 2nd of May, Cardiff The Globe both the following days. I suspect the March dates are a misprint. Also, none of those shows are even within driving range from me, so fingers crossed for an Amsterdam show (looking for an excuse to go back over there, though Primus at the Paradiso may be on the cards). Fishbone - love them. EDIT: March dates are definitely a misprint - they're [url="http://fishbone.net/dates/"]touring the States[/url] then.
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1112807' date='Feb 2 2011, 06:49 PM']I think really though there are very few bass players who are very famous as bass players and expecting them to come on here is like expecting Brunel to appear on a Civil Engineering forum...[/quote] J J Brunel? [size=1]First post! I had to register and wait overnight to make that joke[/size]!
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