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Mr H

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Everything posted by Mr H

  1. Thanks KP. To be fair, it's only been at [i]this[/i] price for 12 hours.
  2. They had plenty in the Liverpool Bold Street branch last time I looked - ground floor, back right corner. A good read.
  3. Another Saturday-night-hoping-for-drunks bump.
  4. Sad to read this.
  5. "Wow!" is the noise that fell from my open mouth when I saw those pics too.
  6. Cheers Lou. Let's see what happens if I send this to the top of the for-sale forum on a Saturday night and hope that a drunken basschatter sees it . . . EDIT: fail.
  7. [url="https://flic.kr/p/xhZBmN"][/url]
  8. Just returned from Liverpool and the CUZ show. I missed Watt the last few times he was near, so watching and listening to him at last was a real highlight of my gig-going life. Not only that, the trio's performance was telepathically good. Apart from being a bass legend, Mike Watt has the most astounding voice, and he pulls some interesting faces too. Still a few dates left - http://www.hootpage.com/hoot_cuz2015tour.html - and if tonight was anything to go by then there ought to be plenty of tickets left. Marc Riley session from Thursday available on the BBC iPlayer, I would have thought. Watt!!!
  9. If this sells soon I'm going to order a totally bostin' ukulele.
  10. Looks like the Ibby SRX360 from the 2012 catalogue I have in front of me, although this pic has a different bridge (Accu-cast B200!) compared to many of the pics I can see with a web search. I think Stu West has a sticker below the G - I can just about make out letters at 4.49 in that youtube clip.
  11. On a similar theme, Home Bargain sell a wood touch-up kit for £1.99 which might come in useful for basses as well as furniture, doorframes etc. Some enterprising so-and-so is selling them at a considerable mark-up in the guitars section of eBay.
  12. Too late - the Mingus CD is now in the car. The Peavey, on the other hand, is still for sale or trade.
  13. Hello again. Cirrus still for sale, as you might have guessed! I went shopping last weekend and bought a CD [i]and[/i] a book that I already owned and had forgotten about, so clearly I'm going to need more funds soon as the mental decline accelerates. That said, I could throw in a copy of [i]Mingus Moves[/i] with the Peavey now . . .
  14. [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/CirrusUSA8_zpsw41bopds.jpg.html"][/url] Lovely curves, yet straight and tall. And a fine rear view. What's not to like?
  15. I can't access this forum at work now because of this thread's title!
  16. Post-holiday bump. I had a lovely time, thanks.
  17. Pre-holiday bump, but I'm away for a couple of weeks from this weekend.
  18. Courtney Barnett is great - Radio 6 Music has been playing her for a while now, so we old sods are ahead of the curve for once.
  19. There was a small ukulele festival not far away this weekend (still ongoing in fact, but that rain is putting me right off), and there were plenty of talented and entertaining acts playing yesterday evening, but this woman takes the cake - astonishing virtuosity. Here she is from a similar festival last year: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6yflfPAr_E"]https://www.youtube....h?v=y6yflfPAr_E[/url]
  20. Price dropped. The competition around here is tough! £600.
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