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Mr H

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Everything posted by Mr H

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Overwater-Active-Electric-Bass-Guitar-taken-part-exchange-but-new-condition-/400272343360"]Aspiration Elite[/url]. [size=4][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Comic Sans MS]"Overwater Active Electric Bass Guitar taken in part exchange but new condition Just in stock : a real pro quality bass! Taken in part ex so one only! technically used but as new."[/font][/font][/size] Same seller had a TOJ2 Contemporary J last week, otherwise [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400270816152"]a very similar listing[/url]... So "one only" [i]twice[/i]. Unlikely, but possible. However, after I was outbid in the dying seconds on that Contemporary J I then received a second chance offer - "another bass exactly the same from shop stock." Well regarded basses, good prices, but I still call shenanigans.
  2. I just received some of the fat Overwater strings Steve was selling here. Quick and easy transaction. Thank you sir!
  3. Marc, I meant! Really enjoyed [i]Oceanside[/i] and [i]Track 03 1[/i], by the way.
  4. That took me back, though the band had by then forsaken the shuffly drumming I was used to hearing. I'll have to look for my pre-steve-soar Scorpio Rising tape. Give my regards to M.J. ("Who?!" - M.J.)
  5. Basschat - bringing people together since [whenever it started].
  6. First guy to walk into the store (the groom?) reminded me of this guitar-slinging, gun-toting, speedo-bothering renegade... [attachment=98434:speedo_guns.jpg] Hold onto your breakfasts, basschatters.
  7. BBC4 showed this documentary last night. It's available on iPlayer for the next week or so I imagine, and it's rather good. Archive footage of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and interviews with Brian May, Bruce Welch and Warpaint, amongst others.
  8. [quote name='Steve G' timestamp='1327423338' post='1510989'] Absolutely spot on!!! Very very enjoyable evenings attending his spoken word tours. Rollins is one of the good guys. [/quote] He also takes the time to reply to unsolicited e-mails from fans, and in a way that demonstrates he actually reads the stuff before responding (I have a friend who's a big fan of Rollins). I'm somewhat taken aback that anybody should have deduced that he'd printed that sign himself.
  9. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1327244449' post='1508233'] Thunder 1A for £350 with parts missing and photo's nicked from the Westone site? Errrrrrr no thanks! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260940017800&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123#ht_500wt_945"]http://www.ebay.co.u...23#ht_500wt_945[/url] [/quote] £50 postage too!
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1326558695' post='1498863'] I've just had a number 2. [/quote] Did you wash your hands?
  11. A guitarist friend of mine recently pointed out that Italia guitars were designed by Trevor Wilkinson, and a websearch came up with [url="http://www.garycooper.biz/articles/interviews06xx.html"]this interview[/url] - seems he has a lot to do with the Vintage V4, and it looks like that is a good sign.
  12. Somehow I can't help feeling just a tiny bit [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/164533-fretless-warwick-rockbasses-for-lefties/"]responsible[/url]... Was still a bargain, though, right? Phew.
  13. Bloomin' heck - a £98 jump in the last five seconds... Wasn't me. Couldn't cope with fretless.
  14. Aha! I hadn't spotted that they were all fretless models. And... sorry for the stress, bluejay!
  15. Thomann are currently selling their left-handed Rockbass models for ridiculously low prices - in the region of £130 - £150. Were I one of those absurd and possibly evil left-handed people I'd be all over that like a sinister rash. Heads up, freaks! EDIT: sharpened up the title after reading the rest of the thread.
  16. Want. Gas, telephone and car tax bills all incoming. Can't have. Good luck.
  17. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BslvjqYmzcs[/media] EDIT: How serendipitous - I'm wearing a Fugazi [i]Repeater[/i] t-shirt.
  18. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1324182523' post='1471584']...and wore out the CD [/quote] Eh? What happened to [i]Perfect Sound Forever[/i]?!
  19. The mobile site was a nice surprise, and much easier to read. Thank you.
  20. I bought some wall-hangers and a gel foot (!) from Tom - he posted his for-sale thread on Sunday, I got the money to him by Monday, and the package arrived safely on Wednesday. A pain-free and pleasant transaction - thank you very much.
  21. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1321534119' post='1440235'] Why ANYONE would choose that spastic sperm whale design over those two beuaties is completely beyond me. [/quote] And here begins Basschat's Ricky Gervais moment... That blonde thing [i]is[/i] very nice, isn't it?
  22. [quote name='pickle' timestamp='1321379426' post='1438505'] yeah i know, my landlord is a idiot who wont do anything, so we are moving in the new year. [/quote] I had one of those idiot landlords when I lived in a basement flat in Rock Ferry. I'm glad to read that you're moving. I disregarded the advice to get out of my damp and mouldy flat a.s.a.p. and genuinely nearly died from a chest infection. The bass I then owned still works, mind you.
  23. Mr H


    Oh lordy... [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/steeedm/6328817805/"][/url] A USA Peavey Cirrus. Got this on eBay for a fantastic price at the weekend, and drove to Yorkshire this afternoon (including the spectacular and perilous A6024 across Holme Moss) to pick it up and hand over the cash. It's in excellent condition and has - to my inexpert fingers - a [i]really[/i] nice neck. I'll have to work hard at my playing to do it justice.
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