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Mr H

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Everything posted by Mr H

  1. Price dropped because nobody wants it. £667 - the Neighbour Of The Beast joke always really tickled me.
  2. Grooveshark was my first stop when I wanted to listen to something recommended online. Very useful. And a bit cheeky.
  3. Still here. Offers welcome. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Look both ways before crossing the road. Let's look after one another.
  4. Peavey Cirrus BXP? Ticks all the boxes.
  5. I just came across this thread and read through it. Everything is completely above my head and outside my experience, but it's been fascinating to see how you've gone about pulling it all together, and impressive to see several others getting involved and sharing resources and knowledge. How infuriating that you lost all those files! Best wishes to you and your wife, and thanks for posting such an interesting thread, which I'm sure is an inspiration to other potential home-builders. Black and cream!
  6. Still stoned from 4/20?
  7. Read me, [i]Need[/i] me, [size=2]Clothe and feed me.[/size]
  8. Thank you for the kind words, BC and KP.
  9. No longer infectious - come and have a play. The Cirrus, I mean.
  10. Bump! But don't come round to see it this weekend - I've got the flu.
  11. Jeff's former Mooer Bass Sweeper pedal arrived on my doorstep today - speedy deal, friendly comms, nice bit of kit. Thank you Sir!
  12. This is a handsome blue beast: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gordon-Smith-Gryphon-Bass-/261820953364?"]http://www.ebay.co.u...-/261820953364?[/url] I love a matching headstock, me.
  13. Hi Jeff. Pics? Age and condition? Cheers.
  14. Perhaps I have overestimated its value in the current climate. Offers by PM!
  15. Exciting news - now you can try the Peavey through an EBS Reidmar and CL112. You're excited. You are.
  16. More Cirrus: [url="https://flic.kr/p/eXvWtv"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/eXvWtv"]Cirrus[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/people/30972961@N04/"]hehaden[/url], on Flickr Mine is easier to handle and almost as light. Probably. And it could be yours!
  17. Thank you Sir - I was getting kinda lonely here. And good luck with your lottery tickets this week!
  18. Mother's Day bump - help me fund her gin-and-cigarette habit. [size=1]Only joking.[/size]
  19. Here's a player who loves his Cirrus: [url="http://otherbasses.blogspot.co.uk"]http://otherbasses.blogspot.co.uk[/url] (Scroll down past the Dingwalls, if you can! They're lovely)
  20. . . . closely observing the 36 hour bumping rule . . .
  21. NOW £550. This beautiful bass came to me a couple of years ago, and since then . . . it's been mainly hiding in the rack gathering dust, a big fat waste of a professional-standard instrument. I am unsure of the year, but I suspect from around the turn of the millennium, judging by posts on the Peavey forums and elsewhere. Similarly, I can't be certain about the woods. 35" scale, 24 frets, through-neck Two active VFL pickups, 18V, 3-band EQ Gold hardware The 2003 Cirrus manual can be seen at [url="http://assets.peavey.com/literature/manuals/00350260.pdf"]http://assets.peavey...ls/00350260.pdf[/url] - my Cirrus is much the same except not a bolt-on neck and with different headstock decals. Very good condition - three small dings on the body, one on the back of the neck, a smidge of fading where the previous owner's thumb must have rested, and a small crack in the lacquer on the headstock, all pictured below. Nothing you will see from any distance. Some tarnish spots on a few of the frets, but frets look to be in fine condition (I'm no expert!), and are also pictured below. Lovely slim, satin neck. It’s really a delight! 8 lb 4 oz or 3.7 kg Peavey-branded hard case. I live in Wirral. Potential buyers are welcome to come try it out, though I only have an Ashdown Five-Fifteen Minirig! Collection (or delivery within a reasonable distance) preferred, but courier can be discussed - a quick look at UPS via Interparcel suggests a cost approaching £20 for overnight mainland UK delivery, but I suspect some added insurance would be necessary. Not keen to ship overseas. Cash on collection/delivery, or bank transfer please. I am a very poor bass player, I rarely play with others and I haven’t ever gigged, so this item from my midlife crisis bass collection could do a lot better in somebody else’s hands. Thanks for looking. Steve [url="https://flic.kr/p/aDfR3n"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/cased_zpsx88hz14x.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/case_zpspj7pxqot.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/body_zpsnw5qnjfl.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/curve_zpsnvgln43n.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/bridge_zpsqvxexqll.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/strapbutton1_zps6qykfhjt.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/strapbutton2_zps84zlki8i.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/knobs_zpsygmhk3bq.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/fretboard_zpsqigepz0y.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/neck_zpsqkjrmflr.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/middlefrets_zps3xjadgck.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/fretmarker_zpspgqeelyg.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/fretcondition_zpsw7mfho15.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/firstfrets_zpsbez81r6q.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/headstock_zpsuqodvev8.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/brass_zpszzeqg7vk.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/nut_zpsfr4ynp0z.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/ding1_zpsqdseqrop.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/ding2_zpse6fpannf.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/ding3_zpsvi2hfvlb.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/ding4neck_zpsq31nevau.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/fading_zps0dvjvped.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/ding5headstock_zpsev7tnrfv.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/tarnishedfrets_zpswnindaqd.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/back1_zpsk5nhw1rx.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/back2_zpshdkprzok.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/back3_zpsfukwadcb.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/back4_zps2py4alja.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1257.photobucket.com/user/stevejhpb/media/Peavey%20USA%20Cirrus/control%20cavity_zpsanfoefbq.jpg.html"][/url]
  22. A guitarist friend of mine likes to tinker. A year or so ago he fitted one or two Oil City pickups to his Telecaster, and has now ordered a set for his Fret King Corona - he rates them. Oil City hand-wind their kit to order in Leyton, East London. They have a website - http://oilcitypickups.co.uk - and the pickups are apparently very good value. No bass models yet! I have no connection except knowing a happy customer. If you're looking for UK-built replacements then they seem to be worth consideration. EDIT: title changed to reflect replies - thanks gents! EDIT II: title changed again, same reason.
  23. This thread continues to amuse me! I told my friend in Godalming about it, he replied that he was tempted, but that he already has "a (not as good) one", and that driving into Kingston is too much like driving into London. Good luck with the sale.
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